Henricus A Deventer, Med: Doct. Manet Post Funera Verum.
T: v.d. Wilt Pinx: P: Bouttats fct.
[n.d. c.1680.]
A rare engraving. 216 x 146mm. 8½ x 5¾". Trimmed to the image. Burn mark to top left-hand corner.
Hendrik van Deventer (1651-1724) a renowned Dutch obstertrician. He started life training as a goldsmith until 1679, when he became a surgeon and started in practice as a man-midwife. In 1688 he went to Copenhagen to see some orthopaedic demonstrations, during which he was asked to treat the conditions of two of the King of Denmark's children. He later combined orthopaedics with obstetrics. He was one of the first obstetricians to focus on the function and disfunction of a bony pelvis understanding and talking about the 'mechanisms' and how one had to adopt a mechanistic approach to labour.
W: 803-1.
[Ref: 18651] £130.00
[n.d. c.1680.]
A rare engraving. 216 x 146mm. 8½ x 5¾". Trimmed to the image. Burn mark to top left-hand corner.
Hendrik van Deventer (1651-1724) a renowned Dutch obstertrician. He started life training as a goldsmith until 1679, when he became a surgeon and started in practice as a man-midwife. In 1688 he went to Copenhagen to see some orthopaedic demonstrations, during which he was asked to treat the conditions of two of the King of Denmark's children. He later combined orthopaedics with obstetrics. He was one of the first obstetricians to focus on the function and disfunction of a bony pelvis understanding and talking about the 'mechanisms' and how one had to adopt a mechanistic approach to labour.
W: 803-1.
[Ref: 18651] £130.00