Johnson, Perfumer To His Majesty,Inimitable Hair-Cutter & Patent Perruquier, 58, Market Street, Manchester, Who, by a tact peculiarly his own, has introduced a new era in the science of Hair-Cutting....[description of services offered follows.]
[n.d., c.1840.]
Printed letterpress advertisement with vignette coat of arms, sheet 194 x 172mm. Laid on scrap sheet. Creases where previously folded.
The talents of this Manchester hair-dresser and wig-maker are expounded in effusive and mock-heroic language.
[Ref: 7775] £140.00
Printed letterpress advertisement with vignette coat of arms, sheet 194 x 172mm. Laid on scrap sheet. Creases where previously folded.
The talents of this Manchester hair-dresser and wig-maker are expounded in effusive and mock-heroic language.
[Ref: 7775] £140.00