Ricardus Saunders. [Greek lettering follows.]Art and the Grauer did in Councell sit, The last to shew his Fate this first his witt But not being able: For to ioyne in one Two things where each migt make perfection Themselves they did devide and parts they took The Graver drew his face and Art his Booke.
[n.d. c.170.]
Copper engraving. 228 x 152mm. 9 x 6". Slight damage at corners. Cut to image.
Richard Saunders (1613-1692) was the central figure in the study of chiromancy. He produced his first work 'Physiognomie, Chiromancie, Metoposcopie' in 1653, with an introduction and approbation written by William Lilly. Holding a Horoscope Globe.
In the NPG.
[Ref: 23990] £160.00
Copper engraving. 228 x 152mm. 9 x 6". Slight damage at corners. Cut to image.
Richard Saunders (1613-1692) was the central figure in the study of chiromancy. He produced his first work 'Physiognomie, Chiromancie, Metoposcopie' in 1653, with an introduction and approbation written by William Lilly. Holding a Horoscope Globe.
In the NPG.
[Ref: 23990] £160.00