A Bone of Contention."Chu Chunky of Notts" "Comedian of Notts". The property of Her Grace The Duchess of Newcastle.
Kate Beard 1915 [signed and dated in plate.]
Published by Art Engraving Department, Spratt's Patent Limited London, E.C.3 1924.
Large photogravure on india paper, 375 x 460mm. 14¾ x 18". A fine impression with wide margins. Mint.
Two wire haired fox terriers facing each other inside a kennel, a joint of meat on the floor between them.
[Ref: 23449] £360.00
Published by Art Engraving Department, Spratt's Patent Limited London, E.C.3 1924.
Large photogravure on india paper, 375 x 460mm. 14¾ x 18". A fine impression with wide margins. Mint.
Two wire haired fox terriers facing each other inside a kennel, a joint of meat on the floor between them.
[Ref: 23449] £360.00