Ad mentem Generosis C.L. ab Hagedorn, Pontentiss: Sarmat: Regis et Electoris Sax: a Confilus Legationum, in Cupis pinacotheca archtypon asservatur.
I Nogari pinxit; I I Haid del sc et exc Aug Vind.
[n.d., c.1750.]
Mezzotint. Mount window 340 x 230mm. Trimmed to plate and laid onto backing sheet.
A turbaned man golding a scroll and gesturing at a globe, after a painting by Nogari then in Hagedorn's collection. The BM describes their example as "possibly a geographer".
BM: 1885,1212.13.
[Ref: 8401] £190.00
[n.d., c.1750.]
Mezzotint. Mount window 340 x 230mm. Trimmed to plate and laid onto backing sheet.
A turbaned man golding a scroll and gesturing at a globe, after a painting by Nogari then in Hagedorn's collection. The BM describes their example as "possibly a geographer".
BM: 1885,1212.13.
[Ref: 8401] £190.00