A Fleet Wedding. Between a brisk young Sailor & his Landlady's Daughter at Rederiff. Scarce had the Coach discharg'd it's Trusty Fare, / But gaping Crowds surround th'amorous Pair; / The busy Plyers make a mighty Stir! / And whispering cry d'ye want the Parson Sir?...
J. June sculp.
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament; October ye 20th, 1747. Price 6d.
Engraving. Sheet 225 x 310mm (8¾ x 12¼") Trimmed within plate, laid on card at margins.
Two clerics approach a couple alighting from a coach, desperate to perform their marriage. The print implies that the sailor has returned from sea with prize money and the bride's mother is keen to arrange a swift marriage for her daughter.
BM Satires 2874.
[Ref: 64200] £320.00
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament; October ye 20th, 1747. Price 6d.
Engraving. Sheet 225 x 310mm (8¾ x 12¼") Trimmed within plate, laid on card at margins.
Two clerics approach a couple alighting from a coach, desperate to perform their marriage. The print implies that the sailor has returned from sea with prize money and the bride's mother is keen to arrange a swift marriage for her daughter.
BM Satires 2874.
[Ref: 64200] £320.00