[Salzburg] Prospectus Elegantiores Splendidissimae Achiepiscopalis Urbis Salisburgensis...
A Jo. Baptista Homanno Noribergae [n.d., c.1720].
Engraving, 18th century watermark. 495 x 585mm (19½ x 23"). Original central fold, printer's crease, trimmed into plate at bottom.
Views of Salzburg in ten compartments: a prospect of the city and nine views of important buildings, including the Hohensalzburg Fortress.
Ex: Collection of Edward Croft Murray
[Ref: 62144] £490.00
Engraving, 18th century watermark. 495 x 585mm (19½ x 23"). Original central fold, printer's crease, trimmed into plate at bottom.
Views of Salzburg in ten compartments: a prospect of the city and nine views of important buildings, including the Hohensalzburg Fortress.
Ex: Collection of Edward Croft Murray
[Ref: 62144] £490.00