[Capuchin Monk] Cercante Cappuccino.Nell Gabinetto di S.M. il Re di Pol. Elet. Sassonia.
Eques. P.L. Ghezzi delin. Matthaeus Oesterrich sculps
OM Sculpsit Dresdae 1750 : adi 5. 8bre
Etching, in ink bottom left Matthias Oesterreich fecit; platemark 285 x 190mm (11¼ x 7½"). Trimmed to the platemark top and bottom.
Etching after a drawing by Pier Leone Ghezzi (1675-1755), regarded as the first professional caricaturist. Based in Rome, Ghezzi moved freely amongst the Italian nobility, even associating with Pope Clement XI. His satirical portraits include one of Vivaldi and several British grand tourists. This is one of a collection of Ghezzi's designs engraved by Matthias Oesterreich (1716-78) from drawings in the collection of the Elector of Saxony, 'Raccolta di XXIV Caricature Disegnate colla penna dell Celebre Cavalliere Piet: Leon: Ghezzi. Conservati nell Gabinetto di Sua Maestą il Rč di Polonia Elett. di Sassonia'.
[Ref: 43914] £260.00
OM Sculpsit Dresdae 1750 : adi 5. 8bre
Etching, in ink bottom left Matthias Oesterreich fecit; platemark 285 x 190mm (11¼ x 7½"). Trimmed to the platemark top and bottom.
Etching after a drawing by Pier Leone Ghezzi (1675-1755), regarded as the first professional caricaturist. Based in Rome, Ghezzi moved freely amongst the Italian nobility, even associating with Pope Clement XI. His satirical portraits include one of Vivaldi and several British grand tourists. This is one of a collection of Ghezzi's designs engraved by Matthias Oesterreich (1716-78) from drawings in the collection of the Elector of Saxony, 'Raccolta di XXIV Caricature Disegnate colla penna dell Celebre Cavalliere Piet: Leon: Ghezzi. Conservati nell Gabinetto di Sua Maestą il Rč di Polonia Elett. di Sassonia'.
[Ref: 43914] £260.00