[Surrender of Ten Towns.]Siegreiche Länder und Stätt Ernde...
Georg Phil. Rugendas del. Abraham Drentwett Ornam: del. Ioh: August: Corvinus Sculpsit.
Cum Gratia et Privileg: Sac: Caes: Maj. Ieremias Wolff excudit Aug. Vind. [n.d., c.1720.]
Engraving. Sheet: 390 x 425mm (15¼ x 16¾"). Some light staining. Trimmed to platemark. Creasing hardly visible from front.
Ten decorative scenes showing the surrender of ten towns, including Bruges and Brussels who surrendered to the Great Alliance in 1706 following their victory at the Battle of Ramillies in May. The central scene shows the handing over of the keys to the city of Brussels to the Duke of Marlborough, nine smaller vignettes all set in a highly decorative border show the other nine towns. A plate from 'Repraesentatio belli ob successionem in Regno Hispanico...' published by Wolff.
[Ref: 42526] £320.00
Cum Gratia et Privileg: Sac: Caes: Maj. Ieremias Wolff excudit Aug. Vind. [n.d., c.1720.]
Engraving. Sheet: 390 x 425mm (15¼ x 16¾"). Some light staining. Trimmed to platemark. Creasing hardly visible from front.
Ten decorative scenes showing the surrender of ten towns, including Bruges and Brussels who surrendered to the Great Alliance in 1706 following their victory at the Battle of Ramillies in May. The central scene shows the handing over of the keys to the city of Brussels to the Duke of Marlborough, nine smaller vignettes all set in a highly decorative border show the other nine towns. A plate from 'Repraesentatio belli ob successionem in Regno Hispanico...' published by Wolff.
[Ref: 42526] £320.00