Missisippi of 't wydbefaamde Goudland door de inbeelding der windnegotie. Nieuwe Volksplantin om wind.
[Amsterdam, 1720.]
Engraving. 155 x 210mm (6¼ x 8¼"), set in letterpress. Folded, as issued.
'Mississippi, or the world-famous Goldland in the fancy of the wind trade.' A satire on the Mississippi scheme, with central view of the Mississippi with European settlers talking to two Amerinds, with four vignettes in the corners: (TL) the lying-in-state of Louis XIV; (TR) John Law presenting his investment scheme to the Duke of Orleans; (BL) the interior of Law's opulent offices in rue Quinquempoix with bags of coins being wheeled in; (BR) a ruined investor with his hysterical family. Scotsman John Law's house in rue Quinquempoix was besieged by investors eager to invest in his 'Mississippi Scheme', blocking the street. The share price shot up from 500 livres to 15,000, before collapsing back to 500 in 1721. Law had to flee the country. Published in 'Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid' (The Picture of Stupidity), a collection of satires on financial bubbles.
BM: 1683.
[Ref: 35861] £380.00
Engraving. 155 x 210mm (6¼ x 8¼"), set in letterpress. Folded, as issued.
'Mississippi, or the world-famous Goldland in the fancy of the wind trade.' A satire on the Mississippi scheme, with central view of the Mississippi with European settlers talking to two Amerinds, with four vignettes in the corners: (TL) the lying-in-state of Louis XIV; (TR) John Law presenting his investment scheme to the Duke of Orleans; (BL) the interior of Law's opulent offices in rue Quinquempoix with bags of coins being wheeled in; (BR) a ruined investor with his hysterical family. Scotsman John Law's house in rue Quinquempoix was besieged by investors eager to invest in his 'Mississippi Scheme', blocking the street. The share price shot up from 500 livres to 15,000, before collapsing back to 500 in 1721. Law had to flee the country. Published in 'Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid' (The Picture of Stupidity), a collection of satires on financial bubbles.
BM: 1683.
[Ref: 35861] £380.00