[Mss. letter and invitation to the Caledonian Fancy-Dress Ball] The Duchess of Buckingham presents her compliments to Capt.n White & has much pleasure in sending him the voucher he wished to have for the Caledonian Ball. [with] Gentleman's Voucher for The Caledonian Fancy-Dress Ball. Willie's Rooms. Deliver to [Capt.n H. Dalrumple White] A Ticket for Tuesday, June 15, 1847.
Ink mss. letter, 180 x 115mm (7 x 4½), on Whatman paper, folded once, and printed invitation on card, 60 x 90mm (2½ x 3½"), filled in with ink mss., wax seal.
An invitation from the Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos (neé Lady Mary Campbell) to Henry Dalrymple White (1820-1886). At the time Dalrymple White was a captain in the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. Later, as their commanding officer, he led a squadron at the Charge of the Heavy Brigade during the Battle of Balaclava in October 1854, during which his helmet was pierced by a Russian sabre. By the end of his career he was a general and KCB. Lady Mary divorced her husband three years later (which needed an Act of Parliament at the time), when Buckingham went bankrupt.
[Ref: 62222] £260.00
An invitation from the Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos (neé Lady Mary Campbell) to Henry Dalrymple White (1820-1886). At the time Dalrymple White was a captain in the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. Later, as their commanding officer, he led a squadron at the Charge of the Heavy Brigade during the Battle of Balaclava in October 1854, during which his helmet was pierced by a Russian sabre. By the end of his career he was a general and KCB. Lady Mary divorced her husband three years later (which needed an Act of Parliament at the time), when Buckingham went bankrupt.
[Ref: 62222] £260.00