Eliza.She thought she heard the tradermake an offer for her boy; _ could she be mistaken? Vide Uncle Tom's Cabin, C.1 page 7.
Louisa Corbaux del.t et lith. Stannard & Dixon, Imp.
London, Printed and Pub.d Oct.r 27th 1852, by Stannard & Dixon, 7, Poland St.
Tinted lithograph. Printed area 330 x 220mm, 13 x 8¾". Faint spotting in margins.
An illustration from the beginning of Harriet Beecher Stowe's important anti-slavery novel, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. Hearing her owners' negotiating the sale of her son Harry to raise money to save their farm, the black slave Eliza resolves to run away, eventually crossing the frozen Ohio River and escaping to Liberia. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' first appeared as a serial in 1851, then as a book in 1852, both being an instant success. This English illustrated edition also appeared in 1852, with illustrations by Louisa Corbaux. Here Eliza hugs her small son, who is dressed in the girlish style fashionable in England at the time. With their pink cheeks neither look like black slaves, which was perhaps a decision taken to heighten empathy among the book's white readership.
[Ref: 27030] £65.00
London, Printed and Pub.d Oct.r 27th 1852, by Stannard & Dixon, 7, Poland St.
Tinted lithograph. Printed area 330 x 220mm, 13 x 8¾". Faint spotting in margins.
An illustration from the beginning of Harriet Beecher Stowe's important anti-slavery novel, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. Hearing her owners' negotiating the sale of her son Harry to raise money to save their farm, the black slave Eliza resolves to run away, eventually crossing the frozen Ohio River and escaping to Liberia. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' first appeared as a serial in 1851, then as a book in 1852, both being an instant success. This English illustrated edition also appeared in 1852, with illustrations by Louisa Corbaux. Here Eliza hugs her small son, who is dressed in the girlish style fashionable in England at the time. With their pink cheeks neither look like black slaves, which was perhaps a decision taken to heighten empathy among the book's white readership.
[Ref: 27030] £65.00