Chats on Old Prints.with 110 Illustrations and a Coloured Frontispiece.
by Arthur Hayden. Author of "Chats on English China," and "Chats of Old Furniture."
London T. Fisher Unwin Ltd Adelphi Terrace. 8th impression, 1928.
Book: 8vo (219 x 147mm). Black cloth gilt; pp. 307; colour frontis. & 72 half-tone plates. Rear hinge split.
An illustrated narrative on the various methods and techniques of print making, with a chapter on 'How to Collect. A Chapter for Beginners'. First published 1906.
[Ref: 10228] £30.00
London T. Fisher Unwin Ltd Adelphi Terrace. 8th impression, 1928.
Book: 8vo (219 x 147mm). Black cloth gilt; pp. 307; colour frontis. & 72 half-tone plates. Rear hinge split.
An illustrated narrative on the various methods and techniques of print making, with a chapter on 'How to Collect. A Chapter for Beginners'. First published 1906.
[Ref: 10228] £30.00