Thoughts on Matrimony.Take this much of my counsel, marry not in haste; for she that takes the best of Husbands puts put on a golden fetter. Cupid's whirligig.
Design'd by J.R. Smith. Engraved by W. Ward.
London Publish'd May 25 1786 by J.R. Smith, No 83 Oxford Street.
Very fine stipple, printed in sepia, in fine exhibition frame, c. 1900. 255 x 200mm, 10 x 8". Slight toning. Unexamined out of frame.
A seated woman, reading a letter. 'Cupid's Whirligig' was written by Edward Sharpham (1576-1608), published 1607.
Frankau: 294 iii of iii
[Ref: 20552] £520.00
London Publish'd May 25 1786 by J.R. Smith, No 83 Oxford Street.
Very fine stipple, printed in sepia, in fine exhibition frame, c. 1900. 255 x 200mm, 10 x 8". Slight toning. Unexamined out of frame.
A seated woman, reading a letter. 'Cupid's Whirligig' was written by Edward Sharpham (1576-1608), published 1607.
Frankau: 294 iii of iii
[Ref: 20552] £520.00