Granville Sharp.To whom England owes the glorious Verdict of her Highest Court of Law. that "The Slave who sets his Foot on British ground becomes at the instant Free." Prince Hoare Esq.r Scrip.t
Chantry Sc.
T. Stackhouse. Lithog.r 5 Copthall Build.s
215 x 100mm. 8½ x 4". Slight staining and wrinkling in paper.
Silhouette of the bust by Chantry of Granville Sharp (1735-1813), one of the earliest British campaigners for the abolition of the slave trade. He was also instrumental in establishing Freetown, Sierra Leone.
[Ref: 11127] £240.00
T. Stackhouse. Lithog.r 5 Copthall Build.s
215 x 100mm. 8½ x 4". Slight staining and wrinkling in paper.
Silhouette of the bust by Chantry of Granville Sharp (1735-1813), one of the earliest British campaigners for the abolition of the slave trade. He was also instrumental in establishing Freetown, Sierra Leone.
[Ref: 11127] £240.00