La Battalla De Baylen y Rendicion de el General Dupont al Exercito Espanol Patriotico al Mando de los Generales Castanos y Reding Pieza Historica y Militar para el Piano Forte, accompanamineto de Violin y Bazo Dedicada a la Lunta Suprema de Sevilla. Los Generales Castoanos y Teding sus Valietes Officales y Soldados y a to dos los Patriotas Espanoles por Peter Weldon.
Engraved title sheet for a composition and arrangement. "Verse la Proclama de la Junta Suprema de Sevilla del 29de Mayo e 1808.
Engraving 315 x 210mm. Trimmed to plate.
'THE BATTLE OF BAYLEN' - And surrender of General Dupont to the Patriotic Spanish Army under the Command of Generals Castonos and Reding and Historical and Military Piece for the Piano Forte with an accompaniment for the Violin & Bass Dedicated to the Supreme Junta of Seville Generals Castanos & Reding their Brave Officers & Soldiers and to all Spanish Patriots. By Peter Weldon.
[Ref: 6504] £180.00
Engraving 315 x 210mm. Trimmed to plate.
'THE BATTLE OF BAYLEN' - And surrender of General Dupont to the Patriotic Spanish Army under the Command of Generals Castonos and Reding and Historical and Military Piece for the Piano Forte with an accompaniment for the Violin & Bass Dedicated to the Supreme Junta of Seville Generals Castanos & Reding their Brave Officers & Soldiers and to all Spanish Patriots. By Peter Weldon.
[Ref: 6504] £180.00