[Albania] Le Prince Castriotto d'Albanie,né l'année MDCCLI. XVIII. Fevrier. II. Petit-fils du Grand Schcanderbeg.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Engraving with small margins, fine. Sheet 175 x 110mm (7 x 4¼").
Stjepan Zanovic (1751-86), Albanian writer and adverturer, descendent of Skanderbeg, Albania's most important hero. He committed suicide aged 35. At the bottom of the monument his works are listed.
[Ref: 29890] £160.00
Engraving with small margins, fine. Sheet 175 x 110mm (7 x 4¼").
Stjepan Zanovic (1751-86), Albanian writer and adverturer, descendent of Skanderbeg, Albania's most important hero. He committed suicide aged 35. At the bottom of the monument his works are listed.
[Ref: 29890] £160.00