Is this 'Barber Ross A'?(New Reading) vide Tragedy of Barbarossa.
Etch'd & Publish'd by Peeping Tom. Coventry St.
[n.d., c.1809.]
Etching with hand colour, 349 x 247mm. Occasional spotting.
Alexander Ross the barber and perfumer who published a 'Treatise on Bear's Grease, with preserve the head of hair..' in 1795. He was also an O.P. ('old prices') rioter, with 'OP' inscribed on his hat. When the new Covent Garden theatre was opened in 1809, the charges of admission were increased; but night after night for three months a throng crowded the pit, shouting “O P!” Much damage was done, and the manager was obliged at last to give way.
BM Satires: 11435. Ex: Collection of Alec Clunes. From the Minto Wilson Collection.
[Ref: 7799] £420.00
[n.d., c.1809.]
Etching with hand colour, 349 x 247mm. Occasional spotting.
Alexander Ross the barber and perfumer who published a 'Treatise on Bear's Grease, with preserve the head of hair..' in 1795. He was also an O.P. ('old prices') rioter, with 'OP' inscribed on his hat. When the new Covent Garden theatre was opened in 1809, the charges of admission were increased; but night after night for three months a throng crowded the pit, shouting “O P!” Much damage was done, and the manager was obliged at last to give way.
BM Satires: 11435. Ex: Collection of Alec Clunes. From the Minto Wilson Collection.
[Ref: 7799] £420.00