Sherif De Fife.Port De Pettycur Et Inchkeith. Pettycur Harbour And Inchkeith.
Dupressoir. Lith: de Kaeppelin, r. du Croissant, 20.
a Paris, publie par Kaeppelin, rue du Croissant, 20. London, published, by Chs. Tilt, 86, Fleet Street [n.d., c.1840].
Lithograph, sheet 360 x 550mm. 14¼ x 21¾".
Pettycur, Fife, Scotland; beached fishing boats in the foreground, the harbour and sea beyond. From a series of Scottish views by French painter and lithographer François Joseph Dupressoir (1800 - 1859), published in London and Paris. Numbered 'PL.10' upper right.
[Ref: 10633] £160.00
a Paris, publie par Kaeppelin, rue du Croissant, 20. London, published, by Chs. Tilt, 86, Fleet Street [n.d., c.1840].
Lithograph, sheet 360 x 550mm. 14¼ x 21¾".
Pettycur, Fife, Scotland; beached fishing boats in the foreground, the harbour and sea beyond. From a series of Scottish views by French painter and lithographer François Joseph Dupressoir (1800 - 1859), published in London and Paris. Numbered 'PL.10' upper right.
[Ref: 10633] £160.00