St. Bride's Avenue.The Improvement in Fleet Street, Proposed To Be Erected By Voluntary Subscription, 1825. The Committee [a list of members' names follows in three columns below]. The Public are respectfully informed that the Work is commenced and will be completed with all convenient speed. Early Contributions are requested in support of an Improvement so conducive to the general Embellishment of the Metropolis.
John B. Papworth, Archt. Thos. Kearnan, Sculpt.
Published by R. Ackermann, 101, Strand, Jany. 28th. 1825.
Engraving, outline proof with open letters, 505 x 330mm.
View of St Brides Avenue as seen from Fleet street, with figures and adjacent shop fronts, including the premises of Pitman and Ashfield to the left. John Buonarroti Papworth (1775 - 1847), architect and designer, was a thorough master of drawing perspective and classic ornament. Many of his architectural designs were exhibited at the Royal Academy yearly from 1794 to 1799. For the premises of Rudolf Ackermann, the publisher of this engraving, to whose ‘Repository of Arts and Essays’ from 1809 to 1823 he was a frequent contributor of prose and verse and of drawings, he designed a hall or reception-room, intended as a lounge for customers. In 1826 he worked on the extensive building, No. 96 Strand, at the corner of Beaufort Buildings, now occupied by Rimmel the perfumer. His most important architectural work in London is here represented - St. Bride's Avenue, Fleet Street. This provided a clear view and a good access for the magnificent steeple of St. Bride's Church, previously screened from Fleet Street by a row of houses. This vision of how the new street might look is intended to encourage subscriptions for the project. The details of where subscriptions were received are provided to the left and right of the caption below the image.
Guildhall Library Record: 1693. Also two coloured impressions.
[Ref: 8758] £260.00
Published by R. Ackermann, 101, Strand, Jany. 28th. 1825.
Engraving, outline proof with open letters, 505 x 330mm.
View of St Brides Avenue as seen from Fleet street, with figures and adjacent shop fronts, including the premises of Pitman and Ashfield to the left. John Buonarroti Papworth (1775 - 1847), architect and designer, was a thorough master of drawing perspective and classic ornament. Many of his architectural designs were exhibited at the Royal Academy yearly from 1794 to 1799. For the premises of Rudolf Ackermann, the publisher of this engraving, to whose ‘Repository of Arts and Essays’ from 1809 to 1823 he was a frequent contributor of prose and verse and of drawings, he designed a hall or reception-room, intended as a lounge for customers. In 1826 he worked on the extensive building, No. 96 Strand, at the corner of Beaufort Buildings, now occupied by Rimmel the perfumer. His most important architectural work in London is here represented - St. Bride's Avenue, Fleet Street. This provided a clear view and a good access for the magnificent steeple of St. Bride's Church, previously screened from Fleet Street by a row of houses. This vision of how the new street might look is intended to encourage subscriptions for the project. The details of where subscriptions were received are provided to the left and right of the caption below the image.
Guildhall Library Record: 1693. Also two coloured impressions.
[Ref: 8758] £260.00