Vazie's Royal Patent[To left:] Harness without Collar or Breeching. Horses having thus the free use of their Shoulders and Wind, are enabled to draw with greater Power, Speed, and Ease; and without Galling. 10 to 16 Guineas Pr. Pair. [To right:] Diagonal Girths, which, without Breast Plate or Crupper Completely secure the Saddle from removing, render it easy to the Rider, and particularly safe for Ladies. _ 6s to 10s. 6d. Pr. Pair.
No. 20 Vere Street, Oxford Street.
Etching, sheet 240 x 340mm. 9½ x 13½". Surface soiling.
Rare illustrated advertisement for a new type of harness and saddle.
[Ref: 8977] £180.00
Etching, sheet 240 x 340mm. 9½ x 13½". Surface soiling.
Rare illustrated advertisement for a new type of harness and saddle.
[Ref: 8977] £180.00