[Netherlands] Admiral De Winter. Commander in Chief of the Dutch Fleet, in the late Action with Admiral Lord Viscount Duncan, on the nth. Of October 1797. The British Squadron Captured Nine Sail of the Line and Two Frigates on Board of which were three Dutch Admirals, _Viz. Adml. De Winter,_ Vice Adml. Reyntjes (Since Dead) and Rear Adml. Munier.
Published 20th November 1797, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London.
Mezzotint with added hand colour. 255 x 350mm. Paper browned.
Jan Willem de Winter, Dutch admiral [1750-1812].
[Ref: 1686] £220.00
Mezzotint with added hand colour. 255 x 350mm. Paper browned.
Jan Willem de Winter, Dutch admiral [1750-1812].
[Ref: 1686] £220.00