Edouard Travies.
Imp. par Lemercier. Paris E. Savary et C.ie place du Louvre 10. [n.d. c.1857.]
Fine hand-coloured lithograph. 370 x 540mm. 14½ x 21¼". Few spots.
A blue jay and a golden winged woodpecker, from Edouard Traviés (1809-1865) 'Les Oiseaux Les Plus Remarquables'.
[Ref: 21906] £420.00
Imp. par Lemercier. Paris E. Savary et C.ie place du Louvre 10. [n.d. c.1857.]
Fine hand-coloured lithograph. 370 x 540mm. 14½ x 21¼". Few spots.
A blue jay and a golden winged woodpecker, from Edouard Traviés (1809-1865) 'Les Oiseaux Les Plus Remarquables'.
[Ref: 21906] £420.00