Hogarth Moralized. Being a Complete Edition of Hogart's Works. Containing near Fourscore Copper-Plates, most elegantly engraved. with an Explanation, Pointing out the many Beauties that may have hitherto escaped Notice; and a Comment on their Moral Tendency. Calculated to improve the Minds of Youth, and, convey Instruction, under the Mask of Entertainment. Now First Published, With the Approbation of Jane Hogarth, Widow of the late Mr. Hogarth.
London: Sold by S. Hooper, at the East Corner of the New Church in the Strand; and Mrs Hogarth, at her House in Leicester-Fields. MDCCLXVIII [1768].
8vo, fine contemporary crushed morocco gilt, a.e.g.; pp. (iv)+viii+212+viii, 78 engraved plates, complete, fine binding. Occasional foxing and toning; bookplate of Alexander Copland on endpaper, old ink mss. ownership inscription on title.
A charming volume containing miniature versions of Hogarth's prints engraved by Corbould and Dent, and a commentary by the Rev.d John Trusler.
[Ref: 27788] £850.00
8vo, fine contemporary crushed morocco gilt, a.e.g.; pp. (iv)+viii+212+viii, 78 engraved plates, complete, fine binding. Occasional foxing and toning; bookplate of Alexander Copland on endpaper, old ink mss. ownership inscription on title.
A charming volume containing miniature versions of Hogarth's prints engraved by Corbould and Dent, and a commentary by the Rev.d John Trusler.
[Ref: 27788] £850.00