[The Honourable Miss Cholmondeley.]
Reynolds pinx.t. Marchi fecit.
Sold by Ryland, Bryer & Co. in Cornhill] [n.d., c.1763].
Mezzotint. 510 x 355mm (20 x 14"). Thread margins. Small repaired tear in bottom left margin. Very small hole nearby in publication line on left.
Lady Hester Frances Cholmondeley (1763 - 1844) as a child, wading across a stream in bare feet, carrying a shaggy white dog. The daughter of Robert Cholmondeley and granddaughter of George, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley, she married Sir William Bellingham in 1783.
Chaloner Smith, between states i of ii. Hamilton ii of iii.
[Ref: 62771] £380.00
Sold by Ryland, Bryer & Co. in Cornhill] [n.d., c.1763].
Mezzotint. 510 x 355mm (20 x 14"). Thread margins. Small repaired tear in bottom left margin. Very small hole nearby in publication line on left.
Lady Hester Frances Cholmondeley (1763 - 1844) as a child, wading across a stream in bare feet, carrying a shaggy white dog. The daughter of Robert Cholmondeley and granddaughter of George, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley, she married Sir William Bellingham in 1783.
Chaloner Smith, between states i of ii. Hamilton ii of iii.
[Ref: 62771] £380.00