Robert Faulknor Esq.To The Honble. Samuel Barrington Admiral Of The Blue &c. This Portrait Of An Officer Whose Gallant Conduct Has Done So Much Credit To Your Early Patronage Is Most Respectfully Dedicated By Sir Your Most Devoted Humble Servant James Roberts.
James Roberts (Portrait Painter to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence) pinxit. H.D. Gardner sculpsit.
Published as the Act directs May 20. 1795, by James Roberts, Duke Street, Westminster.
Stipple engraving with etching. 355 x 260mm.
Fine copy of this memorial portrait of Robert Faulknor [1763 - 1795], captain in the navy. He was shot during an engagement with a French frigate in the West Indes. His memory is kept alive by a monument by Rossi erected at public expense in St. Paul's Cathedral.
[Ref: 4952] £230.00
Published as the Act directs May 20. 1795, by James Roberts, Duke Street, Westminster.
Stipple engraving with etching. 355 x 260mm.
Fine copy of this memorial portrait of Robert Faulknor [1763 - 1795], captain in the navy. He was shot during an engagement with a French frigate in the West Indes. His memory is kept alive by a monument by Rossi erected at public expense in St. Paul's Cathedral.
[Ref: 4952] £230.00