[Saul.The Beauty of Israel is Slain on the High Places. How are the Mighty fallen.]
I. Varley Pinx. I Linnell Sculp 1831 [on slab in plate].
Mezzotint, proof before letters. Sheet 480 x 630mm (19 x 24¾"). Trimmed to plate, slight surface scuffing, laid on board.
A funeral procession, with a shrouded body being carried into a walled city, with Saul's crown preceding him. This very rare mezzotint was engraved by John Linnell after John Varley's oil of twelve years earlier, on which Linnell painting the figures. Linnell, a close friend of William Blake (as was Varley), started etching in 1813, but turned to mezzotint, with this plate being one of his first in that medium and one of the rarest.
[Ref: 6295] £1,350.00
Mezzotint, proof before letters. Sheet 480 x 630mm (19 x 24¾"). Trimmed to plate, slight surface scuffing, laid on board.
A funeral procession, with a shrouded body being carried into a walled city, with Saul's crown preceding him. This very rare mezzotint was engraved by John Linnell after John Varley's oil of twelve years earlier, on which Linnell painting the figures. Linnell, a close friend of William Blake (as was Varley), started etching in 1813, but turned to mezzotint, with this plate being one of his first in that medium and one of the rarest.
[Ref: 6295] £1,350.00