To Sir George Pocock, Knight of the Bath and Admiral of the Blue Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet, on the Expedition against the Havannah in 1762,This Perspective view of the Harbour, with the Land to the West, the Moro Castle to the Eastward, and the Fleet entring the Harbour to take Possession on 16. Lead By the Hon.ble Aug.s Kepple in His Majesty's Ship Valiant, is most humbly Inscribed by his devoted humble Serv.t Philip Orsbridge.
D. Serres. P.C. Canot Sculpsit.
[n.d. c.1765].
Engraving, 460 x 660mm. Laid on board, some spotting.
One plate from a set of twelve painted by Serres. In 1762, during the Seven Years' War with Spain, a large fleet was sent to Cuba under the command of the Earl of Albermarle with Admirals Pocock and Kepple. They succeeded in capturing Havana, which they returned to Spain in the Treaty of Paris (1763), in exchange for Florida.
Cust: Naval Prints 73.
[Ref: 8109] £950.00
[n.d. c.1765].
Engraving, 460 x 660mm. Laid on board, some spotting.
One plate from a set of twelve painted by Serres. In 1762, during the Seven Years' War with Spain, a large fleet was sent to Cuba under the command of the Earl of Albermarle with Admirals Pocock and Kepple. They succeeded in capturing Havana, which they returned to Spain in the Treaty of Paris (1763), in exchange for Florida.
Cust: Naval Prints 73.
[Ref: 8109] £950.00