Iohannes Goropius Becanus.
Esme de Boulonois fecit.
[n.d. c.1682.]
Engraving. Plate 184 x 140mm. 7¼ x 5½".
Published in Isaac Bullart's 'Académie des Sciences et des Arts'. Johannes Goropius Becanus (1519-1572) was a Dutch physician, linguist and humanist. He studied medicine in Leuven and became physician to two sisters of Charles V. Goropius later refused a large income offered by Philip II, son of Charles V, and instead established himself as town doctor of Antwerp in 1554. He then dedicated himself to studying antiquity and became fluent in many languages. Despite his extensive travel programme, he remained attached to his homeland. In his 'Origines Antwerpianae (1569), a treatise describing the antiquities of Antwerp, Goropius reports various curiosities of his homeland.
W: 1168-3.
[Ref: 17108] £60.00
[n.d. c.1682.]
Engraving. Plate 184 x 140mm. 7¼ x 5½".
Published in Isaac Bullart's 'Académie des Sciences et des Arts'. Johannes Goropius Becanus (1519-1572) was a Dutch physician, linguist and humanist. He studied medicine in Leuven and became physician to two sisters of Charles V. Goropius later refused a large income offered by Philip II, son of Charles V, and instead established himself as town doctor of Antwerp in 1554. He then dedicated himself to studying antiquity and became fluent in many languages. Despite his extensive travel programme, he remained attached to his homeland. In his 'Origines Antwerpianae (1569), a treatise describing the antiquities of Antwerp, Goropius reports various curiosities of his homeland.
W: 1168-3.
[Ref: 17108] £60.00