[Tavern scene.]V, II. p: 182.
[n.d. c.1780.]
Engraving. Plate 127 x 82mm. 5 x 3¼".
A drinking scene inside a tavern. Men and women sitting and standing drinking into the night, one particular man standing near to the large fire, smokes a pipe whilst gazing across at a woman seated next to a magician. Behind the curtain another man tries to sleep.
Ex Norman Blackburn Collection.
[Ref: 18820] £50.00
Engraving. Plate 127 x 82mm. 5 x 3¼".
A drinking scene inside a tavern. Men and women sitting and standing drinking into the night, one particular man standing near to the large fire, smokes a pipe whilst gazing across at a woman seated next to a magician. Behind the curtain another man tries to sleep.
Ex Norman Blackburn Collection.
[Ref: 18820] £50.00