John Ross [facsimile signature.]Victory, Discovery Ship, Sailed 23rd May, 1829; Captn. Ross R.N. & Crew returned 19th October 1833.
Drawn from Nature & on Stone by Harriot Gouldsmith.
Published by Permission by H. Gouldsmith, 151, Albany Street, Regents Park. Printed by C. Hullmandel. [n.d., c.1830.]
Lithograph on india laid paper, india 215 x 185mm. 8½ x 7¼". Trimmed, to india on three sides. Foxed.
Sir John Ross (1777 - 1856), Rear-Admiral and Arctic explorer. In 1850 he set off on his third voyage to the Arctic, in a futile search for the missing explorer Sir John Franklin. He died in London in 1856.
[Ref: 11426] £120.00
Published by Permission by H. Gouldsmith, 151, Albany Street, Regents Park. Printed by C. Hullmandel. [n.d., c.1830.]
Lithograph on india laid paper, india 215 x 185mm. 8½ x 7¼". Trimmed, to india on three sides. Foxed.
Sir John Ross (1777 - 1856), Rear-Admiral and Arctic explorer. In 1850 he set off on his third voyage to the Arctic, in a futile search for the missing explorer Sir John Franklin. He died in London in 1856.
[Ref: 11426] £120.00