[Birth Certificate.]These are to Certify, That Priscilla Moginie Daughter of John Moginie and Maria- his Wife, who was Daughter of James & Elizabeth Elsworthy, was born in St. John's Street in the Parish of St. John's Clerkenwell in the County, of Midx. the first Day of May in the Year one thousand eight hundred five. At whose Birth we were present. [...] Registered at Dr William's Library, Redcross-Street, near Cripplegate, London. Dec. 30th 1806. Tho. Morgan, Register. Attendance at the Library every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, between the Hours of Ten in the Morning and Three in the Afternoon; except during the Month of August, and the Whitsun and Christmas Weeks, when the Library is shut up.
Printed by C. and W. Galabin, Ingram-Court, London.
Certificate, 175 x 200mm. 7 x 8". Horizontal and vertical creases.
Birth certificate describing the birthplace and lineage of a child. Registered at a library.
[Ref: 8780] £220.00
Certificate, 175 x 200mm. 7 x 8". Horizontal and vertical creases.
Birth certificate describing the birthplace and lineage of a child. Registered at a library.
[Ref: 8780] £220.00