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The Comical Physician's Prescriptions for all Diseases.
The Comical Physician's Prescriptions for all Diseases.
[Straker's Lith.r]
[Publish'd by Orlando Hodgson 10 Cloth fair] [n.d., c.1830.]
Lithograph. Sheet 270 x 195mm (10½ x 7¾"). Trimmed to printed border on three sides, losing inscriptions at bottom.
19 vignettes illustrating medical puns: 'Bleeding', 'Cup-ping', 'Amputating', 'Sally-vating', 'Taking the Air', 'Exercise', 'Applying a Salve', 'In hot Water', 'Bathing', 'How to Releive the Chest', 'A Bliss-ter', 'Electrifying', 'Sweating', 'Taking a Cordial', 'A Leech', 'Lancing', 'Taking a Black Draught', 'How to Discharge a little Matter' & 'Taking Pills'.
Whitney Medical Library, Yale, Print00733.
[Ref: 64074]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Frontispiece to the Cookery Books.
Frontispiece to the Cookery Books.
C.J.Grant Invent Del & Lith. Printed by R.Redman.
London Pub by J.Kendrick 54 Leicester Squ.r Sep.t 1833.
Lithograph. Printed border 285 x 200mm (11¼ x 8". Narrow margins made up, repaired losses at top.
Satire with 30 vignettes with cookery puns. One, labelled 'Muligatawney' shows a female cook bending her ladle over the head of a negro servant.
[Ref: 63984]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Frontispiece to the Cookery Books.
Frontispiece to the Cookery Books.
C.J.Grant Invent Del & Lith. Printed by R.Redman.
London Pub by J.Kendrick 54 Leicester Squ.r Sep.t 1833.
Lithograph. Printed border 285 x 200mm (11¼ x 8)". Repaired tears at bottom.
Satire with 30 vignettes with cookery puns. One, labelled 'Muligatawney' shows a female cook bending her ladle over the head of a negro servant.
[Ref: 63983]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Le Facetieux.
Le Facetieux.
[n.d., c.1760.]
Etching with hand colour. 215 x 150mm (8½ x 6"). Mount burn.
A grotesque man with a sword on his hip, waving his hands in front.
[Ref: 64082]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Charles James Fox] Gorgon.
[Charles James Fox] Gorgon. This horrid head in antient times was known, / To petrify beholders into stone. / But Pitt the Perseus of the present day, / With patriot zeal has took its pow'r away, / The venom'd heads from him receiv'd no quarter / Or stings that pointed at the India Charter.
Publishd by EHedges N.º 92 Cornhill March 13 1784.
Etching. 235 x 225mm (9¼ x 8¾"), with very large margins.
A caricature of Fox as Medusa, his hair a tangle of snakes with the heads of the Coalition Ministry: North, Stormont, Keppel, Portland, Burke, Derby, John Cavendish, Sheridan and Carlisle.
BM Satires 6450.
[Ref: 63626]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Charles James Fox] Morning Preparation. [&] Evening Consolation.
[Charles James Fox] Morning Preparation. [&] Evening Consolation.
[James Gillray]
Pub.d Feb.y 25th [& Ap.l] by W. Humphrey Nº 225 Strand.
Pair of aquatints with etching. Each 360 x 260mm (14¼ x 10¼"), with large margins, 18th century watermark.
A satire on the desperate plight of the Opposition. 'Morning': in a poverty-stricken room are Fox, practicing his speech in a mirror; North, seated in a low arm-chair, yawning; and Burke, seated on a three-legged stool mending his breeches. 'Evening': the trio have returned, with Fox looking disconsolately at a copy of 'Pitt's Speech'; Burke flagellating himself with a birch-rod; and North kissing a young woman in tattered garments.
BM Satires 6790 & 6791.
[Ref: 63628]   £550.00   view all images for this item
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[Sons of Henry Fox] A Macaroni Ass Match Between the Cubs NB. St-e Gamblers.
[Sons of Henry Fox] A Macaroni Ass Match Between the Cubs NB. St-e Gamblers. Nature Display'd both Serious and Comic in 12 Designs Dedicated to S. Foot Esq.r by L'Aquaforte & Burin. Pr. a Guinea.
[by William Austin]
Pubd as ye Act Directs May 1st 1773.
Etching, printed in blue, watermark Tot & Son. 270 x 400mm (11½ x 15¾") very large margins.
Two 'cubs' (ie sons of Henry Fox, first Baron Holland of Foxley) ride on horseback. The figure on the right, stood on an ass which refuses to cross the stream, is probably intended for Charles James Fox, while the figure on the left, jeering while crossing the stream, is probably Henry Fox, a keen horserider in his youth. Henry Fox, in the military academy in Strasbourg at this time, was stationed in Boston the following year and participated in the early battles of the American War of Independence. First in a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
BM Satires 5112.
[Ref: 63629]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[Stephen Fox] The Voluptuos. Luxurious. Spendthrift. Macaroni. From Holland. In. A. Breathing. Sweat.
[Stephen Fox] The Voluptuos. Luxurious. Spendthrift. Macaroni. From Holland. In. A. Breathing. Sweat. 3.
[by William Austin]
Pubd as ye Act Directs May 1st 1773.
Etching, 18th century watermark 275 x 375mm (10¾ x 14¾"), very large margins.
A caricature of Stephen Fox (1723-74), eldest son of Henry Fox, first Baron Holland of Foxley, older brother of Charles James Fox. He is depicted obese and asleep, lying on a garden seat, with nosgay, sword and toupet wig with a large macaroni club. From a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
BM Satires 5114.
[Ref: 63630]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[Henry George Grey & Charles Wood] Robinson Crusoe and his Man Friday.
[Henry George Grey & Charles Wood] Robinson Crusoe and his Man Friday. H.B. Sketches No. 641.
HB [John Doyle]. A. Ducôte's Lithog.y 70, St Martins Lane.
Published June 3rd 1840 by T. Mc.Lean, 26, Haymarket.
Lithograph. Printed area 285 x 360mm (11¼ x 14¼"), with 'Subscribers Copy' blindstamp. Trimmed close to border.
Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey, as Robinson Crusoe with Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax, as Friday, carrying two guns marked 'Conservative gun' and 'Whig Radical gun'.
[Ref: 63972]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[Dr William Hunter] The Anatomist Overtaken by the Watch Carrying Off Miss W-ts in a hamper.
[Dr William Hunter] The Anatomist Overtaken by the Watch Carrying Off Miss W-ts in a hamper. 8.
[Drawn by William Austin.]
Pubd as ye Act Directs May 7th 1773.
Etching, 18th century watermark. 270 x 400mm (10½ x 15¾"), with large margins.
Scottish anatomist Sir William Hunter (1718-83) runs from two watchmen, a skull under his arm, dropping both a basket containing the body of a young woman and a copy of his lectures. A satire on the body-snatching problem caused by the sale of corpses to surgeons. From a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
[Ref: 63633]   £390.00  
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[Samuel Johnson & James Boswell.] Scottifying the Palate.
[Samuel Johnson & James Boswell.] Scottifying the Palate. ''I bought some Speldings fish salted and dried in a particular manner being dipped in the Sea & dried in the Sun and eaten by the Scots by way of relish - He had never seen them though they are Sold in London I insisted on Scottifying his palate but he was very reluctant - With difficulty I prevailed upon him - He did not like it. Vide Journal p. 50.
[Thomas Rowlandson.]
Pub.d 30 May 1786 by E. Jackson N° 14 Mary bone Street Golden Square.
Etching, watermark. 245 x 275mm (9¾ x 10¾"). Trimmed within plate. Very small repairs at top border.
James Boswell kneels on Samuel Johnson, holding him down as he playfully holds a fish to Johnson's open mouth, holding back the head of his unwilling friend. Three fishwives laugh and point.
BM Satires 7040.
[Ref: 63409]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Melbourne & Norton] Great Eclipse of 1836.
[Melbourne & Norton] Great Eclipse of 1836. Seen through a Cloud, shortly before it reached its greatest obscuration. H.B. Sketches No. 487.
HB [John Doyle].A. Ducôte's Lithog.y 70, St Martins Lane.
Published by T. Mc.Lean, 26, Haymarket, May 18th. 1836.
Lithograph with 'Subscribers Copy' blindstamp. Printed area 250 x 310mm (9¾ x 12¼"), with large margins. Tears in margins repaired.
William Lamb (1779-1848), 2nd Viscount Melbourne and Prime Minister in 1834 and 1835-41, depicted as the Sun being eclipsed by the Moon of the Hon. George Chapple Norton. During his second term as Prime Minister, Norton sued him for alleged adultery with his wife, the novelist and social reformer Caroline Norton. After a nine-day trial Melbourne was aquitted but the scandal brought the goverment to the brink of collapse.
[Ref: 63970]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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The Lucky Mistake Or the Buck and Blood Flourishing Macaroni _ playing a Solo on the Jelly Glasses.
The Lucky Mistake Or the Buck and Blood Flourishing Macaroni _ playing a Solo on the Jelly Glasses. 10.
[Drawn by William Austin.]
Pubd as ye Act Directs May 7th 1773.
Etching, J. Whatman watermark. 275 x 375mm (10¾ x 14¾"), with large margins.
A military officer, his hair is in a large macaroni club, unconcernedly rides a heavy cavalry horse past a man whom he has knocked down, breaking his wooden leg and several glasses. Upper right is an illustration of the club with an exaggerated description. From a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
[Ref: 63634]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[George Lyttelton] The Merits and Defects of the Dead by their Ingenious Secretary.
[George Lyttelton] The Merits and Defects of the Dead by their Ingenious Secretary. 11
Pub.d as the Act Directs May 1st 1773 [by William Austin].
Etching, J. Whatman watermark. 300 x 375mm (11¾ x 14¾"), with large margins.
George Lyttelton as a hooked-nosed Death, using a tomb as a writing desk, one hand holding a scythe. A grave-digger with a built-up shoe, holds out a skull which declaims ''Life is a jest & all things shew it. I thought so once but now I know it'', John Gay's own epitaph on his monument in Westminster Abbey. The first Baron Lyttelton (1709-73), a few months after this caricature) wrote 'Dialogues of the Dead' (1760). From a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
See Ref: 54443
[Ref: 63635]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[William Philip Molyneux] Lord Dashalong bent on driving.
[William Philip Molyneux] Lord Dashalong bent on driving.
Dighton. Ad. Viv.m Del.t.
Pub.d Nov.r 1801. by Dighton Char.g Cross.
Hand-coloured fine etching. 225 x 175mm (8¾ x 7"), with large margins. Mounted in album paper.
Caricature portrait of William Philip Molyneux (1772-1838), 2nd Earl of Sefton, seated on a high box-seat, driving; he leans slightly forward, his head in profile to the left, a bunch of reins in the left hand, a long whip in the right. Sefton acquired the nickname 'Lord Dashalong' because of his fondness for racing through the streets of London in a carriage with four horses.
BM 9743.
[Ref: 64088]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Tsar Nicolas I] Nicolas Proclaiming Amnesty.
[Tsar Nicolas I] Nicolas Proclaiming Amnesty. Might Makes Right.
On stone by L. Kosanecki.
[n.d., c.1835.]
Extremely rare lithograph with hand colour. Sheet 320 x 270mm (12½ x 10½"). Repaired tears, creases, paper toned.
A caricature of Russian tsar Nicolas I (1796-1855), trumpeting successes but trampling on the Congress of Vienna and oppressing his own people. Louis Kozanecki (c.1804-64), a Polish painter and lithographer who worked in London from at least 1833. He was buried on the Isle of Man.
[Ref: 64076]   £360.00  
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[Caroline Norton] The late Lam[b]entable progress of the new Discoveries just as they were leaving Norton-Falgate
[Caroline Norton] The late Lam[b]entable progress of the new Discoveries just as they were leaving Norton-Falgate
Published June 10th [1836] St Michael's Alley.
Lithograph. Printed area 290 x 340mm (11½ x 13½").
A caricature of Mrs Caroline Norton as a giraffe with four men mounted on her back and her husband, wearing cuckhold's horns, pulling on a lead around her neck. Caroline has left her abusive husband, George Chapple Norton, who accused her of having an affair with Whig Prime Minister Lord Melbourne. Melbourne is seen here on her back clutching her tail.
[Ref: 63971]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Oxford Movement] Ecclesiastical Smugglers.
[Oxford Movement] Ecclesiastical Smugglers. Political Fly Leaves. _ N.º 5.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket, Jan. 6 1851. Printed at 70. S.t Martin's Lane.
Tinted lithograph. Sheet 290 x 410mm (11½ x 16"). Trimmed to printed border, bookseller's red stamp, laid on archival paper.
Clerics and laymen bring ashore Catholic accoutrements, including a statue of the Virgin Mary, a reliquary and a censer, taking them into an Anglican church. A satire on the Oxford Movement, a group of high church members of the Church of England centred on Oriel College. 'Touchstone' was a satirist whose work was published by Thomas McLean in the early 1850s. The 'T' of Touchstone is a monogram of a jester's head with belled cap.
[Ref: 63962]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Oxford Movement] The Anglican Hen and Her Pusey Duckings.
[Oxford Movement] The Anglican Hen and Her Pusey Duckings. Political Fly Leaves. _ N.º 6.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket, Jan. 6. 1851. Printed at 70. S.t Martin's Lane.
Tinted lithograph. Sheet 290 x 390mm (11½ x 15¼"). Trimmed to printed border, bookseller's red stamp, laid on archival paper.
A hen with an anglican minister's hat watches as her congregation swims off to Edward Bouverie Pusey, a duck with s wide-brimmed hat on a lake in front of the Vatican. Pusey (1800-82) was a leader of the Oxford Movement, a group of high church members of the Church of England centred on Oriel College. 'Touchstone' was a satirist whose work was published by Thomas McLean in the early 1850s. The 'T' of Touchstone is a monogram of a jester's head with belled cap.
[Ref: 63964]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Oxford Movement] M.r Worldly Wseman Directing Pilgrims to the Town of Infallibility!
[Oxford Movement] M.r Worldly Wseman Directing Pilgrims to the Town of Infallibility! See the Puseyite's Progress, (backwards.) Political Fly Leaves. _ N.º 8.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket, Jan. 21. 1851. Printed at 70. S.t Martin's Lane.
Tinted lithograph. Sheet 280 x 355mm (11 x 14"). Trimmed to printed border, bookseller's red stamp, laid on archival paper.
A satire of Nicholas Wiseman (1802-65), the first Archbishop of Westminster upon the re-establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in England and Wales in 1850. He guides a member of the Oxford Movement (centred on Oriel College), burdened with the 'Thirty-Nine Articles' of the Church of England, towards Rome. 'Touchstone' was a satirist whose work was published by Thomas McLean in the early 1850s. The 'T' of Touchstone is a monogram of a jester's head with belled cap.
[Ref: 63963]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[French invasion threat] Opening of the Budget; _ or _ John Bull giving his Breeches to save his Bacon.
[French invasion threat] Opening of the Budget; _ or _ John Bull giving his Breeches to save his Bacon.
J.s G.y [James Gillray] inv. et fec.t.
Pub.d Nov.r 17th 1796, by H. Humphrey New Bond Street.
Etching. 255 x 360mm (10 x 14¼"), with large margins.
William Pitt the Younger holds open a bag called 'Requisition Budget', warning John Bull that the 'the Cannibal French - They're a coming!'. As John Bull puts his breeches, pockets bulging with gold, into the sack, Dundas, Grenville, and Burke grope into a split seam to pull out guineas. To the left Fox, appalled by the money grab, calls on the French to hurry.
BM Satires 8836.
[Ref: 63627]   £320.00  
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[Sir Thomas Robinson] Long Thomas & Mad.le G_d Going to the Pantheon in Their Natural Masks.
[Sir Thomas Robinson] Long Thomas & Mad.le G_d Going to the Pantheon in Their Natural Masks. 5
[Drawn by William Austin.]
Pubd as ye Act Directs May 7th 1773.
Etching, 18th century watermark. 295 x 375mm (11¼ x 14¾"), with large margins left & right. Trimmed to plate mark at bottom, binding holes in top of plate.
Sir Thomas Robinson (1702-77), 1st Baronet of Rokeby, politician, architect and garden designer, caricatured as long and thin, with a fat, elderly woman on his arm and followed by a foot-boy. Robinson, a shareholder of Ranelagh Gardens, ruined himself throwing lavish balls and masquerades. From a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
[Ref: 63632]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[Nathaniel St André] Major G*****n & Lady Landing at Southampton in Cripples Walk.
[Nathaniel St André] Major G*****n & Lady Landing at Southampton in Cripples Walk. 4
[by William Austin]
Pubd as ye Act Directs May 1st 1773.
Etching, J. Whatman watermark. 270 x 400mm (10½ x 15¾"), with large margins.
An elderly man with a gouty leg walks on crutches, followed by his tall wife with a witch-like face with hooked nose and protruding bearded chin. Among the other figures that walk along the sea front is a man marked 'The Rabbit Doctor St A-', with a rabbit under his arm. This is a caricature of Nathaniel St André (c.1680-1776), a Swiss surgeon who was appointed as surgeon and anatomist to the royal household by George I in 1723. However, in 1726 he supported the claim of Mary Toft that she had given birth to fourteen rabbits, even publishing an account. When she admitted the deception St André lost his Royal salary. Later one of his patients died and he married his widow the same day. The pair moved to Southampton in 1750. From a set of twelve prints by William Austin (1721/33-1820), drawing-master and engraver. Austin taught caricature to amateurs and this series, which mocked several well-known personages (as did its dedicatee, the actor Samuel Foote) contains some of the most lively English caricatures of the period between Hogarth and the late Georgian satire of Gillray and Rowlandson.
BM Satires 5115.
[Ref: 63631]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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The Tavern in an Uproar;
The Tavern in an Uproar; Bonniface shewing more Pluck than her ''good Man'' by backing her husband against Bob Hit-a-Body ripe for mischief; A case for the Phrenologists.
Designed & Etched by Theodore Lane.
[London: Knight & Lacey, and Pierce Egan, 1827.]
Coloured etching. 130 x 220mm (5 x 9"). Trimmed on three sides, hole in right edge, some staining, colour faded.
A scene of a tavern brawl, from ''Pierce Egan's Anecdotes of the Turf, the Chase, the Ring and the Stage''.
[Ref: 63955]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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Conversation at Whites.
Conversation at Whites.
HB [John Doyle]. Printed by C. Mott, 23, Leicester Sq.r.
Published by Tho.s McLean, Haymarket Dec.r 1830.
Lithograph. Printed area 270 x 325mm (10½ x 12¾"). Tears in edges.
Three men stand in discussion by the fireplace of White's Club, although all are dressed for outside, with top hats. One says ''Of course vested Interest's will be respected, to which another replies ''How! no such thing as vesated Interests in our days''. Another man, seated reading a newspaper, eavesdrops and says ''That is one of S-ft-n's perculiar hits! agad! I'll send it as a hint to HB''. According to McLean's 'Illustrative Key to the Political Sketches of H.B.' (1841): The subject of this conversation appears to be the Reform Bill, then the prominent topic of the day. The dress and figure of the Speaker, who observes that ''vested interests will of course be respected,'' sufficiently prove him, although his face is not seen, to be Sir Francis Burdett; the respondent is the late Earl of Sefton, a nobleman equally eminent for the good things which he said, and for those which he devoured. Though not conspicuous in Parliament, he was a very distinguished and influential member of the Whig party, of which it was sometimes alleged, by their opponents, that Lord Sefton's head contained more sense than the heads of all the rest of the party put together. This species of supremacy, some of his party might not be disposed to allow him; but his taste and judgment in gastronomy were universally admitted. The other figures in the sketch are not portraits.
[Ref: 63969]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[Cardinal Nicolas Wiseman & the Ecclesiastical Titles Act 1851] The Cardinal's Baratarian Banquet.
[Cardinal Nicolas Wiseman & the Ecclesiastical Titles Act 1851] The Cardinal's Baratarian Banquet. Political Fly Leaves. _ N.º 10.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket, Feb 17. 1851. Printed at 70. S.t Martin's Lane.
Rare tinted lithograph. Sheet 300 x 340mm (11¾ x 13½"). Two repaired tears, creasing.
Cardinal Wiseman (1802-65) seated at a dining table, but the platters (marked 'Territorial Titles' and 'Charitable Bequests') are being removed by the servants, prompted by a staff coming from one side. When Pope Pius IX set up a hierarchy of dioceses in England and Wales in 1850, the government responded with the 'Ecclesiastical Titles Act 1851', which prevented anyone outside the established ''United Church of England and Ireland'' to use any episcopal title ''of any city, town or place... in the United Kingdom''. Any property passed to a person under such a title would be forfeit to the Crown. 'Touchstone' was a satirist whose work was published by Thomas McLean in the early 1850s. The 'T' of Touchstone is a monogram of a jester's head with belled cap.
[Ref: 63986]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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[Sir Allen Young.] [
[Sir Allen Young.] ["Alleno.'']
Ape [Carlo Pellegrini].
[Vanity Fair, 1877.]
Chromolithography, proof before letters. Image 310 x 180mm (12¼ x 7"), very large margins. Margins spotted.
Sir Allen William Young (1827-1915), master mariner and explorer best remembered for his role in Arctic exploration including the search for Sir John Franklin.
[Ref: 63883]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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