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Bloomerism in the Ascendent, or Men no longer Lords of the Creation.
Bloomerism in the Ascendent, or Men no longer Lords of the Creation.
London. - Published by G. Purkess, Compton Street, Soho [n.d., c.1851].
Scarce wood engraving & letterpress. Sheet 350 x 500mm (13¾ x 19¾"). Trimmed at bottom affecting publication line, wear at edges, creases.
A rare satire of the introduction of 'bloomers', loose Turkish-style trousers for women. More comfortable than the stiff pettycoats and long skirts of the period, they came to be seen as symbols of feminist reform. In the six scenes on this sheet, the adherents of bloomerism take on the characteristrics of men as they smoke, race horses, brawl, skate, etc. An early feminist image.
[Ref: 63484]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Brewing] The Triumph of Quassia.
[Brewing] The Triumph of Quassia.
J.s Gillray, des.t. & f.t.
Pub.d June 1806, by H. Humphrey, S.t James's Street.
Etching with fine hand colour. 250 x 345mm (9¾ x 13½").
A satire on the new tax on private brewers which was unpopular because it gave a monopoly to the larger public brewers, who were suspected of substituting hops for the cheap bark of quassia, a bitter-tasting tropical plant. In a parody of a Bacchic procession, the brewers carry a barrel on which rides a Bacchus-like black figure. In one hand he holds a scroll that reads "Kill-Devil forever" and in the other a tankard of beer, from which ailments radiate 'apoplexy, palsy, consumption, debility, colic, stupor, dropsy, scurvy, dysentery, haemorrhoid, hydrophobie, idiotism.' The depiction of Bacchus, the classical god of winemaking, fertility and religious ecstasy, as a black figure is based on pseudoscientific notions of the physical and moral inferiority of black Africans. In England at the time, it was widely believed that black people were subject to unbridled sensuality and impulses, and this belief was used to justify their slavery. The group is preceded on horseback by the three leading ministers of the time, pockets full of gold, who formed a coalition known as the Ministry of Talent. From left to right they are: Lord Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Lord William Wyndham Grenville, Prime Minister; and Charles Fox, then Foreign Secretary.
BM Satires 10574.
[Ref: 63378]   £480.00  
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[Sir Francis Burdett] Genial Rays, or John Bull enjoying the sunshine.
[Sir Francis Burdett] Genial Rays, or John Bull enjoying the sunshine.
[Charles Williams.]
Tegg's Caricatures 111 Cheapside. Pub.d June 1810 by Tho.s Tegg 111 Cheapside.
Hand-coloured etching. 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾").
John Bull, a fat 'cit', his hat and bludgeon beside him, reclines on his back against a grassy bank covered with roses. He looks up ecstatically to the sky where the profile head of Burdett is enclosed in a circle or sun inscribed 'Clarior e Tenebris'; this is irradiated, the rays illuminating a distant view of London and John himself. These passions set—and the great Patriot shines" The rays are inscribed: 'Magna Charta', 'King and Constitution', 'Loyalty', 'Reform', 'Good of the People', 'Integrity', 'Laws of the Land', 'Trial by Jury', 'Lords', 'Habea[s Corpus]', 'Liberty', 'Candour', 'Justice', 'Truth', 'Freedom of the Pr[ess]', 'Bill of Rights', 'Commons', 'Free Representation'. A circle of clouds is still not entirely dispersed by the rays: on the right they are over the Tower of London and on the left they surround three evil stars: 'Corrupti[on]', 'Imbe[cillity]', 'Democ[racy]'.
BM Satires 11563.
[Ref: 63420]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Edmund Burke.] The Chancellor of the Inquisition marking the Incorrigibles.
[Edmund Burke.] The Chancellor of the Inquisition marking the Incorrigibles.
J.s G.y des.n et fec.t pro bono publico.
Pubd March 19th 1793, by H. Humphrey N 18, Old Bond Street.
Coloured etching. 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"), Whatman watermark.
Edmund Burke at the door of the 'Crown & Anchor' tavern, wearing a skull-cap and long legal robe with a bag like that of the Great Seal, but with a skull at each corner. He writes ''Beware of N_rf_k!'' on his 'Black List' (Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk). A satire on the split in the Whig party on pro- and anti-revolutionary lines. The 'anti' 'Association for preserving Liberty and Property' was known as the Crown and Anchor Society because its head-quarters were in that building.
BM Satires 8316.
[Ref: 63374]   £420.00  
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[Edmund Burke.] The Chancellor of the Inquisition marking the Incorrigibles.
[Edmund Burke.] The Chancellor of the Inquisition marking the Incorrigibles.
J.s G.y des.n et fec.t pro bono publico.
Pubd March 19th 1793, by H. Humphrey N 18, Old Bond Street.
Coloured etching. 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"), with large margins.
Edmund Burke at the door of the 'Crown & Anchor' tavern, wearing a skull-cap and long legal robe with a bag like that of the Great Seal, but with a skull at each corner. He writes ''Beware of N_rf_k!'' on his 'Black List' (Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk). A satire on the split in the Whig party on pro- and anti-revolutionary lines. The 'anti' 'Association for preserving Liberty and Property' was known as the Crown and Anchor Society because its head-quarters were in that building.
BM Satires 8316.
[Ref: 63373]   £420.00  
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[George Canning & John Scott] The Struggle, or a long Pull, a strong Pull, and a Pull_All'together.
[George Canning & John Scott] The Struggle, or a long Pull, a strong Pull, and a Pull_All'together. When two row in the same Boat, they may pull different ways; but when two ride on one Horse, one must ride behind. A House divided itself cannot stand!!!
H.H. fec.[Henry Heath]
Pub.d March 16 1827 by SW Fores Piccadilly London.
Coloured etching. Sheet 235 x 335mm (9¼ x 13¼"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
George Canning and John Scott, Earl of Eldon, row against each other in the 'Cabinet Cock Boat', Canning using an oar of 'Deplomatic Sagacity', Eldon the mace, which is inscribed Pelf Patronage Parsimony. Behind Canning is the Unicorn; his flag Catholic Supremacy. The Lion is behind Eldon, with the flag of Protestant Ascendancy. A satire on the division in the Cabinet between Catholics and Protestants and between Canning and Eldon. After the debate on Burdett's motion for Catholic Relief, there was a great expectation that Canning would resign.
BM Satires: 15366.
[Ref: 63406]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Caroline of Brunswick] Delicious Dreams!
[Caroline of Brunswick] Delicious Dreams! Castles in the Air! Glorious Prospects!
London Published by G. Humphrey 27 St. James St. April 30, 1821.
Etching with very fine hand colour. Sheet 395 x 290mm (15½ x 11¼''). Trimmed to printed border.
A satire on the collapse of the agitation on behalf of the Queen, and the disappointed hopes of her supporters. Queen Caroline is shown, surrounded by her courtiers, slumped asleep in her chair after lunch dreaming of a world in which she enjoys the privileges of being queen. A parody of a print by James Gillray (BM Satire 10979).
BM Satire 14175.
[Ref: 63510]   £420.00  
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[Catherine the Great] Bobadil disgraced or Kate in a rage-
[Catherine the Great] Bobadil disgraced or Kate in a rage- For Brunswicks Duke with Ninety Thousand men March'd into France and then!! - & then Marched out again.
[Isaac Cruikshank]
London Pub Oct.r 1792 by S W Fores No 3 Piccadilly.
Coloured etching, 18th century watermark. 245 x 350mm (9½ x 13¾") Stain on Bobadil in title. Small margins.
Catherine II, Empress of Russia (1729-96) berates Stanislas II August, King of Poland (1732-98), whom she seizes by his pigtail queue, and Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1721-92), whose back she kicks and threatens with a sceptre. On a table beside him are a crown labelled 'to the King of Poland' and a paper: 'rules & orders to be Implicitly obeyed Cat Catherine.' On the wall behind him is a 'Map of France' showing the south of England and 'France' (engraved in reverse) marked 'My share'. A satire on Catherine's attempts to get Prussia and Austria to intervene in France so the further partitioning of Poland would be unhindered.
BM Satires 8124.
[Ref: 63514]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Catholic Relief Bill] Dont you remember the 5th of November.
[Catholic Relief Bill] Dont you remember the 5th of November.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq.
Pub. by T McLean 26 Haymarket Political & other Caricatures pub. Daily [n.d., c.1829].
Coloured etching. Sheet 260 x 370mm (10¼ x 14½"), paper watermarked 'J Whatman 1828'. Trimmed within plate.
One of many satires on the authors of the Catholic Relief Bill, which was announced on February 5 1829, playing on the Catholicism of Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators. Here Wellington and Peel are "guys", tied back to back, bestride a broken chair on which they are being carried to bonfire or gibbet. A bloated bishop in a surplice, probably Howley, walks behind, holding the back chair-legs and saying 'No Popery'. Eldon (who led opposition to the Bill) carries the front of the chair, facing an angry Irishman in tattered clothes protesting against the ceremony, whose barrister's wig identifies him as O'Connell. . In the foreground, on the extreme left, is John Bull, behind him the head of Cumberland.
BM Satires:15664.
[Ref: 63390]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Catholic Relief Bill] Protestant Descendency a pull at the Church.
[Catholic Relief Bill] Protestant Descendency a pull at the Church.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq.
Pub March 19 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket where Political & other Cariactures are daily Publishing.
Coloured etching. Sheet 255 x 365mm (10 x 14¼") Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
A crowd of people gather in a churchyard as a man holds out a 'Petition to Parliament'. They are oblivious to the fact that the ground beneath them has been hollowed out and filled with gunpowder, with a fuse being laid by a priest, and that a crowd including Brougham, Mackintosh, Burdett, Peel and Wellington are pulling down the tower of the church onto their heads. In the background a procession of monks, priests and the Pope walks over a hill towards St Pauls Cathedral, while flames engulf the Monument. A satire on the Catholic Relief Bill.
BM Satire: 15701.
[Ref: 63387]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[James Cecil, Marquis of Salisbury.] Polonius.
[James Cecil, Marquis of Salisbury.] Polonius. The tallest, fittest, properest, man to walk before the King!!!
IC. [Isaac Cruikshank].
London Pub. Nov.r 7 1795 by S W Fores N 30 Piccadilly.
Coloured etching, 18th century watermark. 405 x 260mm (16 x 10¼"), with Fores' ink stamp, SWF, bottom right. Loss into right margin top, glue stain in edge of plate top left, crease.
A full-length caricature portrait of James Cecil, (1748-1823), 1st Marquess of Salisbury, in his uniform as Colonel of the Hertfordshire Militia.
BM Satires 8724.
[Ref: 63476]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Mary Anne Clarke] Dissolution of Partnership or the Industrious Mrs Clarke Winding Up Her Accounts.
[Mary Anne Clarke] Dissolution of Partnership or the Industrious Mrs Clarke Winding Up Her Accounts.
[Thomas Rowlandson.]
Pub.d M Feb.y 15. 1809 by Tho.s Tegg N.º 111 Cheapside.
Coloured etching. Sheet 230 x 330mm (9 x 13"). Trimmed within plate.
Mary Anne Clarke sits on the left, raising her skirts to receive a money bag from Jeremiah Donovan, an ex-army surgeon who was her main go-between when she was selling commissions. On the right is Captain Tuck, who received a written scale of Mrs. Clarke's prices from Donovan. Mary Anne Clarke (1776-1852), mistress of Frederick, Duke of York, was found out to be selling army commissions while he was Commander-in-Chief of the army. York was forced to resign from his position, though he was later exonerated and reinstated. Mrs Clarke was prosecuted for libel in 1813 and imprisoned. On her release, she went to live in France.
BM Satires 11217.
[Ref: 63418]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[John Copley, Baron Lyndhurst] Dressing for the House on the __ March 1829.
[John Copley, Baron Lyndhurst] Dressing for the House on the __ March 1829.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq.
Pub March 2d. 1829 by T McLean 26 Haymarket -
Coloured etching. Sheet 255 x 350mm (10 x 13¾"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper at edges.
Baron Lyndhurst being dressed by a liveried footman. To the right are his mace, Purse of the Great Seal, and the Chancellor's gown. Their conversation turns to his wife's notorious affair with the Earl of Dudley (here called 'Doodle').
BM Satires: 15705.
[Ref: 63385]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Courage Displayed!!!
Courage Displayed!!!
Marks fecit.
London. pubd by Marks, 17 Artillery St, Bishopsgate [n.d., 1824].
Etching with original colour, verso Dr. Syntax & a Bookseller coloured aquatint; Sheet 220 x 180mm (8½ x 7"). Trimmed within printed border.
A man attacks a mouse with a poker, inadvertently breaking a mirror. Two women stand on a chaise longue, one hitching up her skirts.
[Ref: 63451]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Napoleon in Egypt] ''Praetor-Urbanus:'' _ Inauguration of the Coptic Mayor of Cairo, preceded by the Procureur de la Commune.
[Napoleon in Egypt] ''Praetor-Urbanus:'' _ Inauguration of the Coptic Mayor of Cairo, preceded by the Procureur de la Commune.
Etched by J.s Gillray, from the Original Intercepted Drawing.
Pub.d March 1799 by H. Humphrey, 27. S.t James's Street.
Coloured etching. 255 x 370mm (10 x 14½"), with large margins. A few small spots, catalogue description pasted on reverse.
A Coptic Egyptian wearing a French military uniform, with breeches and plumed hat, his naked belly protruding from his coat, sits on an ass being led by another Copt, naked except for French hat and tricolour sash. At the back of the procession a French soldier goads the ass with his bayonet. A satire of Napoleon's introduction of a new civil authority in Egypt after his ciobquest of the country. Being Christian, the Copts were outsiders in their own country.
BM Satires 9358.
[Ref: 63377]   £550.00  
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[John Scott, Earl of Eldon] The Buck-Basket. A scene from the Merry Wives of Windsor.
[John Scott, Earl of Eldon] The Buck-Basket. A scene from the Merry Wives of Windsor.
H. Heath fec_t.
Pub.d April 22. 1827. by Tho.s McLean. 26. Hay-market.
Coloured etching,. Sheet 285 x 385mm (11¼ x 15¼"). Trimmed within plate and mounted in album paper.
A satire on Lord Chanceller Eldon's unpopularity and the belief he would never resign voluntarily. He is depicted being carried away in a basket on a pole by Brougham and John Williams towards 'Ranelagh Common Sewer', watched by Lady Conyngham (mistress of George IV) as Mistress Ford. To the left Copley and Scarlett discuss who should wear Eldon's wig.
BM Satires 15375.
[Ref: 63470]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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An Election Ball.
An Election Ball.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq. dl.
London, Published by M.cLean 26 Haymarket [n.d. c.1829].
Etching with fine hand colour. 260 x 375mm (10¼ x 14¾"), large margins, watermarked 'J Whatman 1827'..
A dandy takes the hand of the plain daughter of a grotesquely fat, but rich, mother.
[Ref: 63391]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland] The Goat Wot Lost his Beard.
[Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland] The Goat Wot Lost his Beard.
[John Doyle.
London. Published by T. M.cLean, 26 Haymarket. Nov.r 13, 1829.
Coloured lithograph. Printed border 330 x 260mm (13 x 10¼"), watermarked 'J Whatman 1829'. Creased bottom right.
The Duke of Cumberland stands among army officers, surprised they do not recognise him because he had shaved off his facial hair for a lady.
BM Satires: 15906.
[Ref: 63393]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland] The Resurrectionist. Alas ther is no Happiness on this side of the Graver!!! - Then come my love to TIHS.
[Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland] The Resurrectionist. Alas ther is no Happiness on this side of the Graver!!! - Then come my love to TIHS.
W. Heath.
Pub Feb. 1st 1830 by T. M.cLean, 26 Haymarket - Sole Pub. of W. Heaths etchings.
Coloured etching. Sheet 245 x 360mm (9½ x 14¼"). Trimmed to printed border.
The Duke of Cumberland and Lady Mary Graves (wife of the duke's Comptroller of the Household) stand either side of an open grave, from which an arm rises holding a cane with the cuckhold's horns. When he heard rumours that Mary was having an affair with the Duke, Thomas North Graves wrote a note to his wife expressing his confidence in her innocence, then cut his own throat.
BM Satires: 16012, second state, with the surtitle.
[Ref: 63394]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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[Elizabeth Farren & the Earl of Derby] The Marriage of Cupid & Psyche.
[Elizabeth Farren & the Earl of Derby] The Marriage of Cupid & Psyche.
J.s Gillray fec.t from y.e Antique.
Pub.d May 3d 1797 by H. Humphrey, 27 S.t. James's Street [but much later].
Etching with engraving. Plate 133 x 178mm. (5¼ x 7"), large margins.
A satire on the marriage of actress Elizabeth Farren (1759-1829) to Edward Smith-Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby, by whom she had a son and two daughters. A pastiche of the Marlborough Gem, it shows three cherubs escorting the couple, the tall actress towering over a balding, obese cherubic earl, whose coronet is held over his head by one of the attendents.
BM Satires 9076.
[Ref: 63383]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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The Method of High-finishing Family Pictures.
The Method of High-finishing Family Pictures.
Printed for Carington Bowles, N.º 69 in S.t Pauls Church Yard, London. Publish'd August 1771.
Coloured mezzotint. Sheet 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed into image on three sides, bottom corners rounded, edged with album paper.
A man, who is about to join a woman on a couch, reaches up to draw the cuckold's horns in chalk on a man's portrait. At that moment the same man looks around the door. The BM suggests that the couple are Lady Henrietta Grosvenor and Henry, Duke of Cumberland (brother of George III), who were discovered in flagrante delicto in 1769, leading to Richard Grosvenor, 1st Earl, bringing an action against the Duke for ''criminal conversation''.
BM 2010,7081.1300.
[Ref: 63422]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[Charles James Fox.] le Diable-Boiteux, _ or _ The Devil upon Two Sticks, conveying John Bull to the Land of Promise.
[Charles James Fox.] le Diable-Boiteux, _ or _ The Devil upon Two Sticks, conveying John Bull to the Land of Promise. _ Vide le Sage.
J.s Gillray inv.t & fec.t.
Publishd Feb.y 8t.h 1806 - by H. Humphrey - 27 St James s Street London.
Coloured etching. 345 x 250mm (13½ x 9¾"). Tear taped, staining.
Charles James Fox is depicted as the Devil, with wings marked 'Honesty' and 'Humility', cloven hoofs, crutches with the heads of Sidmouth and Grenville, a bonnet rouge with the Prince of Wales' feathers and a cape marked 'Loyalty, Independence and Public-Good'. He propels himself over the skyline of London towards a Carleton House (home of the Prince) in the clouds. In front of the house are three scenes: 'Liberty', with Sheridan and the Prince gambling with dice; 'Chastity', with the Prince and Mrs. Fitzherbert embracing on a sofa; and 'Temperance', with men drinking to excess. A fat 'cit' John Bull hitches a ride, clutching fox's cape. A satire on the allegation that the new Ministry was subservient to the Prince of Wales, not the King.
BM Satires 10525.
[Ref: 63382]   £380.00  
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[Charles James Fox] The Fox Hunt.
[Charles James Fox] The Fox Hunt.
[William Dent.]
Pub.d [for HB - crossed out] as the Act directs, by J.Cattermoul, N.º 376, Oxford Street, Jan.y 1784.
Fine etching. Sheet 255 x 355mm (10 x 14"). Trimmed within plate, some ink splashes.
A fox with the head of Charles James Fox is chashed by hounds with the faces of Pitt, Thurlow, Lennox, Dundas & Nugent. The two huntsmen, blowing horns, are Lloyd Kenyon and Pepper Arden. Behind George Nugent Temple sits on an ass with the face of George III.
BM Satires 6387.
[Ref: 63416]   £360.00   (£432.00 incl.VAT)
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[Charles James Fox] A Bear and his Leader.
[Charles James Fox] A Bear and his Leader. _ ''what tho' I am Obligated to Dance a Bear, a Man may be a Gentleman for all that. My Bear ever dances to the Genteelest of Tunes''.
J.s Gillray fec.t.
Pub.d May 19th 1806, by H. Humphrey 27 St James's Street.
Coloured etching. 245 x 345mm (9¾ x 13½"). Trimmed to plate, long tear taped on left, mounted on album paper.
Fox caricatured as a muzzled bear with a bonnet rouge in its paws, its chain held by William Wyndham Grenville, who carries a 'Cudgel for Disobedient Bears'. Lord Henry Petty, depicted as an ape in the gown of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, pulls the bear's tail. Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, as a ragged fiddler. Greville says ''don't be afraid of my Bear, Ladies & Gentlemen! I have tamed & muzzled him, & reformed his Habits''. Fox was in fact virtual head of the Coalition Ministry under the nominal leader ship of Grenville, and was conducting peace negotiations with France.
BM Satires 10566.
[Ref: 63381]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Charles James Fox] God Save the King _ by a New Set of Performers _ being their first Appearance these twenty Years.
[Charles James Fox] God Save the King _ by a New Set of Performers _ being their first Appearance these twenty Years.
Argus [Charles Williams] Inv.t.
Pubd March 1805 by Walker Nº 7 Cornhill.
Etching with fine hand colour. 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾"). Trimmed to plate top and bottom.
The Foxites celebrate their return to power in 1805. Fox stands at the head of the table, holding up a punch bowl and ladle, as he and his cabinet sing one line of the National anthem each.
BM Satires 10541.
[Ref: 63472]   £320.00  
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[Charles James Fox] A Bear and his Leader.
[Charles James Fox] A Bear and his Leader. _ ''what tho' I am Obligated to Dance a Bear, a Man may be a Gentleman for all that. My Bear ever dances to the Genteelest of Tunes''.
J.s Gillray fec.t.
Pub.d May 19th 1806, by H. Humphrey 27 St James's Street.
Coloured etching. 245 x 345mm (9¾ x 13½").
Fox caricatured as a muzzled bear with a bonnet rouge in its paws, its chain held by William Wyndham Grenville, who carries a 'Cudgel for Disobedient Bears'. Lord Henry Petty, depicted as an ape in the gown of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, pulls the bear's tail. Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, as a ragged fiddler. Greville says ''don't be afraid of my Bear, Ladies & Gentlemen! I have tamed & muzzled him, & reformed his Habits''. Fox was in fact virtual head of the Coalition Ministry under the nominal leader ship of Grenville, and was conducting peace negotiations with France.
BM Satires 10566.
[Ref: 63380]   £480.00  
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[George III and the Duke of Norfolk] The Resignation.
[George III and the Duke of Norfolk] The Resignation.
[Charles Williams.]
Pubd Feby 23d 1798 by SW Fores 50 Piccadilly. _ Folios of Caracatures lent out for the Evening.
Fine coloured etching. 345 x 275mm (13½ x 10¾"), watermark dated 1793. Trimmed into plate at sides.
Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk, stands before George III holding out his Earl Marshal's baton, inscribed 'Hereditary'. He has thrown down sealed patents inscribed 'Cus Rotu Westri' and 'Coll of West York Mil[itia]'. The king throws his hands up in alarm, kicking over his footstool. Pitt cowers behind the king's chair. The duke was dismissed from the lord lieutenancy of the West Riding in 1798 for toasting ''Our sovereign’s health - the majesty of the people'', displeasing George.
BM Satires 9175.
[Ref: 63375]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[George III] Going to Market.
[George III] Going to Market.
[by Fredrick George Byron?]
London. Pub.d Nov.r 21 1791 by W.m Holland Nº 50 Oxford Street.
Etching. 340 x 480mm (13½ x 19"), on J. Whatman laid paper. Trimmed just within plate top and bottom.
George III as a farmer, singing as he drives a two-wheeled farm-cart to market. Queen Charlotte (sitting in a cart with a basket of hens) and two lifeguards (riding behind) join in the chorus. A satire on the farms of Windsor and the king's fondness for singing. Grego attributes the plate to Gillray but Tim Clayton (author of 'James Gillray: A Revolution in Satire', 2023) believes it to be by Byron.
BM Satires 7915.
[Ref: 63515]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[George III & Tsar Paul 1] The Russian Bruiser getting his dose with his seconds thirds bottle Holder &c coming in for their share.
[George III & Tsar Paul 1] The Russian Bruiser getting his dose with his seconds thirds bottle Holder &c coming in for their share.
[Isaac Cruikshank]
Pub: by SW Fores Nº 50 Piccadilly Jan 30th 1801.
Coloured etching, 18th century watermark. 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾"), large margins. Paper lightly toned.
George III as a bare-knuckled boxer fights Tsar Paul I and his second (Gustav IV Adolf, King of Sweden) and third (Christian VII, King of Denmark), beating them badly. Frederick William III, King of Prussia, stands behind, expressing his neutrality. Behind George is William Pitt the younger, dressed in full armour. The English press published a report from a Danish minister that Paul I had challenged the potentates of Europe to personal combat, with their generals and ministers as squires, to decide the war. Paul's eccentric reputation gave doubt to whether he was joking or not. His unpredictable behavior led to his assassination by his own officers only two month after this satire was published. Boxing interest.
BM Satires 9701.
[Ref: 63370]   £620.00  
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[George IV & Wellington] A Political Reflection.
[George IV & Wellington] A Political Reflection.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath.] Esq.
Pub. by T. McLean 26 Haymarket London.
Etching with fine hand colour. Sheet 250 x 360mm (9¾ x 14¼"). Trimmed within plate to border and mounted in album paper.
A scene in a nursery in which the 'Great Babe' George IV lies asleep in a cradle watched over by his mistress Lady Conyngham. On the right Wellington lowers the crown on to his head as he admires himself in the mirror. On the floor is a model of Buckingham Palace as reconstructed by Nash. A satire of Lady Conyngham's use of her influence over George to support Wellington.
BM Satire 15521.
[Ref: 63471]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[George IV & Queen Caroline] The R-l Libertine reclaimed, or, The Anticipation of a Reconciliation.
[George IV & Queen Caroline] The R-l Libertine reclaimed, or, The Anticipation of a Reconciliation.
Marks fect [within image]
Pub.d by J.L. Marks 37 Prince's St. Soho [n.d. c.1821].
Etching with fine hand colour. 250 x 345mm (9¾ x 13½"), with large margins, watermarked W. Thomas 1818. Mounted in album paper, horizontal and vertical folds.
Satire on George IV (1762-1830) and Caroline of Brunswick's (1768-1821) terrible marriage. They sit in a dais embracing, watched by a group of women (many wearing coronets). In the background men with cuckhold's horns dance, and three women commit suicide by hanging or drowning.
BM Satires 14128, with extensive description
[Ref: 63473]   £320.00  
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[George IV & Wellington] Political Conveyancer.
[George IV & Wellington] Political Conveyancer.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, pseudonym of William Heath] Esq.
Pub by T McLean 26 Haymarket [n.d. c.1829].
Etching with fine colour. 250 x 350mm (9¾ x 13¾"), with large margins. On paper watermarked 'J Whatman 1827'. Old ink numeral on platemark, tear in margin taped.
A gouty George IV is supported by a stick and his mistress, Lady Conyngham. Wellington stands before him, but it is Robert Peel who speaks to the king, through a speaking trumpet that enters Wellington's ear and protrudes from his mouth. Both the king and Conyngham express the desire to keep Peel at a distance. Peel, the Home Secretary at this time, had angered the king by his attitude during the ministerial crisis before Canning's appointment in 1827.
BM Satires: 15503.
[Ref: 63392]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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[George IV] King Henry IV.
[George IV] King Henry IV.
[Monogram of Paul Pry, i.e. William Heath] Esq.r Del.
Pub by T. McLean 26 Haymarket. [n.d., c.1828.]
Etching with fine hand colour. Sheet 360 x 250mm (14¼ x 9¾"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper.
George IV depicted as Falstaff, with Lady Conyngham as the grotesquely fat Doll Tearsheet on his knee. Heath seems to have based this scene on Henry Fuseli's painting published by the Boydell Shakepeare Gallery, 1805.
BM Satires: 15411.
[Ref: 63469]   £360.00  
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The Effect of Imagination. A Gown metamorphosd into a Ghost!!
The Effect of Imagination. A Gown metamorphosd into a Ghost!! Plate 60. Page 137.
Woodward del. Cruikshanks s.
London Pubd by Allen & West, 15, Paternoster Row Feb: 11, 1797.
Coloured etching. 260 x 200mm (10¼ x 8"). Trimmed to plate at bottom, a few small stains at bottom.
A yokel with a lantern mistakes a gown hanging up to dry for a ghost. A plate from 'Eccentric Excursions, or. Literary & Pictorial sketches of Countenance, Character and Country'.
BM Satires 9124.
[Ref: 63411]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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Giving up the Ghost or One Too Many.
Giving up the Ghost or One Too Many.
R Newton del. Rowlandson Scul.
Tho.s Tegg. No. 111 Cheapside [n.d., c.1813].
Coloured etching. Framed, sight size 250 x 335mm (9¾ x 13¼"). Paper toned. Unexamined out of frame. Small margins.
A dying man, wearing a tattered shirt, his toes curled, lies on a miserable bed under a casement window, through which Death watches. A fat doctor sleeps, with a paper at is feet reading 'I purge I bleed I sweat em / Then if they Die I Lets em': this is an adaptation of a quote from John Coakley Lettsom (1744-1815), a Quaker Doctor, which originally had a last line, ''I, John Lettsome'.
BM Satires 12153.
[Ref: 63530]   £360.00  
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[Manuel Godoy.] The Prince of Peace Signing the Portugal Treaty.
[Manuel Godoy.] The Prince of Peace Signing the Portugal Treaty.
Pubd July 22d 1801 by S.W. Fores 50 Picadilly. Folios of Caracatures lent out for the Evening.
Coloured etching. 250 x 360mm (9¾ x 14¼"), large margins. Faint paper tone, small hole in unprinted area.
Manuel Godoy (1767-1851), genaralissimo of the Spanish army, force two Portuguese to sign the Treaty of Badajoz, banning British shipping from Portugal's ports. Godoy was given the Spanish title 'Prince of the Peace' for negotiating the 1795 'Peace of Basel', ending the War of the Pyrenees.
BM 9724.
[Ref: 63474]   £320.00  
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He... igh_Ho.
He... igh_Ho.
Ostade pinx.t. R. Houston fecit.
Printed for Bowles & Carver, St. Pauls Church Yard, London. [n.d., c.1800].
Mezzotint. 110 x 145mm (4¼ x 5¾"), with large margins.
Half-length portrait of a woman wearing a white bonnet and scarf, yawning,
[Ref: 63431]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[John Horne Tooke] Political Amusements for Young Gentlemen;
[John Horne Tooke] Political Amusements for Young Gentlemen; - or, -The Old Brentford Shuttlecock, between Old-Sarum, & the Temple of St. Steevens.
J.s Gillray inv.t & fec.t.
Publish'd March 1801. by H. Humphrey, 27, St James's Street/
Coloured etching. 255 x 350mm (10 x 13¾").
Lord Temple and Lord Camelford play battledore and shuttlecock with the head of John Horne Tooke. A satire on Horne Tooke's return to parliament after a by-election for the pocket borough of Old Sarum, at which Temple tried to exclude him on the grounds that he had taken orders in the Church of England.
BM Satires 9716.
[Ref: 63379]   £460.00  
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I'm Ready for You.
I'm Ready for You. 361
Printed for & Sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St Pauls Church Yard, London. Published as the Act directs, 9 Nov.r 1790.
Mezzotint. 155 x 115mm (6¼ x 4½"), large margins.
A half-length portrait in oval of a young woman smiling at the viewer, wearing a tall hat.
Ex: collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd. Not in BM.
[Ref: 63435]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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I'm the Thing, A'nt I?
I'm the Thing, A'nt I? 364
[after Robert Dighton]
Printed for & Sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St Pauls Church Yard, London. Published as the Act directs, 25 April, 1791.
Mezzotint. 155 x 115mm (6¼ x 4½"), large margins.
A half length portrait of a smiling dandy, a single eye-glass held to his right eye. His hair is much frizzed out at the sides and tied in a queue. He wears a coat with a high collar and a fringed cravat tied in a bow. One of many 'droll' mezzotints in roundels made from the designs of Robert Dighton (1751-1814) who, after the death of John Collet in 1780, became the foremost designer of such images.
Ex: collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd; BM Satires 8053, Bowles & Carver edition.
[Ref: 63432]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Frontispiece of 'Ignoramus. Comoedia.']
[Frontispiece of 'Ignoramus. Comoedia.']
[London, 1737.]
Engraving. 140 x 80mm (5½ x 3¼").
A man stands before bookshelves, holding a paper marked 'Ignoramus'. 'Ignoramus. Comoedia.' was a satirical play on the judiciary written by George Ruggle (1575-1622) and was first performed in 1615 before an audience including James I. The play caused the English meaning of the Latin word 'ignoramus' to change from 'I do not know' to 'a dunce'. Ruggle worked for the Virginia Company for the last three years of his life, leaving £100 for the Christian education of American Indian children in the colony in his will.
[Ref: 63462]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[William Jackson] A Jack in Office.
[William Jackson] A Jack in Office. 403.
[after Robert Dighton.]
Printed for & Sold by Carington Bowles No. 69 St Pauls Church Yard, London. Published as the Act directs, 1 Dec.r, 1792.
Mezzotint. 150 x 120mm (6 x 4½"), large margins.
A caricature portrait of exciseman William Jackson shown with his excise book, quill and ink in his pockets. Dighton also published a full-length version of this portrait, with a poodle urinating on his legs (BM Satires 8395, see refs 50997 & 60039).
Not in BM Satires. Ex: collection of the Late Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 63439]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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A Jolly Dog.
A Jolly Dog.
[After Robert Dighton.]
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard, London. [n.d., c.1780].
Coloured mezzotint. 150 x 110mm (6 x 4¼"). Trimmed to plate at bottom, paper toned and brittle, loss in bottom cornera, small worm holes. Damaged.
An oval portrait of a man seated in a chair, holds a long pipe, grinning and looking towards the viewer. His wig is sliding from his head.
BM Satires 7819, a Bowles and Carver edition.
[Ref: 63428]   £45.00   (£54.00 incl.VAT)
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Le Lutrin.
Le Lutrin.
chez Basset rue S.t Jacques N.º 64 [n.d., c.1820].
Coloured etching. Sheet 320 x 250mm (12½ x 9¾"). Trimmed into plate on three sides, spotting.
Five caricatured men stand at a lectern, four singing and one playing a horn. In front of the lectern two boys in chorister dress, fight.
[Ref: 63408]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Holla Sawney where are you travelling so fast? Stop a bit I want to speak to you ---
Holla Sawney where are you travelling so fast? Stop a bit I want to speak to you --- Hoot awa man. I am travelling south for preferment and t'is mickle bad luck for s scotsman to look behimd him once he has got clear of Edinburgh.
[n.d., c.1820.]
Ink and watercolour, pt watermark P J [T]urners. Sheet 95 x 120mm (3¼ x 4¾").
Emigration to England.
[Ref: 63494]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Hot spice Gingerbread. Smoking hot!
Hot spice Gingerbread. Smoking hot!
[n.d., c.1820.]
Ink and watercolour. Sheet 95 x 120mm (3¼ x 4¾").
A burlesque of the 'Cries of London', with the vendor of gingerbread and his customer depicted as 'Lilliputian' figures (small body and big head). The vendor is pushing a wheelbarrow with a small furnace.
[Ref: 63493]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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[Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria.] De groot FRANSE BANa-Rekel met de BANgheid, in geen gevaar=lanf bankende.
[Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria.] De groot FRANSE BANa-Rekel met de BANgheid, in geen gevaar=lanf bankende.
[Amsterdam: Carel Allard, c.1706.]
Etching. 270 x 175mm (10½ x 7"). Nicks in edges, stains. Loss in top margin left.
A satirical portrait of Maximilian II Emanuel (1662-1723), Elector of Bavaria and governor of the Spanish Netherlands, as a crippled rider attempting to mount his horse. After the Battle of Ramillies, on 23 May 1706, Max Emanuel was forced to flee the Spanish Netherlands From 't Lust-Hof van Momus, Beplant met de voornaamste Gewassen van Mars in Europa', a collection of satires on the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14).
[Ref: 63506]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Nautical Experience. 105.
Nautical Experience. 105.
Etc.d by Roberts.
London Pub.d Jan.ry 1. 1812 by T. Tegg 111 Cheapside.
Hand-coloured etching. 260mm x 350mm (10'' x 14''). Trimmed to plate at bottom. Bit messy.
A comic scene showing a sailor trying to carry a donkey on his back while another sailor helps, a third man with a stick and dog asks who has given them permission to free the animal. The sailor replies, ''Why look you master - the thing was this - we saw him aground without Victuals d'ye see and so my messmate and I agreed to Cut his Cable and set him at liberty because we have known before now what it is to be at short allowance''.
See BM Satire 10192 for the first state published by Roberts. Here his publication is etched over in the plate.
[Ref: 63419]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Neck or Nothing! or Quite the Kick.
Neck or Nothing! or Quite the Kick. 427
Dighton del.
London: Printed for Bowles & Carver, No 69 St Paul's Church Yard. Published 2 Jan 1795.
Mezzotint. 150 x 110mm (6 x 4¼"), large margins.
A long-haired dandy, arms crossed, smiling complacently. 'The Kick' denotes the present fashion.
Ex Collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. BM Satires 9100, state with date removed.
[Ref: 63433]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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Night Amusement.
Night Amusement.
London, Printed for Rob.t Sayer, Map & Printseller, at No 53 in Fleet Street.
Coloured mezzotint. Sheet 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed to image, small tear in top of image, backed with album paper. Messy.
A group of four men drinking by candlelight, with musical instruments and sheet music lower left. Pendant to a similar print, 'Mirth and Friendship'.
[Ref: 63421]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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