…The celebrity and extensive sale of my Eau de Cologne and Lavendar Water having encouraged many spurious imitations, not only of the article itself, but also the Wrappers and Labels, I have found it necessary to establish a Depot at No. 1 Salters Hall Court …
[LONDON, ca. 1845]
A large lithographed trade flyer, the upper two thirds occupied by a scene of Cologne Cathedral, with price for the perfumes below, and below that, an explanation. 290 x 225mm. In excellent clean condition, with one or two tiny tears or creases in the margins.
An interesting piece of ephemera connected with this famous maker of Eau de Cologne. The Farinas had been brought in, in 1732, by the Italian inventor, Gian Paolo de Feminis, to help meet demand, and the eighth generation of the family still manufacture it. By the time of this piece, the Farinas already had a branch in Paris. In the lower margin of the scene of Cologne Cathedral are prices and dates for the sale of wine, the latest of which is 1841.
[Ref: 5903] £240.00
A large lithographed trade flyer, the upper two thirds occupied by a scene of Cologne Cathedral, with price for the perfumes below, and below that, an explanation. 290 x 225mm. In excellent clean condition, with one or two tiny tears or creases in the margins.
An interesting piece of ephemera connected with this famous maker of Eau de Cologne. The Farinas had been brought in, in 1732, by the Italian inventor, Gian Paolo de Feminis, to help meet demand, and the eighth generation of the family still manufacture it. By the time of this piece, the Farinas already had a branch in Paris. In the lower margin of the scene of Cologne Cathedral are prices and dates for the sale of wine, the latest of which is 1841.
[Ref: 5903] £240.00