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Alarming Prospect. __The Single Ladies off to the Diggings.
Alarming Prospect. __The Single Ladies off to the Diggings. Punch's Pocket book for 1853.
[John Leech]
[London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., 1853.]
Coloured etching, 120 x 305mm (4¾ x 12"). Folded as issued. Some time stains.
A light-hearted illustration depicting women during the Victorian gold rush period of extreme prosperity for the Australian colony. A crowd of women stand at the docks ready to board ships to Australia in search of wealthier suitors. They reject the British suitors asking them to stay, replying; "A Cottage! Fiddle-de dee - Sir!" and "Bother yer Hunderd (sic) Pounds, and House in the Public line! a likely Start indeed!" This image appeared as the frontispiece to the 1853 edition of Punch's Pocket Book. By John Leech (1817 - 1864), draughtsman on wood, comic illustrator, lithographer, etcher and painter; born at London. He contributed to 'Punch' between 1841-64, and also practised book illustration, including Dicken's 'Christmas Carol.'
[Ref: 63837]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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"I believe I'm right." M.r. Alder.
Drawn Etch.d. Pub.d. as the act directs by Rich.d. Dighton.
London Pub.d. by Tho.s. M.c.Lean 26 Haymarket, 1824.
Hand-coloured etching. 185 x 260mm (7¼ x 10¼"), with large margins. Mint.
A full-length portrait in profile facing left of Daniel Alder, an indigo broker. The text 'Y.C.Tallow 60/-" issues from his closed mouth. In the shadow cast by the figure 'Hughes/ 14 Lombard St/Fleet St.' is printed in reverse. Hughes was a manufacturer and supplier of copper plates, Dighton would sometimes use the reverse of the plate causing the manufacturer's impress to appear in the image. Originally published in 1823, this example was published the following year, with McLean's imprint and the 'Mr Alder' added.
BM 14537.A.
[Ref: 63798]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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V. Alfiéri, Poëte dramatique Italien né en 1749, mort en 1803.
V. Alfiéri, Poëte dramatique Italien né en 1749, mort en 1803.
Lith. de V. Raltier.
Galerie Universelle. Place Vendome No. 24 Publiée par Blaisoz [n.d., c.1830.]
Lithograph. Sheet 270 x 205mm (10¾ x 8"). Mounted in album paper at borders.
Count Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803), Italian dramatist and poet considered the 'founder of Italian tragedy'.
[Ref: 63619]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Prince Alfred in Australia.
Prince Alfred in Australia. The Duke Opening the Horticultural and Africultural Exhibition of South Australia. The Glenelg Corporation Presenting their Address to the Duke, - Sppe Page 175.
The Illustrated London News. Fer. 22, 1868.
Two wood engravings on one sheet. Sheet 415 x 290mm (16¼ x 11½") Lacking text.
Queen Victoria's second son, Alfred (1844-1900), Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, was the first member of the British royal family to visit Australia. Although he was well received, he was shot in the back in an assassination attempt less than a month later.
[Ref: 63759]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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"Wholemeal Bread" (D.r T.R. Allinson) "Vanity Fair" Supplement. Men of The Day. No. 1299.
Ray. Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Lith.
[4th October 1911]
Chromolithograph, sheet 385 x 250mm (15¼ x 10"), large margins. Paper toned.
Full length caricature portrait of Thomas Richard Allinson (1858-1918) English physician, dietetic reformer, businessman, journalist and vegetarianism activist. He was a proponent of wholemeal bread consumption. His name is still used today for a bread popular in Europe, Allinson bread.
[Ref: 63671]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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The Amour. Set by M.r Digard.
The Amour. Set by M.r Digard. To her Grace the Dutchess of Queensberry these Four Plates are humbly inscrib'd.
G. Bickham jun.r Sculp.
Published According to Act of Parliament, August 5, 1737.
Etching, first sheet only. 325 x 200mm (12¾ x 8"). Mounted in album paper at edges.
A music sheet with a headpiece of a courting couple, composed by David Digard (d.1745). From George Bickham's 'The Musical Entertainer'.
[Ref: 63589]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Dandy Dick, the Mostrous Masher.
Dandy Dick, the Mostrous Masher.
[n.d., c.1900.]
Wood engraving, printed in red. Sheet 380 x 80mm (15 x 3¼") Folded, several worm holes.
A caricature of a dandy, smoking a cheroot.
[Ref: 63711]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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Oh no! I never touch Spirits.
Oh no! I never touch Spirits.
[n.d., c.1900.]
Wood engraving, printed in green. Sheet 380 x 80mm (15 x 3¼") Folded, one worm hole.
A caricature of a woman, gin bottle in her basket.
[Ref: 63712]   £75.00   (£90.00 incl.VAT)
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'Ossy, who'll take the odds?
'Ossy, who'll take the odds?
[n.d., c.1900.]
Wood engraving, printed in red. Sheet 380 x 80mm (15 x 3¼") Folded, several worm holes.
A caricature of a gambler, pencil between his teeth, notebook in hand.
[Ref: 63713]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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The Image of its Dad.
The Image of its Dad.
[n.d., c.1900.]
Wood engraving, printed in green. Sheet 380 x 80mm (15 x 3¼") Folded, several worm holes.
A caricature of a grinning man holding a baby in a christening gown.
[Ref: 63714]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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The Death of Arcite
The Death of Arcite No. 2 of Macklin's British Poets Vide Chaucers Palamen & Arcite moderniz'd by Dryden.
W. Hamilton R.A. pinxt. F. Bartolozzi R.A & Engraver to his Majesty sculpt.
London. Pubd. Feby. 20. 1790 by Thos. Macklin, Poets Gallery, Fleet Street.
Stipple engraving with etching, 430 x 500mm, very large margins. Small tears repaired with tape, one just going into the plate mark at the top. Two small holes in image.
Arcite on his deathbed, wounded in a joust he held with his sworn brother Palamon to compete for the love of Emelye. She stands beside the bed, her hand in his, removing her veil, while Palamon approaches on the right and Theseus sits watching on the left. Illustration from 'Palamon and Arcite' by John Dryden (1631 - 1700), based on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Tale of the Knight). Published by Thomas Macklin (c.1760 - 1800) for his series of 'British Poets', begun in 1787.
[Ref: 63752]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Explanation of the arms of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Explanation of the arms of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Tyrant of France, who created himself Emperor of the French 18th May 1803; was dethroned by the French Senate 2d April 1814; compelled to abdicate for himself and his Family 6th April, and his Life spared on condition of being transported for the remainder of his days to the Island of Elba; whither he was sent under escort on the 20th of April, 1814.
[By Thomas Rowlandson, after a design published by J.B.G. Vogel.]
[Published by R. Ackermann, at his Repository of Arts, 101, Strand, London.] [n.d., c.1814.]
Coloured etching with letterpress. Sheet 445 x 275mm (17½ x 10¾"). Trimmed at bottom, losing publication line, some cockling of paper, laid on album sheet.
A satirical heraldic set of arms for Napoleon, supported by Death and the Devil. An copy of a plate published by J.B.G. Vogel in 1808, with a demon on the left side replaced by Death, by Rowlandson.
BM Satires 12235; see 12205 for Cruikshank's version and 11057 for Vogel's original.
[Ref: 63811]   £590.00  
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Plan and Survey of Ascot Race Course, in the County of Berks; including the Rises and Fall; with Notes Referring to an Appendix; by W.m Kemp.
Plan and Survey of Ascot Race Course, in the County of Berks; including the Rises and Fall; with Notes Referring to an Appendix; by W.m Kemp. To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty This Plate being No.4. of a Series of Surveys, of the Principal Race Courses in England Is respectfully dedicated by His most obedient Subject & Servant, W.m Kemp [facsimile signature.]
Davies sculp. 34 Compton St. Brunsw.k Sq.e.
London, Published by Sherwood, Jones & Co. Paternoster Row, July, 1824.
Engraved map with hand colour, 210 x 255mm (8¼ x 10"), watermarked 'J Whatman 1823'. Folded as issued. Some light foxing.
A plan of Ascot Race Course with profiles of the elevations of each route.
[Ref: 63728]   £120.00  
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Plan General du Chateau de Bagnolet et de ses Jardins.
Plan General du Chateau de Bagnolet et de ses Jardins. Appartenant a S.A.R. Madame la Duchesse d'Orleans. du dessein de M.r Desgotz, architecte du Roi et Controlleur de ses Bâtiments. [&] Elevation de la façade de Château de Bagnolet du côté du Jardin. [&] Plan du pavillon appellé l'Hermitage dans le Jardin du Château de Bagnolet.
AParis chez Mariette rue S. Jacques aux Colones d'hercule [n.d., c.1700].
Three plates stitched on left edge: engraved plan & two architectural plates. Each sheet 470 x 605mm (18½ x 23¾").
A finely-engraved plan and plates of Marly, showing the positions of the house, ornamental gardens and parkland, with an extensive key.
[Ref: 63862]   £420.00   view all images for this item
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Dressing for the Ball in 1857.
Dressing for the Ball in 1857. Punch's Pocket book for 1857.
John Leech [in image]
[London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., 1857.]
Coloured etching, 120 x 305mm (4¾ x 12"). Folded as issued. Some time stains.
An illustration depicting a satirical scene of women getting ready for a ball. One of the ladies is being dressed in an inflatable crinoline, with a maidservant pumping air to inflate the petticoat. By John Leech (1817 - 1864), draughtsman on wood, comic illustrator, lithographer, etcher and painter; born at London. He contributed to 'Punch' between 1841-64, and also practised book illustration, including Dicken's 'Christmas Carol.'
[Ref: 63846]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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["popular Astronomy" Jehu Junior"]
Spy [Sir Leslie Ward]. [Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Lith.]
[Vanity Fair. Jan.y 1904]
Chromolithograph proof, with text, sheet 405 x 275mm (16 x 10¾"), large margins.
Full length caricature portrait of Irish astronomer, Sir Robert Stawell Ball (1840-1913).
See also reference 18036.
[Ref: 63690]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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[Songsheet] The Banks of the Dee. The Jolly Skiffsman. I'm Going Ober de Mountain.
[Songsheet] The Banks of the Dee. The Jolly Skiffsman. I'm Going Ober de Mountain.
Walker, Printer, Durham.
Letterpress with woodcut vignette and border. Sheet 255 x 190mm (9¾ x 7½"). Tear bottom centre repaired.
The lyrics to three popular ballads. 'The Banks of the Dee' was written by John Tait in 1775, when a friend left Scotland to join the British forces in America in the runup to the American War of Independence. When Robert Burns complained that nightingales sing from a bush, never a tree, Tait changed the lyrics from 'nightingale sung' to 'pigeon coo'd'. 'I'm Going ober de Mountain' was written by Daniel Decatur Emmett (1815-1904), founder of the first troupe of the blackface minstrel tradition, the Virginia Minstrels.
[Ref: 63640]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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The Tea Gardens North side Bayswater Road.
The Tea Gardens North side Bayswater Road.
P. Sandby del.t.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Etching. 200 x 250mm (8 x 9¾"). Printer's crease at top, entering image.
Three men sit at a table under a tree. An amateurish copy of Sandby's watercolour in the V&A (P.16-1952).
[Ref: 63717]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Sketches of Fashion. Plate 1st. Showing the Difference between Beasts & Babies.
Sketches of Fashion. Plate 1st. Showing the Difference between Beasts & Babies.
[Monogram of Paul Prey, psudonym of William Heath] Esq.r s.
Pub June 4th 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole Publisher of P-Pry original Caricatures.
Etching with fine hand colour. 345 x 245mm (13½ x 9¾"), watermarked 'J Whatman 1828', large margins. Tears entering plate on right taped, slight soiling.
A group of dandies dressing to impress, some clean-shaven, others with bushy beards.
BM Satires: 15962.
[Ref: 63786]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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The Beau Monde. Our modern Ladies heads are fill'd with Bows.
The Beau Monde. Our modern Ladies heads are fill'd with Bows.
William Heath. del.
Pub July 6 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket - Sole publisher of - Mr Heath's Etchings.
Engraving with very fine hand colour. 365 x 250mm (14¼ x 9¾"), large margins. Tears margins taped.
A young woman with a broad-brimmed hat, on which are perched a dozen miniature suitors.
Not in BM Satires.
[Ref: 63785]   £420.00  
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Francis Beaumont. Esq.
Francis Beaumont. Esq.
Geo: Vertue Sculp 1729. [Early issue]
Engraving. 380 x 245mm (15 x 9¾"), large margins. Small printer's crease on left edge.
A portrait in oval of playwright Francis Beaumont (1584-1616),
Provenance: Sandys Family, Ormersley Court, Worcestershire.
[Ref: 63881]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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John Bellingham.
John Bellingham. Taken at the Sessions House Old Bailey, May=15th=1812.
Drawn & Etcd by Dennes Dighton.
Pub.d as the Act directs by Dighton. Spring Gardens. May 16th 1812.
Coloured etching. 305 x 215mm (12 x 8½"), watermarked 'J Whatman 1811?, large margins. Mint.
A sketch of John Bellingham (1770-1812), in the dock at the Old Bailey for the murder of Spencer Perceval (1762-1812), the only British prime minister to be assassinated while in office.
[Ref: 63807]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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Progress of Bloomerism; or a Complete Change.
Progress of Bloomerism; or a Complete Change. Punch's Pocket book for 1852.
John Leech [in image]
[London: Bradbury, Evans & Co., 1852]
Coloured etching, sheet 125 x 315mm (5 x 12½"). Folded as issued. Some time stains. Small holes in fold where bound.
A rare satire of the introduction of 'bloomers', loose Turkish-style trousers for women. More comfortable than the stiff pettycoats and long skirts of the period, they came to be seen as symbols of feminist reform. The adherents of bloomerism take on the characteristrics of men as they talk, smoke and ride a rocking horse not side sadle. Illustration for Follies of the Year by John Leech, a series of coloured etchings from Punch's Pocket Books, 1844–1864, published by Bradbury Evans & Co. John Leech (1817 - 1864), draughtsman on wood, comic illustrator, lithographer, etcher and painter; born at London. He contributed to 'Punch' between 1841-64, and also practised book illustration, including Dicken's 'Christmas Carol.'
[Ref: 63857]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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The Grand Dramatic Romance of Blue-Beard or Female Curiosity,
The Grand Dramatic Romance of Blue-Beard or Female Curiosity, As now performing at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane with unbounded Applause, the words by George Coleman the Younger, Esq.r, the Music Composed and Selected by Michael Kelly.
London, Sold at Preston's Music Warehouse 97 Strand & at Kelly's Musical Saloon 9 Pall Mall [n.d., c.1798].
Engraved titlepage. 225 x 300mm (8¾ x 11¾"). With ink stamp 'MK' (Michael Kelly's music shop?), large margins (tatty) on 3 sides. In ink at bottom right border J. Hill? Split in image area, tear at top taped, edges chipped, paper soiled. Old ink mss in image, lower inscription area and margin.
The cover of the music to an opera with lyrics by George Coleman the Younger (1762-1836) and music by the famous Irish tenor Michael Kelly (1762-1826). An example of the complete book in the University of Western Ontario has the same 'MK' stamp.
[Ref: 63661]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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The Booroom Slave.
The Booroom Slave.
H. Thomson, R.A., del.t E. Finden sculp.t
[Pub. by R. Ackermann, 1828.]
Steel engraving sheet 110 x 75mm (4 x 3"). Trimmed inside platemark, losing publication line and glued to backing sheet.
Young slave kneeling in prayer, from an 1827 painting by Henry Thomson. This print was published in the 'Forget Me Not' of 1828, where it was accompanied by a short story, 'The Booroom Slave', by the Sarah Bowditch, wife of African traveler Thomas Edward Bowditch. Bowditch's story described the plight of Inna, an African chief's daughter abducted by slave traders of Bowditch's story. The same image was subsequently used as the frontispiece for the first antislavery book published in the United States, Lydia Maria Child's 'An Appeal in Favour of That Class of Americans Called Africans'. The popularity of the image can be seen from its later use in banners in other abolitionist materials in the US. Early state before text altered.
For more information, see: Jo-Ann Morgan, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin as Visual Culture'; William Dillon Pierson, 'Black Legacy: America's Hidden Heritage'; and particularly Jill Rappoport, 'Giving Women: Alli
[Ref: 63746]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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"the Salvation Army"
Spy [Sir Leslie Ward] Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Lith.
Vanity Fair Nov.r 25 1882.
Chromolithograph, sheet 380 x 270mm (15 x 10½"), large margins.
Full length caricature portrait of General William Booth (1829 –1912), Methodist preacher and founder of the Salvation army along with his wife.
[Ref: 63670]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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The Bride.
The Bride.
Painted by C.R. Leslie, R.A. Engraved by Ja.s Thomson.
Published for the Proprietor Jan.y 31, 1831 by Moon, Boys, & Graves, 6, Pall Mall, London.
Engraving. 365 x 290mm (14¼ x 11½"), with large margins. Spotting and soiling, mainly in margins.
A half-length portrait of a young woman in a white dress with lace and jewels, veil down her back, putting on a glove.
[Ref: 63697]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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["Justice to Dreyfus"]
GUTH 98 [Jean Baptiste Guth]. Vincent Brooks, Day & Son Lt.d Lith.
[Vanity Fair. Oct.r 1898]
Chromolithograph proof, sheet 385 x 260mm (15¼ x 10¼"), large margins.
Full length caricature portrait of French statesman, Eugène Henri Brisson (1835-1912), Prime Minister of France for a period in 1885-1886 and again in 1898. He leans against a draughtsman table with a smoking cigarette in hand.
For a lettered version see reference: 18035.
[Ref: 63676]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bunbury's Whims.]  Round.  Triangle.  Square.
[Bunbury's Whims.] Round. Triangle. Square.
Engraved from an original Drawing by the late Henry Bunbury, in the possession of the Publisher.
[London, n.d., c.1820.]
Hand-coloured etching. Sheet 170 x 260mm (6¾ x 7½"). Trimmed, losing sub-title.
Caricature showing three highly stylised geometric figures composed of circles, triangles and squares/rectangles respectively. From an early edition of 'Whims and oddities: in prose and verse' by humourist and poet Thomas Hood (1799-1845). Each figure has a couplet by Hood beneath a caption.
[Ref: 63736]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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Bunbury's Whims.  The Lovers.
Bunbury's Whims. The Lovers. A pair of Conscious Lovers _ do not flout 'em, / Foth both have plenty of good points about 'em! T.H.
Engraved from an original Drawing by the late Henry Bunbury, in the possession of the Publisher.
[London, n.d., c.1820.]
Hand-coloured etching. Sheet: 240 x 190mm (9½ x 7½"). Trimmed, tape remains at edges, some staining.
Caricature showing two highly stylised geometric figures composed of angular shapes; a young man on bended knee before woman holding a fan. From an early edition of 'Whims and oddities: in prose and verse' by humourist and poet Thomas Hood (1799-1845). Lettered with a couplet by Hood beneath the caption.
See Ref: 43974 for a period watercolour.
[Ref: 63735]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Sir Francis Burdett.
Sir Francis Burdett.
Drawn Etch.d. by Richard Dighton Jan.y. 1820.
Etching with fine hand colour. 195 x 295mm (7¾ x 11¾"), with large margins. Mint.
Full length portrait in profile of Sir Francis Burdett (1770- 1844) a reformist politician and baronet who denounced the war with France and the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act.
BM Satires 14055.
[Ref: 63797]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Praecellentissimi Vatis, Samuelis Butler. Calidus excuso populum suspendere Naso. Pers.
Praecellentissimi Vatis, Samuelis Butler. Calidus excuso populum suspendere Naso. Pers. Illustrissomp Viro Georgio Granville Baroni de Lansdown. Hanc Tabulam Humillime D.D.D. G. Vertue.
G. Soest pinx. G. Vertue Sculpsit.
[n.d., c.1730.] [Early issue]
Engraving. 365 x 240mm (14¼ x 9½''), large margins.
A portrait of poet and satirist Samuel Butler (1613-1680) from Vertue's 'Twelve Celebrated English Poets'.
Alexander 605. Provenance: Sandys Family, Ormersley Court, Worcestershire.
[Ref: 63877]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[George William Campbell] A View of Argyle.
[George William Campbell] A View of Argyle.
Drawn Etchd [---] by Richd. Dighton. May 1819.
Pub.d by T McLean Haymarket [n.d., c.1825].
Etching. 280 x 150mm (11 x 6"), with large margins, watermarked 1825. Several small tears in right margin, publication line weakly inked. Mint.
A full-length, slightly satirical portrait of the actor George William Campbell (1768-1839), 6th Duke of Argyll.
BM Satires 13031.
[Ref: 63806]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Winter Sports in Canada.
Winter Sports in Canada. Moose-Hunting: Game in Sight. Moose-Hunting: The Return. - See Page 42.
The Illustrated London News. Jan 11, 1868.
Two wood engravings on one sheet. Sheet 415 x 290mm (16¼ x 11½"), watermarked 1867. Lacking text.
European hunters spotting their prey from a hide; and their return with their trophy head. Snow shoes are shown in both scenes.
[Ref: 63758]   £50.00   (£60.00 incl.VAT)
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Candidate. Elector.
Candidate. Elector.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Rare etching. Framed, sight size 140 x 85mm (5½ x 3½"). Unexamined out of frame.
A transformation print. One way up it shows a smiling young 'Candidate'; turned over it changes into a double-chinned 'Elector', wearing a tricorn hat.
[Ref: 63560]   £300.00  
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[Catholic Relief Bill] __Finis__.
[Catholic Relief Bill] __Finis__.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq.
Pub April 1829 by T McLean 26 Haymarket where Caricatures are daily Publishing.
Coloured etching 260 x 375mm (10¼ x 14¾"). Repaired damage inside the plate mark on right. Small margins on 3 sides.
Satire on George IV's eventual assent to the Catholic Relief Bill (to which he was strongly opposed). Te King sits at a round library table and is poised to sign the 'Catholic Rel[ief] Bill', a long document, partly held up by Peel, who kneels. Close behind Peel are Lyndhurst and Wellington; the former uses his mace to block the coronation oath hanging on the wall, while the Duke who screens from the King a portrait of George III on the far wall. George IV's inkstand is supported on an angrily watchful British Lion. In a Gothic fireplace papers are burning: 'Petitions of the People' and 'Vox-Po[puli]'.
BM Satires: 15730.
[Ref: 63725]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Catholic Relief Bill] Protestant Descendency a pull at the Church.
[Catholic Relief Bill] Protestant Descendency a pull at the Church.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq.
Pub March 19 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket where Political & other Cariactures are daily Publishing.
Coloured etching. 255 x 365mm (10 x 14¼") Linen pasted over left platemark, several small pinholes, some cockling of paper. Small margins. Damaged.
A crowd of people gather in a churchyard as a man holds out a 'Petition to Parliament'. They are oblivious to the fact that the ground beneath them has been hollowed out and filled with gunpowder, with a fuse being laid by a priest, and that a crowd including Brougham, Mackintosh, Burdett, Peel and Wellington are pulling down the tower of the church onto their heads. In the background a procession of monks, priests and the Pope walks over a hill towards St Pauls Cathedral, while flames engulf the Monument. A satire on the Catholic Relief Bill.
BM Satire: 15701.
[Ref: 63656]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Ann Catley & Colonel Kerr] A Fashionable Shittlecock.
[Ann Catley & Colonel Kerr] A Fashionable Shittlecock. (Alas! what a Race of Men.)
[drawn and engraved by Matthew Darley]
London, Publish'd by Robert Sayer, Fleet Street [n.d., c.1786].
Etching with hand colour, 18th century watermark. 250 x 180mm (9¾ x 7"). Narrow margins, mounted in album paper at edges.
This caricature is an updated version of a print originally issued in 1772 by the team of Matthew Darly (c.1721-80) & his wife Mary (1736-91). In the original version the figures were identified as Ann Catley (1745-89, a singer, actress and prostitute, later Anne Lacelles), who stands with the tiny figure of Colonel William John Kerr (1737-1815, 5th Marquess of Lothian from 1775) balanced on her fingertips. For this issue Catley has been updated with a wide-brimmed hat, loose curly hair and a voluminous fur-bordered pelisse, while Kerr keeps his outdated clothes. Whether the objects of the caricature have changed is unclear.
BM Satires: 8258. See Ref: 63561
[Ref: 63562]   £320.00  
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[Ann Catley & Colonel Kerr] The Fluttering Macaroni.
[Ann Catley & Colonel Kerr] The Fluttering Macaroni. Say little, foolish, fluttering, thing, &c.
Publish'd as the Act directs Nov.r 7. 1772 by MDarly, 39, Strand.
Etching, on 18th century watermarked paper. Sheet 250 x 180mm (9¾ x 7"). Trimmed to plate, mounted in album paper at edges. Very small margins.
The giant figure of Ann Catley (1745-89, a singer, actress and prostitute, later Anne Lacelles) stands with the tiny figure of Colonel William John Kerr (1737-1815, 5th Marquess of Lothian from 1775) balanced on her fingertips. A caricature by the team of Matthew Darly (c.1721-80) & his wife Mary (1736-91).
BM Satires: 4706. See Ref: 63562
[Ref: 63561]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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Le Chat.
Le Chat.
[French, n.d., c.1780.]
Coloured engraving, 18th century watermark. 330 x 205mm (13 x 8"), very large margins.
Four cats on a roof, with an engraved-test description in French. Very fine feline image. From Buc'hoz's Natural History.
[Ref: 63754]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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"War-worn". (The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain M.P,.)
WHO. Hentschel-Colourtype, London.
Vanity Fair Supplement. [29th January 1908]
Chromolithograph, with text, sheet 385 x 260mm (15¼ x 10¼"), large margins. Slight mark in coat.
Full length caricature portrait of British statesman, Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914).
[Ref: 63675]   £50.00   (£60.00 incl.VAT)
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["our Joe"]
Spy [Sir Leslie Ward]. [Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Lith.]
[Vanity Fair. Jan.y 27 1877]
Chromolithograph proof, sheet 385 x 260mm (15¼ x 10¼").
Full length caricature portrait of British statesman, Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914).
[Ref: 63680]   £110.00   (£132.00 incl.VAT)
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Plan General des Chateaux, Parc et Jardins de Chantilly.
Plan General des Chateaux, Parc et Jardins de Chantilly. Situé dans le Isle de France, à neuf lieues de Paris et à une lieue de Senlis. Appartenant à S.A.S. Monseigneur le Prince de Condé.
a Paris chez Jean Mariette rue S. Jacques aux Colonnes d'Hercules [n.d., c.1700].
Engraved plan, 18th century watermark. Two sheets conjoined, total 440 x 705mm (17¼ x 27¾"), very large margins. Sheets not joined quite straight, some creasing. Uncut.
A finely-engraved plan of Chantilly, showing the positions of the house, ornamental gardens and parkland, with an extensive key.
[Ref: 63858]   £480.00  
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A Copy of the Warrant Signed for the Death of Charles I.
A Copy of the Warrant Signed for the Death of Charles I.
Bowen Sculp.t.
[n.d., c.1750.]
Engraving. Sheet 210 x 405mm (8¼ x 16"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
Facsimile of death warrant for Charles I, with the signatures and seals of the fifty-nine Commissioners who signed it.
[Ref: 63770]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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[Queen Charlotte] A New Mode, of Presenting Two Addresses at once.
[Queen Charlotte] A New Mode, of Presenting Two Addresses at once. When Scenes of Affliction, of Sorrow and Pain, Affect our dear Relatives, Neighbours, or Friends [...]
[by Charles Williams.]
Pub.d Feb.y 1818 by S.W. Fores No 50 Piccadilly.
Etching with hand-colour. 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾"). Mounted in album paper at edges.
Satire on Queen Charlotte's response to the death of Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales in 1817. Queen Charlotte (right) was in Bath at the time and received the address of the Bath Corporation (to which she attends here with avid attention) at almost the same time as news of Princess Charlotte's death. A messenger (centre) delivers both pieces of news, Queen Charlotte taking the former and Princess Charlotte's husband Leopold I of Belgium responding to the latter.
BM Satires 12984.
[Ref: 63576]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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G. Chaucer.
G. Chaucer. Honoralissimo Dno. Dno. Heneagio Finch Comiti de Winchelsea &c. &c. Ectypum hoc olim dum in vivis destinatum nunc T? µ??? ??78 T8 memoriae consecratum esse volui G. Vertue.
Vertue sculp.
[n.d. c.1710.] [Early issue]
Engraving. 360 x 240mm (14¼ x 9½"), large margins.
Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343-1400) was an English author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat. Although he wrote many works, he is best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative The Canterbury Tales. Sometimes called the father of English literature, Chaucer is credited by some scholars as the first author to demonstrate the artistic legitimacy of the vernacular English language, rather than French or Latin.
Alexander 572. Provenance: Sandys Family, Ormersley Court, Worcestershire.
[Ref: 63880]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[The Cock.]
[The Cock.]
F. Barlow pinxit. W. Hollar sculp.
[n.d., c.1660.]
Etching, 17th century watermark. 135 x 195mm (5¼ x 7¾"), with large margins. Stitch holes in left margin.
An untitled plate from the series 'Diversae avium species', showing a cock standing on one leg, two hens and six chicks.
Pennington 2128, only state.
[Ref: 63602]   £320.00  
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Christmas 1882. The Sunday Schools. St John's Parish, Detroit, Michigan.
Christmas 1882. The Sunday Schools. St John's Parish, Detroit, Michigan.
Pamphlet, 4pp, 240 x 160mm (9½ x 6¼"), printed in green.
The programme for a Christmas service, with the lyrics of ten carols. American interest.
[Ref: 63756]   £60.00  
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[Elizabeth Chudleigh] Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Kingston taken at the Bar of the house of Lords.
[Elizabeth Chudleigh] Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Kingston taken at the Bar of the house of Lords. Apr.l 15 1776.
Published by G. Robinson as the act directs May 1. 1776.
Etching with engraving. Sheet 180 x 110mm (7 x 4¼"), large margins. Trimmed into plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
Elizabeth Chudleigh (1720-1788). Having had a short, secret marriage, she bigimously married the Duke of Kingston. When her first husband, by then the Earl of Bristol, brought a case seeking to prove their marriage in order to divorce her, she appeared in the House of Lords in elaborate mourning dress, three years after the death of the Duke. Much ridiculed, she was satirised as 'Kitty Crocodile' in Foote's play 'The Capuchin', 1777.
[Ref: 63597]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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Ducissa de Marlborough &, Sacri Romani Imperÿ Principissa. &c.
Ducissa de Marlborough &, Sacri Romani Imperÿ Principissa. &c.
G. Kneller S.R. Imp. et. Angl. Eques Aur. Pinxit. J. Simon fecit.
Sold by J. Simon, against cross Lane in long Acre. [n.d. c.1715.]
Fine mezzotint, plate 355 x 270 (14 x 10½"), with large margins.
Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (1660-1744). The wife of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough; Sarah Jennings was appointed Lady of the Bedchamber in 1683, and became a close friend and advisor to Queen Anne. Vivacious and adept at politicking, she used her position to further the military career of her husband. Eventually in 1711, her self-confident dominance of the Queen provoked a quarrel and estrangement, and both she and the Duke were dismissed from their offices.
CS: 96 only state.
[Ref: 63748]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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