Moulin A Huile En Mouvement et travaux divers executes a Moguedchou.
Arthus Bertrand, editeur. A. Bayot lith.
Imp. Becquet fr.r. des Noyers, 37, Paris. [n.d., c.1860.]
Coloured lithograph, sheet 360 x 425mm. Residue from old mount.
A camel drives a mill in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. 'Voyage a la cote orientale d'Afrique.' printed upper left.
[Ref: 7380] £160.00
Imp. Becquet fr.r. des Noyers, 37, Paris. [n.d., c.1860.]
Coloured lithograph, sheet 360 x 425mm. Residue from old mount.
A camel drives a mill in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. 'Voyage a la cote orientale d'Afrique.' printed upper left.
[Ref: 7380] £160.00