Tiberius Cavallo.
Geo.Dance delt. May 28,1799. Wm. Daniell Fecit.
Published by Willm. Daniell No.9 Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, London,Feby.1st.1809.
Soft Ground Etching. 463 x 305mm.
Tiberius Cavallo (30 March 1749 – 21 December 1809), Anglo-Italian physicist and natural philosopher, was born at Naples, where his father was a physician. In 1771 he came to England with the intention of pursuing a mercantile career, but he soon turned his attention to scientific work. He made several ingenious improvements in scientific instruments.
W: 561-1
[Ref: 1494] £50.00
Published by Willm. Daniell No.9 Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, London,Feby.1st.1809.
Soft Ground Etching. 463 x 305mm.
Tiberius Cavallo (30 March 1749 – 21 December 1809), Anglo-Italian physicist and natural philosopher, was born at Naples, where his father was a physician. In 1771 he came to England with the intention of pursuing a mercantile career, but he soon turned his attention to scientific work. He made several ingenious improvements in scientific instruments.
W: 561-1
[Ref: 1494] £50.00