[Vinegar Valentine.] Haste thee with this Valentine, thou silly man of letters, /And try to do the best you can to serve and please your betters. / For I'd sooner live an old maid or else give up the ghost, / Than wed a grinning postman, as stupid as a post.
[n.d., c.1870.]
Colour-printed wood engraving with letterpress, image 210 x 165mm, on folded sheet.
Vinegar Valentines are rather unflattering and often insulting; some addressed to trades and professions, perhaps given to customers to their suppliers, rather than true valentines.
[Ref: 7070] £130.00
Colour-printed wood engraving with letterpress, image 210 x 165mm, on folded sheet.
Vinegar Valentines are rather unflattering and often insulting; some addressed to trades and professions, perhaps given to customers to their suppliers, rather than true valentines.
[Ref: 7070] £130.00