Petrus Apianus Binvitzius Astrologus.
[by Theodore de Bry.]
[n.d, c.1660.]
Engraving, printed on 17th century watermarked paper. 140 x 110mm (5½ x 4¼". Very small margins.
Portrait of Petrus Apianus (latinized from Peter Bienewitz) (1495 - 1552), German cartographer, astronomer & mathematician, in decorative border with insects and plants. His most famous works were his cordiform world map 'Tipus Orbis Universalis juxta Ptolomei Cosmographi Traditionem et Americi Vespucii Aliorque Lustrationes' of 1520, the 'Cosmographicus liber' of 1524 and the 'Astronomicum Caesareum' of 1540. From a later printing of Jean Jacques Boissard's 'Icones virorum illustrium' originally published 1597-8. Wellcome: 84 - not in.
[Ref: 64265] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[n.d., c.1700.]
Engraving. Sheet 180 x 145mm (7 x 5¾"). Trimmed.
Portrait of Aristotle, bust of a marble sculpture belonging to Fulvio Orsini. Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and polymath. His writings cover a broad range of subjects spanning the natural sciences, philosophy, linguistics, economics, politics, psychology, and the arts.
[Ref: 64281] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
[Athanasius I of Alexandria] Hanc Sancti Athanasii Magni Archiepiscopi Alexandriæ imaginem depingi curavit Andræas Thuetis, Cosmograph. Reg...
J.C. Böcklin Sculp [after André Thevet].
[n.d., c.1680.]
Engraving. Sheet 210 x 130mm (8¼ x 5"). Trimmed to plate, laid on the back of an 1809 portrait of William Wilberforce. Slightly time stained.
A full-length portrait of Athanasius I of Alexandria (c. 29-373), 20th patriarch of Alexandria. The text ascribes the portrait to André Thevet (1516-90): it is probably a copy of an illustration in Thevet's 'Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes illustres', 1584.
[Ref: 64306] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[The Effigies of M. Giacomo Barozzio da Vignola.]
[n.d., c.1700.]
Engraving. 355 x 210mm (14 x 8¼"). Trimmed into plate at top.
A half-length portrait of Italian architect Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola (1507-73), within an architectural caprice. This is a copy of the frontispiece engraved by William Sherwin for the 1669 edition of 'The Regular Architect: or the General rule of the five orders of Architecture'.
[Ref: 64311] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
The true Effigies of Bricius Bauderon D.r. of Physick Aetatis suae 78. [You see his Shadow and his outwards Looks...]
[n.d., c.1657.]
Engraving. 130 x 85mm (5 x 3¼"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper. Small mark on lower right.
Portrait of French physician Brice Bauderon, half-length, turned to right, looking towards the viewer, holding a flower in his left hand. Bauderon was born in Paray-le-Monial in Charolais in 1540 and died in Mâcon in 1623. He was the father of Gratien Bauderon (1583–1615).
[Ref: 64136] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
[Richard Bernard.] Vera Effigies Rich.d. Bernard, vigilantif, simi Pastoris de Batcombe Somset: A: 1641.
W.Hollar: Bohem, as viuum del: Londini.
[n.d., c.1641.]
Etching. Sheet 160 x 110,mm (6¼ x 4¼"). Trimmed and backed onto album paper at corners.
Portrait of Richard Bernard (1568 - 1641), English Puritan clergyman and writer. Pennington 1363 only state.
[Ref: 64283] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Napoléon 1er Empereur des Français, Roi d'Italie.
Dessine a Berlin. Grave par F.P.Simon a Paris. [After Jean François Garneray.]
Rare stipple engraving. Sheet 245 x 180mm (9½ x 7"). Trimmed into plate.
Portrait of Napoléon I as Emperor.
[Ref: 64275] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
First Consul Bonaparte. From an Original Drawing, taken at the Military Levee, in the Palace of the Tuilleries, Paris, Thursday Sept, 2. 1802. [A facsimile of Bonaparte's signature.]
By Edw.d. Dan.l. Clarke. Esq.r MA. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge; and Engraved by P.W.Tomkins.
London: Published as the Act directs April: 1803, by P.W.Tomkins, 49 New Bond Street.
Rare stipple engraving. Sheet 130 x 170mm (5 x 6¾").
Silhouette portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte as First Consul.
[Ref: 64274] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Mrs Elizabeth Brownrigg.
Published according to the Act of Parliament Septr. 17, 1767.
Very rare etching. 240 x 170mm (9½ x 6¾"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper. Small stain top left.
Portrait of Elizabeth Brownrigg (c. 1720 - 1767), 18th-century English murderer. Her victim, Mary Clifford, was one of her domestic servants, who died from cumulative injuries and associated infected wounds. As a result of witness testimony and medical evidence at her trial, Brownrigg was hanged at Tyburn on 14 September 1767.
[Ref: 64235] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Nicholas Byfield. [Minister sometimes of the City of Chester...]
Pub.d. July 30 1790 by W.Richardson, Strand.
Stipple and line engraving. 175 x 125mm (7 x 5"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Nicholas Byfield (1579 - 1622), English clergyman who was a leading preacher of the reign of James I. He died on Sunday, 8 September 1622. The following day a surgeon removed from his body a stone which weighed 35 ounces; William Gouge was present at the autopsy.
[Ref: 64155] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
Admiral Byron.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Engraving. 165 x 100mm (6½ x 4"). Trimmed into plated and backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Vice-Admiral John Byron (1723 - 1786), British Royal Navy officer and explorer. He earned the nickname "Foul-Weather Jack" in the press because of his frequent encounters with bad weather at sea. He fought in battles in the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. He rose to Vice Admiral of the White before his death in 1786. His grandsons include the poet Lord Byron and George Anson Byron, admiral and explorer, who were the 6th and 7th Baron Byron, respectively.
[Ref: 64145] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
S. Cæcilia.
S. à Bolfwert fecit Martinus vanden Enden excud.
[n.d., c.1600.]
Engraving. 135 x 95mm (5¼ x 3¾"). Backed onto album paper, some time-staining.
Portrait of Saint Cecilia, Roman Christian virgin martyr, who is venerated in Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheran churches, such as the Church of Sweden. She became the patroness of music and musicians, it being written that, as the musicians played at her wedding, Cecilia "sang in her heart to the Lord". Musical compositions are dedicated to her, and her feast, on 22 November, is the occasion of concerts and musical festivals. She is also known as Cecilia of Rome.
[Ref: 64285] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
G.B. Cipriani del: F.Bartolozzi Sculp.
[From A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, London 1772, by Sir William Chambers.]
Engraving. Sheet 170 x 100mm (6¾ x 4"). Trimmed to plate.
Dedication leaf from A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, London 1772, by Sir William Chambers, (1723 - 1796), Swedish-Scottish architect, based in London. Among his best-known works are Somerset House, and the pagoda at Kew. Chambers was a founder member of the Royal Academy. DeV 2415
[Ref: 64269] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Anacharsis Cloots. Né le 24 juin 1755, Orateur du genre Humain, à l'Assemblée Nationale, l'An 1er de la Liberte Française.
Dess, et Grave avec le Phisionotrace par Quenedey.
[n.d., c.1792.] A Paris au Bureau du cercle Social, rue du Theatre Francais No.4.
Aquatint. Sheet 115 x 170mm (4½ x 6¾"). Trimmed into plate.
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste du Val-de-Grâce, baron de Cloots (1755 - 1794), better known as Anacharsis Cloots (also spelled Clootz), Prussian nobleman who was a significant figure in the French Revolution. Perhaps the first to advocate a world parliament, long before Albert Camus and Albert Einstein, he was a world federalist and an internationalist anarchist.
[Ref: 64276] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Capt.n James Cook. F.R.S.
T. Cook sculp.
[Publish'd Aug.t 13th 1784 by J. Fielding Paternoster Row.]
Rare stipple. Sheet 170 x 110mm (6¾ x 4¼"). Trimmed into image, losing publication line, laid on album paper.
An oval portrait of Captain Cook within a fiery border. From Fielding's edition of Cook's Voyages. Kivell p. 73.
[Ref: 64360] £380.00
James Currie, M.D. F.R.S. [Freedom and Peace shall tell to many an Age. Thy warning Counsels thy prophetic Page; Art, taught by thee, shall o'er the burning Frame...]
Engraved by R.H.Cromek, late Pupil of F.Bartolozzi Esq. R.A. from the Original Drawing by Horace Hone, in the possession of Mrs, Cairncross Dr. Curries Sister.
London: Published March 2nd 1807, by R.H.Cromek, 64 Newman Street, Oxford Street. Price 10s 6d.
Engraving. Sheet 260 x 205mm (10¼ x 8"). Loss lower corner left.
Portrait of James Currie (1756 - 1805), Scottish physician, best known for his anthology and biography of Robert Burns and his medical reports on the use of water in the treatment of fever. A watercolour portrait by Horace Hone (1756 - 1825) is in the National Galleries of Scotland.
[Ref: 64229] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Ioannes Maria e Turre.
[n.d., c.1763.]
Scarce mezzotint. 130 x 100mm (5 x 4"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Giovanni Maria Della Torre FRS (1710-82), Italian priest, naturalist and scientist who wrote several influential books on natural science and taught at several places around Italy.
[Ref: 64154] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Rubens delin. Blake sculp.
[Plate from Johann Caspar Lavater, Essays on Physiognomy (London, 1789), p.159].
Engraving. Sheet 225 x 175mm (9 x 7"). Trimmed to plate.
Portrait of Democritus (c. 46 c. 370 BC) who was an Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher from Abdera, primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe, engraved by William Blake. Democritus wrote extensively on a wide variety of topics. None of Democritus' original work has survived, except through second-hand references. Many of these references come from Aristotle, who viewed him as an important rival in the field of natural philosophy. He was known in antiquity as the ‘laughing philosopher’ because of his emphasis on the value of cheerfulness. From Vol I of Lavater, pg. 159.
[Ref: 64221] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. John Dennis.
J:Vand. Gucht Sculp.
[n.d., c.1734.]
Engraving. Sheet 135 x 80mm (5¼ x 3¼"). Trimmed to plate.
Portrait of John Dennis (1657-1734), English critic and dramatist.
[Ref: 64219] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Bryan Edwards Esq.r.
Abbot Pinxit. Holloway Sculp.t.
Published Sept, 25, 1800 by John Stockdale, Piccadilly.
Engraving. Sheet 220 x 135mm (8¾ x 5¼"). Trimmed into plate on right. Some slight time staining.
Portrait of Bryan Edwards (1743 - 1800), English politician and historian born in Westbury, Wiltshire. Edwards supported the slave trade, and was described by abolitionist William Wilberforce as a powerful opponent. West Indian slaver.
[Ref: 64135] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Thomas Emlyn. V.D.M. Nat. 27 Maij. 1663. Obiit. 30. Julii. 1741.
J. Highmore pin: G. Van der Gucht Scul.
[n.d., c.1742.]
Engraving. Sheet 185 x 105mm (7¼ x 4"). Trimmed within plate, laid on album paper at edges.
Thomas Emlyn (1663-1741), England's first openly unitarian minister. When he published 'An Humble Inquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ' in 1702, he was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for blasphemy and fined £1000. After two years he was released upon payment of £90.
[Ref: 64361] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Erasmus. With his three Friends. Sr. Thomas Moore, Dr. Colet & Ammonius.
Parr Sculp.
[n.d., c.1740.]
Engraving. 165 x 90mm (6½ x 3½"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, commonly known in English as Erasmus of Rotterdam or Erasmus, (1466 - 1536), Dutch Christian humanist, Catholic priest and theologian, educationalist, satirist, and philosopher. He is sat at a table engaging in coversation with former Lord High Chancellor of England, Sir Thomas Moore (1478-1535), Catholic priest and humanist John Colet (1467–1519) and Italian cleric and poet Andrea Ammonio (c.1478 – 1517).
[Ref: 64161] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Iohann Reinhold Forster. Iohann Georg Forster.
von D. Berger Geatz 1782.
Scarce stipple. Sheet 150 x 100mm (6 x 4"). Trimmed within plate, mounted in album paper.
A double portrait in oval of Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-98) and his son, Johann Georg Forster (1754-94), the naturalists on James Cook's second Pacific voyage.
[Ref: 64354] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
[Johann Froben] Forbenius.
Holbein pinxit. A. Blooteling fec. et ex. 1671.
A. Blooteling fec. et ex. 1671.
Scarce & fine mezzotint. 125 x 95mm (5 x 3¾"). Thread margins, mounted on album paper at corners.
Johann Froben (Latinised as Johannes Frobenius, c. 1460-1527), Swiss printer and publisher based in Basel. He was a close friend of Erasmus and employed Hans Holbein the Younger and Albrecht Dürer to illustrate his texts.
[Ref: 64213] £360.00
[Giovanni Battista Gelli.]
H.Gravelot a veteri pictura delin.t. N.Parr Sculp.
[n.d., c.1730.]
Rare etching. 110 x 165mm (4¼ x 6½"). Very small margins on upper and right of plate.
Portrait of Giovanni Battista Gelli (1498-1563), Florentine man of letters, from an artisan background. Gelli was a shoemaker, and he used to publish dialogues. He is known for his works of the 1540s, Capricci del bottaio and La Circe, which are ethical and philosophical dialogues. He became a member of the Accademia degli Umidi on 25 December 1540.
[Ref: 64268] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Mr Thomas Gray.]
[After William Mason], [Engraved by James Basire].
[Published According to Act of Parliament March 1st 1775].
Rare proof engraving. 260 x 205mm (10¼ x 8"). Trimmed to plate.
Portrait of Thomas Gray (1716 - 1771), English poet, letter-writer, and classical scholar at Cambridge University, being a fellow first of Peterhouse then of Pembroke College. He is widely known for his 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', published in 1751.
[Ref: 64212] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
[Richard Gude?] To the Independent Freeholders of the County of Middlesex.
Williams fecit.
[n.d., c.1827.]
Rare stipple, printed in red and black. Sheet 310 x 205mm. Trimmed within plate, small stains.
A man stands outside the Crown Office, on which is a poster 'Gude for Coroner'. He holds an eyeglass in one hand. In 1827 a Richard Gude wrote to Robert Peel, the Home Secretary, complaining contests for vacant coroners arose 'from a trial of strength between the political parties in the county'. Not in BM.
[Ref: 64186] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
A Scene taken on Dulwich Common. Gypsey Dick and his Family on their Journey to The Gypsey House.
[n.d., 1780.]
Engraving. Sheet 155 x 105mm (6 x 4"). Trimmed and mounted in album paper at edges.
A man with two peg legs rides on a donkey as his wife walks. He has two children in a basket, she has one in her shawl.
[Ref: 64353] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
Charles Henry C.t. D'Estaing.
[n.d., c.1785.]
Engraving. 155 x 90mm (6 x 3½"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper. Loosing publication line.
Portrait of Jean Baptiste Charles Henri Hector, Count of Estaing (1729 - 1794) was a French military officer and nobleman. He began his service as a soldier in the War of the Austrian Succession, briefly spending time as a prisoner of war of the British during the Seven Years' War. Naval exploits during the latter war prompted him to change branches of service, and he transferred to the French Navy. He fought bravely in the Amerian War of Independence. In the terror where he was guillotined in 1794, his last words were "After my head falls off, send it to the English they will pay a good deal for it!"
[Ref: 64143] £45.00
(£54.00 incl.VAT)
Ignatius Loyola. Obÿt 1556 Ætat 65. E Collectione Reverendi Philippi Bearcroft S.T.P. Domûs Carthusianæ Magistri.
Titiano Pinx.t. J. Faber fecit 1755.
Mezzotint. Sheet 250 x 185mm (9¾ x 7¼"). Trimmed to plate on three sides, just to image on right, creased.
St Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), founder and first Superior General of the Society of Jesus. CS 227.
[Ref: 64232] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Jonah an Oratorio.]
B.West. F.Bartolozzi Sculp.
Inv 1775.
Rare proof etching. Sheet 210 x 170mm (8¼ x 6¾"). Trimmed.
Proof for the title-page of music book of 'Jonah an Oratorio' by Samuel Felstead; Jonah, full-length, kneeling on ground, looking towards top left. DeV 1873 II of IV
[Ref: 64277] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Wm. Lithgow, the Wonderful Traveller & his Attendant. From a rare print in the collection of his Grace the Duke of Roxburgh.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Etching. Sheet 215 x 135mm (8½ x 5¼"). Trimmed into plate. Small upper and lower margins. Time stained.
Portrait of William Lithgow (c.1582 - c.1645), Scottish traveller, writer and alleged spy. He claimed at the end of his various peregrinations to have travelled 36,000 miles (58,000 kilometres) on foot.
[Ref: 64147] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Theophilus Lobb, M.D. Collegij regalis Medicorum in Londino Collega; et regiae Societatis Londini Socius.
N. Brown Pinx.t. J. Hulett Sculp.t.
[n.d., 1764]
Engraving. Sheet 165 x 110mm (6½ x 4¼"). Trimmed into image on three sides, laid on album paper.
Theophilus Lobb (1678–1763) was an English physician and nonconformist religious writer. The frontispiece to 'The power of faith and godliness exemplified: in some memoirs of Theophilus Lobb'.
[Ref: 64363] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. John Farley. Principal Cook at the London Tavern.
[Publish'd Jany 1st. 1785, for Scatcherd & Whitaker, B. Law, & G & T. Wilkie.]
Rare engraving. Sheet 135 x 110mm (5¼ x 4¼"). Trimmed and backed onto album paper. Missing publication line.
Portrait of cook John Farley (c.1755-1827), frontispiece to an edition of his 'The London Art of Cookery' (1785).
[Ref: 64279] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Andrew Lumisden Esqr.
From a Medallion by I.Tafsie. Engraved by W.Dickinson.
[n.d., c.1784.]
Rare stipple engraving. Sheet 225 x 190mm (9 x 7½"). Trimmed to plate.
Portrait of Andrew Lumisden (1720 - 1801), Scottish Jacobite. He was Personal Secretary to Bonnie Prince Charlie during his exile in Rome. He was a joint founder of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1783.
[Ref: 64218] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Earl of Lauderdale.
Drawn from a Bust by J.Nollekins Esqr. R.A. G.P. Harding del.t.
Wash drawing. 160 x 130mm (6¼ x 5").
Portrait of a bust of James Maitland, 8th Earl of Lauderdale, KT, PC (1759 - 1839) was Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland and a Scottish representative peer in the House of Lords by George Perfect Harding.
[Ref: 64233] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
James Mathias Esqr.
Mr. Orde del.t. J.Bretherton fec.t.
Fine and rare etching. 145 x 110mm (5¾ x 4").
Portrait of Thomas James Mathias (1753-1835), British satirist, scholar, translator and vegetarian.
[Ref: 64226] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Mr. Morett.
Holbein pinxit. W.Hollar fecit. ex Collectione Arundeliana.
Ao. 1647. 31 Dec:.
Etching. 140 x 110mm (5½ x 4¼"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper at sides.
Portrait of Charles de Solier, comte de Morette (1480 - 1552), the son of Aubertin de Solier, comte de Morette (1465–1545), was a French soldier and diplomat as well as a long-serving gentilhomme de la chambre to Francis I. He acted as ambassador to England on a number of occasions from October 1526 to June 1535. P1470.
[Ref: 64133] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Mahomet. The Impostor.
[n.d., c.1719.]
Engraving. 145 x 90mm (5¾ x 3¾"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Muhammad, Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of Islam. L'Alcoran de Mahomet ("The Qur'an of Muhammad") was the third Western translation of the Qur'an, preceded by Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete ("[The] Law of the False Prophet Muhammad") and the translation by Mark of Toledo. The translation was made from Arabic into French by André du Ryer in 1647. Two years later, in 1649, Alexander Ross translated it to English from French.
[Ref: 64149] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
Dr. Tho.s. Nugent. Take him for all in all. We ne'er shall look upon his likeness again. Shakespeare.
Stipple engraving. Sheet 225 x 135mm (9 x 5¼"), large margins on 3 sides. Trimmed into plate on left. Some foxing on edges at right.
Portrait of Dr Thomas Nugent (c.1700 - 1772), erudite Irish historian and travel writer. Today he is best known for his travelogue of the Grand Tour, which was at that time popular particularly among English noblemen taking educational tours through Europe. His detailed descriptions of the France, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands of the time provide a rich source for historians of the situation in the second half of the 18th century.
[Ref: 64129] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Osman Pacha. Commonly called Count Bonneval.
J. Mynde Sc.
[n.d., c.1700.]
Engraving. 145 x 80mm (5¾ x 3¼"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Osman Pasha (1675–1747), Count of Bonneval, three-quarter length, directed to the right, face turned and looking to the left, wearing embroidered fur-trimmed coat.
[Ref: 64138] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[Sampson Perry.]
Engraved by Maddan, from a Sketch by Cosway.
[n.d., c.1792.]
Stipple engraving. Sheet 140 x 95mm (5½ x 3¾"). Trimmed into plate. Bottom left corner torn.
Portrait of Sampson Perry (1747 - 1823), a surgeon, author, journalist, vigorous civil and religious reformer and newspaper proprietor of 'The Argus' endured a “barrage of libels” initiated by the Pitt government from 1790-1792. Daniell 11 I
[Ref: 64270] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Jo. Bat. Piranesi Venet. Architectus.
F. Polanzani faciebat 1750 Super. permissu.
Engraving. Sheet 340 x 260mm (13¼ x 10¼"). Trimmed into image on three sides into plate at bottom, affecting inscriptions.
A portrait of Giovanni Battista Piranesi in imitation of an antique bust, a frontispiece from ''Opere varie di Architettura, prospetive, grotteschi, antichità; inventate, ed incise da Giambattista Piranesi Architetto Veneziano''. A very fine image.
[Ref: 64228] £390.00
Plato. Hic solus in Philosophiaa diuini nomen meruit. Apud Fuluium Vrsinum ex marmore.
[n.d., c.1790.]
Engraving. 240 x 165mm (9½ x 6½"). Small margins. Small tear on the left and right margins into plate.
Engraving of a sculpture bust of Plato (c. 47 - 348 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher of the Classical period who is considered a foundational thinker in Western philosophy and an innovator of the written dialogue and dialectic forms. He raised problems for what became all the major areas of both theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy, and was the founder of the Platonic Academy, a philosophical school in Athens where Plato taught the doctrines that would later become known as Platonism.
[Ref: 64223] £80.00
(£96.00 incl.VAT)
Percivall Pott, F.R.S.
Engraved by permission from an Original Picture by Dance.
Published 7 June 1785 by E.d. Hedges, No.92, Cornhill, London.
Engraving. 170 x 125mm (6¾ x 5"). Trimmed into plate on left. Some foxing on right.
Portrait of Percivall Pott (1714 - 1788), English surgeon and a founder of orthopaedics. He was the first scientist to show that an environmental carcinogen could cause cancer, identifying soot as the cause of chimney sweeps' scrotal cancer, now known as testicular cancer. W 2369
[Ref: 64284] £70.00
(£84.00 incl.VAT)
[François Rabelais.]
J. Folkenna inv et sculp.
Fine and rare engraving. 230 x 175mm (9 x 7"). Small margins.
Portrait of François Rabelais (born between 1483 and 1494; died 1553), French writer who has been called the first great French prose author. A humanist of the French Renaissance and Greek scholar, he attracted opposition from both Protestant theologian John Calvin and from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Though in his day he was best known as a physician, scholar, diplomat, and Catholic priest, later he became better known as a satirist for his depictions of the grotesque, and for his larger-than-life characters.
[Ref: 64272] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Jean Jacques Rousseau, Né à Genêve en 1708.
[A. Ramsay] London Pinx. 1766. J.B. Nochez Sculp 1[769. No. 6.]
[AParis chez Delalain, rue St Jacques. Avec Privilege du Roi.]
Scarce & fine engraving. Sheet 340 x 260mm (13½ x 10¼). Trimmed 2cm into image at sides and top, affecting artis & engraver's inscriptions, and 3cm at bottom, losing verse and publication line.
A half-length portrait of the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau wearing fur hat and fur-lined coat, the Armenian costume he wore when he fled his native Switzerland to settle in Paris. This portrait was painted during his stay in England (January 1766 to May 1767). Engraved by Jean Edmé Nocher (b. 1736) after Allan Ramsay (1713-84), published by Nicolas-Augustin Delalain (c.1735-1806).
[Ref: 64230] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
Saint Augustin. [Eveque a Hippone; degne, fils de St.Ambroise dans la Foy; Deffenseur de la Religion Chretienne contre les Payens...]
Peint par Ant-Dieu. Grave par Dossier.
[n.d., c.1700.] A.Paris Chez N.Bazin. Avec Privil du Roy.
Engraving. 255 x 190mm (10 x 7½"). Small margins.
Portrait of Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430), also known as Saint Augustine, theologian and philosopher of Berber origin and the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa. His writings influenced the development of Western philosophy and Western Christianity, and he is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church in the Patristic Period. His many important works include The City of God, On Christian Doctrine, and Confessions.
[Ref: 64231] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
Lucius Annœus Seneque. Originaire d Cordouë en Espagne, ore, dit on, a l'age de 120 ans, l'An 65. de J.Ch.
[n.d., c.1700.] Paris chez Petit rue St. Jacques pres les Mathurins.
Engraving. Sheet 110 x 160mm (4¼ x 6¼"). Trimmed close to plate. Very small margins. Tiny tear on upper right.
Portrait of Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger (c. 4 B - AD 65), usually known mononymously as Seneca, Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome, a statesman, dramatist, and in one work, satirist, from the post-Augustan age of Latin literature.
[Ref: 64271] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
[Sir John Strange] I. Strange Eq. Avr. S. Scrinior. Magister Reg. Maiest. A Secr. Consiliis Ob. XV, Cal. IVN. A.D. MDCCLIV. Aet. LVIII.
J, Houbraken Sculp.
[n.d., 1755.]
Etgraving and etching. 250 x 175mm (9¾ x 6¾") very large margins.
Sir John Strange (1696-1754), Master of the Rolls from 1750 until his death, published as the frontispiece to his 'Reports'. His epitath says "Here lies an honest lawyer and that is strange".
[Ref: 64225] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)