Minerva.All' Illustrissimo Signor Daniel Antonio Bertoli. Nell' antisala della Libreria di S. Marco.
G. Ant. Faldoni Sculp.
[Venice: Zanetti Snr. & Jnr.,1740-1743.]
Copper engraving on laid paper, 410 x 280mm. 16 x 11". Full untrimmed margins.
The sculpted bust of the Roman goddess Minerva in the Biblioteca Marciana (St Mark's Library) in Venice, engraved by Giovanni Antonio Faldoni from a drawing by Antonio Daniele Bertoli. The library is one of the earliest surviving public manuscript depositories in Italy, holding one of the greatest collections of classical texts in the world. Equated with the Greek goddess Athena, Minerva was the virgin goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic, and the inventor of music. Plate 'X' from the folio 'Delle Antiche statue greche e romane che, nell'antisala della libreria di San Marco e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia..' (100 plates total). Published by Antonio Maria Zanetti (1680 - 1757) in collaboration with his son.
BNF: FRBNF31681530.
[Ref: 21363] £220.00
[Venice: Zanetti Snr. & Jnr.,1740-1743.]
Copper engraving on laid paper, 410 x 280mm. 16 x 11". Full untrimmed margins.
The sculpted bust of the Roman goddess Minerva in the Biblioteca Marciana (St Mark's Library) in Venice, engraved by Giovanni Antonio Faldoni from a drawing by Antonio Daniele Bertoli. The library is one of the earliest surviving public manuscript depositories in Italy, holding one of the greatest collections of classical texts in the world. Equated with the Greek goddess Athena, Minerva was the virgin goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic, and the inventor of music. Plate 'X' from the folio 'Delle Antiche statue greche e romane che, nell'antisala della libreria di San Marco e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia..' (100 plates total). Published by Antonio Maria Zanetti (1680 - 1757) in collaboration with his son.
BNF: FRBNF31681530.
[Ref: 21363] £220.00