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Magnifico smokentissimo custardissimo astrologissimo cunningmanissimo rabbinissimo viro Iacko Adams de Clarkenwell Greeno hanc lovelissiman sui picturam.
Magnifico smokentissimo custardissimo astrologissimo cunningmanissimo rabbinissimo viro Iacko Adams de Clarkenwell Greeno hanc lovelissiman sui picturam.
Hobbedeboody pinxit et scratchabat.
[London. Pub. as the Act directs May 30, 1792 by J. Caulfield.]
Engraving. 130 x 75mm (5 x 3"). Trimmed within plate, backed onto album paper.
Portrait of Jack Adams, known as "the cunning man of Clerkenwell Green", an astrologer, at a table casting a horoscope, a tobacco pipe tucked into his belt. A woman wearing a torn cap and collar, and over whose head is written "the queene of slutes", stands behind him touching his shoulder asking him to tell her fortune. In the lower right corner, the head and shoulders of a man appear; he holds out his hat with his left hand and with the right offers coins to the astrologer, asking "Is she a princess". On the table, as well as the horoscope on which Adams writes, is an inkwell with another quill, an almanack lettered "Poor Robin's Path to Knowledge" and a horn-book; on the wall behind hangs a medal with the head of a man in a turban; two shelves are partly concealed by a curtain, the top shelf has books and a fool's wand with a horse's head and the shelf below has children's toys, a drum and spinning tops with whips
[Ref: 63190]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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W.m Addington Esq.r
W.m Addington Esq.r
Painted by W.m Peters R.A. Engraved by J.R. Smith.
Publish'd May 1. 1781 by J. Birchall N.º 473 Strand, London.
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark; 385 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Trimmed to plate.
A half-length portrait of Bow Street magistrate Sir William Addington (1728-1811), dressed in the uniform of the Westminster Volunteers.
CS 1; Frankau 2, state ii.
[Ref: 62740]   £320.00  
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S. Albertu'
S. Albertu' Clara fugat lampas noctem, liber otia tollit Mactatur Cypris flore, Cupido cruce
[after Hans von Aachen, as engraved by Robert Boissard.]
[n.d., c.1800.]
Engraving. 150 x 105mm (6 x 4"). Thread margin at bottom, tipped onto album sheet at corners.
A copy of a portrait of Saint Albertus Magnus (1200-80). [Albert Bullstredt] Albert was one of the Great Medieval Philosophers and scientists.
[Ref: 62686]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Member of the Benevolent Pension Society?]
[Member of the Benevolent Pension Society?]
Painted and Engraved by W.T. Dennis 1852.
Mezzotint. Sheet 375 x 245mm (14¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed within plate, creases in corners.
A three-quarter length portrait of a man in tailcoat and velvet waistcoat, resting one hand on architectural plans, probably for almshouses for a Benevolent Pension Society.
[Ref: 63175]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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M,,rs Banks.
M,,rs Banks.
H.D. Hamilton Pinx.t. R. Lowrie [Robert Laurie] fecit.
London, Printed for Rob.t Sayer, N.º 53, Fleet Street, as the Act directs, 20 August 1772.
Scarce mezzotint, 18th century watermark; Sheet 380 x 275mm (15 x 10¾"). Trimmed into image on three sides, into plate at bottom.
A profile portrait in oval of a woman with jewellery in her hair. Chaloner Smith suggests this is probably Mary Banks (1747-1817), ''the daughter of William Southouse, Esq., of Wimbledon, Surrey; married, 1768, the Rev. Mr. Banks, nephew to Sir Henry Banks, Knt., and alderman of London".
CS 6, state ii of ii.
[Ref: 62765]   £460.00  
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[The Fox Petition, 1769.] William Beckford Esq.r Member of Parliament for the City of London, chosen Alderman of Billingsgate ward, 1752.
[The Fox Petition, 1769.] William Beckford Esq.r Member of Parliament for the City of London, chosen Alderman of Billingsgate ward, 1752. Ja.s Townsend Esq.r Member for Westloe in Cornwall, chosen Aldermann of Bishopsgte ward, June 23.d 1769. John Sawbridge Esq.r Member for Hithe in Kent, chosen Ald.n of Langbourn Ward, July 1st 1769.
R. Houston del et fecit.
Publish'd as the Act directs, Sep.r 29th 1769 by Jn.o Smith No 35 in Cheapside; and Rob.t Sayer No 53 in Fleet Street, London.
Scarce mezzotint, very fine impression; 305 x 390mm (12 x 15¼"), large margins on 3 sides. Loss in inscription area.
Portraits of three important London politicians, all supporters of John Wilkes and all Lord Mayors of London in the 1760s and 1770s. They are shown here preparing their petition against the Paymaster General of the Forces, Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland, who was believed to have amassed a personal fortune of £400,000 in his eight years as Paymaster. Beckford (then Lord Mayor) holds the petition scroll in his hand, which is opened to the section which refers to Fox as 'the public defaulter of unaccounted millions'. Although he escaped from the charges Fox died an embittered man. Sawbridge, on the right, rests upon a volume of 'Locke on Government'.
C.S. 9.
[Ref: 63173]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[The Fox Petition, 1769.] William Beckford Esq.r Member of Parliament for the City of London, chosen Alderman of Billingsgate ward, 1752.
[The Fox Petition, 1769.] William Beckford Esq.r Member of Parliament for the City of London, chosen Alderman of Billingsgate ward, 1752. Ja.s Townsend Esq.r Member for Westloe in Cornwall, chosen Aldermann of Bishopsgte ward, June 23.d 1769. John Sawbridge Esq.r Member for Hithe in Kent, chosen Ald.n of Langbourn Ward, July 1st 1769.
R. Houston del et fecit.
Publish'd as the Act directs, Sep.r 29th 1769 by Jn.o Smith No 35 in Cheapside; and Rob.t Sayer No 53 in Fleet Street, London.
Scarce mezzotint. 305 x 390mm (12 x 15¼"). Tears taped.
Portraits of three important London politicians, all supporters of John Wilkes and all Lord Mayors of London in the 1760s and 1770s. They are shown here preparing their petition against the Paymaster General of the Forces, Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland, who was believed to have amassed a personal fortune of £400,000 in his eight years as Paymaster. Beckford (then Lord Mayor) holds the petition scroll in his hand, which is opened to the section which refers to Fox as 'the public defaulter of unaccounted millions'. Although he escaped from the charges Fox died an embittered man. Sawbridge, on the right, rests upon a volume of 'Locke on Government'.
C.S.Houston 9.
[Ref: 62769]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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R. P. Bonington.
R. P. Bonington.
Drawn on Stone by J. D. Harding from a Picture by Margaret Carpenter.
Published, Aug. 1st, 1829, by J. Carpenter & Son, Old Bond Street. Printed by C. Hullmandel.
Fine & rare lithograph on india. 280 x 215mm (11 x 8½"). Laid on album paper at edges.
Portrait of Richard Parkes Bonington (1802 - 1828), English Romantic landscape painter. His bust to front, with short dark hair, dark jacket over white shirt; after Carpenter; frontispiece to the series; finished state. Lettered below image with facsimile of sitter's autograph.
[Ref: 63201]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Photographic Group of the British Poets, complete from Chaucer to Beattie.
Photographic Group of the British Poets, complete from Chaucer to Beattie.
Published by J.B. de Voto. Glasgow [n.d., c.1875.]
Photograph laid on printed backing card. 300 x 240mm (11¾ x 9½"). With wood-engraved index sheet. Some slight oxidisation.
A photographically reproduced montage of 137 writers, including Byron and Scott.
[Ref: 63296]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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[George Brooks Esq.]
[George Brooks Esq.]
[After Samuel Woodforde.][Engraved by James Heath]
[n.d. c.1820]
Aquatint part printed in colour. 280 x 215mm (11 x 8½"). Sheet has become discoloured. Small marking across the image.
Half portrait of George Brooks of Twickenham, active in late 18th-early 19th century.
[Ref: 62852]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Maria Broughton-Delves] Lady Broughton.
[Maria Broughton-Delves] Lady Broughton.
S.r Jos. Reynolds Pinxt. Wilson fecit.
[London, Printed for Rob.t Sayer, Map & Printseller, No. 53. Fleet Street, as the Act directs 1st. Sep.r 1771.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 350 x 260mm (13¾ x 10¼"). Trimmed into plate at bottom, losing publication line, narrow margins elsewhere.
A three-quarter length portrait of Mary Hill (d.1813, wife of Sir Brian Broughton-Delves (d.1766), 5th baronet of Broughton Hall, Staffordshire. The original portrait, showing Maria full-length, was begun by Reynolds in 1765 but only completed after her husband's death. The oil is now in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
CS: 4.
[Ref: 62759]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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T. F. Buxton.
T. F. Buxton.
Painted by H. P. Briggs. Esq. R. A. Engraved by W. Holl.
Fisher, Son & Co. London & Paris. [n.d., c.1800.]
Engraving. 220 x 150 (8¾ x 6"), very large margins.
Portrait of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1st Baronet Buxton of Belfield and Runton (1786 – 1845), three-quarter length, seated to right, facing the viewer, wearing a jacket, waistcoat and cravat, holding a book in his left hand. As an MP he worked for changes in prison conditions and criminal law and for the abolition of slavery. On 16 June 1824, a meeting was held at Old Slaughter's Coffee House, St Martin's Lane, London, at which was created the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – it became the RSPCA when Queen Victoria gave royal assent in 1840. Buxton was appointed chairman for the year 1824.
[Ref: 63191]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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T. Fowell Buxton.
T. Fowell Buxton.
Engraved by John Brain. From a Painting by Geogr Hayter. Esq.r. M.A.L.L.&c.
[n.d., c.1840, London: John Saunders, Junr. 49, Paternoster Row.]
Stipple engraving. 125 x 180mm (5 x 7").
A portrait of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1st Baronet Buxton of Belfield and Runton (1786 – 1845). As an MP he worked for changes in prison conditions and criminal law and for the abolition of slavery. On 16 June 1824, a meeting was held at Old Slaughter's Coffee House, St Martin's Lane, London, at which was created the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – it became the RSPCA when Queen Victoria gave royal assent in 1840. Buxton was appointed chairman for the year 1824.
[Ref: 63123]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Johannes Calvinus.
Johannes Calvinus.
Strasburg zu finden beÿ Johan Tscherning Auf S. Tomas Pla.
[n.d., c.1700.]
Engraving, 17th century watermark. Sheet 135 x 95mm (5¼ x 3¾"). Trimmed into printed border, mounted in album paper at sides.
Profile portrait of theologian Jean (John) Calvin (1509-64), before a bookcase containing instruments. Engraved by Johann Tscherning (fl. 1684-1729).
[Ref: 62924]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Maurin. Imp. lithog. de Chambert, rue Cassette Nº 2.
[n.d., c.1830.]
Tinted lithograph. Printed area 290 x 240mm (11½ x 9½"), with large margins. Slight foxing in margins.
Antonio Canova (1757-1822), Italian sculptor who was the most innovative and widely-acclaimed practitioner of the neo-classical style. He was made famous by his marble sculptures rendering the delicate touch of the nude flesh. Being neo-classical, his work marked a return to the classical perfection and fine art after the excessive extravagance of the Baroque era.
[Ref: 63182]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Frances Cecil] The Countess of Salisbury.
[Frances Cecil] The Countess of Salisbury.
G. Kneller Eques pinx:
J. Smith fe: & ex: [n.d., c.1696.]
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark; 345 x 250mm (13½ x 9¾"). Trimmed into plate at bottom, thread margins elsewhere.
Three-quarter length portrait of Frances Cecil (née Bennett, 1670-1713) in a landscape, wearing a widow's black high dress with a veil on her head. Her husband, James Cecil (1666-94), the 4th Earl of Salisbury, died on the 24th October 1694, aged only 28; only a month earlier Frances's mother had been murdered by a butcher who broke into her house.
Chaloner Smith 221, II.
[Ref: 62762]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Frances Cecil] The Countess of Salisbury.
[Frances Cecil] The Countess of Salisbury.
G. Kneller Eques pinx:
J. Smith fe: & ex: [n.d., c.1696.]
Fine mezzotint. 345 x 250mm (13½ x 9¾"), with large margins.
Three-quarter length portrait of Frances Cecil (née Bennett, 1670-1713) in a landscape, wearing a widow's black high dress with a veil on her head. Her husband, James Cecil (1666-94), the 4th Earl of Salisbury, died on the 24th October 1694, aged only 28; only a month earlier Frances's mother had been murdered by a butcher who broke into her house.
Chaloner Smith 221, II.
[Ref: 63011]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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S.t. Cecilia.
S.t. Cecilia.
Benjamin West inv. F. Bartolozzi Sculpsit.
London Published June 1784, by A: Poggi, No.7, St. Georges Row, Hyde Park.
Stipple, printed in sepia. 220 x 190mm (8¾ x 7½''). Small margins.
A portrait of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music, shown playing the organ.
De Vesme 2217 III. See Ref: 20481 for different state.
[Ref: 62926]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Johannes Churchill Dux de Marlborough &e Brit
Johannes Churchill Dux de Marlborough &e Brit et Faeder; Exere:Suninus Imperator Invictus.
Joh. de S.t Amour inv. M V.dr Gucht Sculp.
[n.d. c.1700 but later]
Fine engraving, plate 220 x 190mm (8½ x 7½"), with large margins.
Half-portrait of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722), in an oval fram held by Britania in a heavenly landscape. Above an angel blows a trumpet with a banner hanging down 'Consilio Fortitudine.'
[Ref: 62958]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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His Excellency John Duke of Marlborough.
His Excellency John Duke of Marlborough.
G. Kneller Eques pinx.
Sold by I. Smith at ye Lyon & Crown in Russell Street Covent Garden. [n.d. c.1705.]
Rare mezzotint, plate 195 x 145mm (7¾ x 5¾"). Small margins.
John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) was an English soldier and statesman. He was the great general of the wars against Louis XIV and was rewarded with Blenheim Palace.
CS 164.
[Ref: 63018]   £220.00   (£264.00 incl.VAT)
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Christopher Clarke MA of Marlingford Hall in the County of Norfolk,
Christopher Clarke MA of Marlingford Hall in the County of Norfolk, Arch Deacon of Norwich, & Prebendary of Ely [...]
J. Va n Diest Pinxit. J. Faber fecit 1740.
Sold by Faber at the Golden Head in Bloomsbury Square.
Rare mezzotint, Collector's mark verso. Shee 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"). Trimmed within plate, almost to image.
Three-quarter portrait of Christopher Clarke (d.1742), archdeacon of Norwich, right hand resting on a bible, left hand gesturing towards a bust of Russian Tsar Peter the Great, who had been present when Clarke was ordained in 1697. Bath interest.
CS 83. only state.
[Ref: 63176]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Elizabeth Catherine ('Kitty') Clarke.]
[Elizabeth Catherine ('Kitty') Clarke.]
E.F. Calze pinxit. Val.e Green fecit.
Published July 22 1771 [by John Boydell].
Mezzotint, scratched letter proof, very fine impression, 18th century watermark; 405 x 290mm (16 x 11½"). Thread margins; small hole near left edge & bottom centre repaired.
Elizabeth Catherine Hunter (died 1795), wife of Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke, commander of the British army in Georgia (1780), Governor of Jamaica (1784), Commander-in-Chief of the Madras Army (1796), acting Governor-General of India (1798) and finally Commander-in-Chief of India (also 1798). They married in 1770, eight years after 'Kitty' had eloped with the married 10th Earl of Pembroke, with whom she had a son, Augustus Retnuh (Hunter backwards) Reebkomp (an anagram of Pembroke). Calse was a pseudonym for Edward Francis Cunningham.
CS 71, state i of ii. Whitman: 29 i of iii, before Boydell's name scratched on.
[Ref: 62755]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[Karl Clemens graf von Pellegrini.]
[Karl Clemens graf von Pellegrini.]
Ign. Duvivier pin.t. Nic Rhein inc.t.
[n.d., c.1790.]
An exceptionally large & scarce mezzotint, proof before title. 860 x 630mm (33¾ x 24¾"). Trimmed within plate at bottom, top corners chipped, repaired tears, surface cracking, laid on paper. Damaged.
A huge equestrian portrait of Karl Clemens von Pellegrini (1720-96), Austrian soldier and military engineer. He fought at Philippsburg in 1734, in the War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years' War and the Turkish War of 1796, becoming a field marshal. When the Commander's Cross of the Order of Maria Theresa was instituted in 1765, he was one of the first nine recipients. In 1789 he won the Grand Cross of the Order and in 1792 he became a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. One of the largest mezzotints we have ever seen. We have only traced one other example, also untitled.
[Ref: 62661]   £490.00  
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The R.t Honourable Anne Countess Cowper.
The R.t Honourable Anne Countess Cowper.
W. Hamilton R.A. pixit. F. Bartolozzi R.A sculpt.
London. Pub.d Jan.y 1798, by Anth.y Molteno Printseller to her Royal Highness the Dutchess of York N.o 76. S.t James's Street.
Stipple engraving, 260 x 185mm (10¼ x 7¼"), with very large margins. Creases in margins where previously folded.
A portrait of Anna Countess Cowper (1806-1880) shown wearing a veil.
De Vesme: 1062.
[Ref: 63021]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[François Du Quesnoy ~ il Fiammingo.] Done from the Picture in the Collection of the Right Hon,,ble the Earl of Besborough.
[François Du Quesnoy ~ il Fiammingo.] Done from the Picture in the Collection of the Right Hon,,ble the Earl of Besborough.
Le. Brun Pinx.t. W. Pether Fecit.
Rob.t Sayer Excudit. [London Printed for Rob.t Sayer Map & Printseller, No. 53, Fleet Street.]
Mezzotint. Sheet 495 x 355mm (19½ x 14"). Thread margins on three sides, trimmed into plate at bottom, losing publication line, small tear in inscription area, cockling top right.
A half-length portrait of sculptor and draughtsman François Du Quesnoy (1597-1643), known as il Fiammingo. Born in Brussels, he was in Rome in 1621 in the workshop of Claude Poussin. He spent many years studying and copying Classical and modern works in Roman collections, taking commissions for Urban VIII and Cardinal Massimi.
CS.12, ii of ii.
[Ref: 62738]   £320.00  
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Eloisa meditating on St. Preux's Letter.  Rousseau's Eloisa Vol.1 Page 16.
Eloisa meditating on St. Preux's Letter. Rousseau's Eloisa Vol.1 Page 16.
F. Wheatly R.A. pinxt.
London Pub.d June 27. 1791 by S. Vivares No.13 G.t Newport Street.
Stipple with etching, printed in sanguine. 370 x 265mm (14½ x 10½"). Faint crease.
A woman seated in a wooded landscape, reading a letter, turning her head away with an expression of despair. Representation of Héloïse, illustrating 'Julie, or the New Heloise', an epistolary novel by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) inspired by the 12th century story of Héloïse's illicit love for, and secret marriage to, her teacher Pierre Abélard, perhaps the most popular teacher and philosopher in Paris. After Francis Wheatley (1747 - 1801).
See reference 11566 for one printed in black ink.
[Ref: 63020]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Major General Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, M.P.
Major General Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, M.P.
Drawn by R. Cosway R.A. Engraved by Anth.y Cardon.
London: Pub.d April 1. 1810, by Anth.y Cardon, 37, London Street, Fitzroy Square.
Rare stipple, plate 405 x 315mm (16 x 12½"). Trimmed to plate top, left and right. Thread margins.
Full-length portrait of Gen Sir Ronald Craufurd Ferguson (1773-1841) standing directed and pointing slightly to left, right hand on his sword-hilt at his hip, looking away to right, wearing military uniform with a sash and high collar, his hat, a scroll and plans on a drum in his tent behind to left, a standard on the floor nearby and tents pitched beside a river in the background to right.
[Ref: 63032]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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The Honourable Susanna Fitzpatrick.
The Honourable Susanna Fitzpatrick.
A. Soldi pinx.t J. McArdell fecit.
[n.d. c.1750.]
Mezzotint. 325 x 222mm (12¾ x 8¾"), with large margins.
Three-quarter length portrait of Susanna Fitzpatrick (née Usher, 1729-59), wearing a dress decorated with flowers at the breast, a bow and frills of lace at left elbow, and light collar trimmed with lace, holding cloak over right arm. Her husband was the Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick.
Goodwin: 12. CS: 66, state ii.
[Ref: 62766]   £320.00  
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The Florist.
The Florist. Thus Fields of Joy youth's blooming seasons bless...
Painted by J. Hoppner. Engraved by J. Dean.
Published Dec.r 1786 by J. Dean, Bentinck Street, Soho.
Scarce mezzotint. Sheet 390 x 280mm (15¼ x 11"). Trimmed within plate, pinholes in top corners, slight surface soiling.
A young girl picks flowers under trees.
[Ref: 62758]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[George IV] His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales.
[George IV] His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales.
Painted by T. Gainsborough Esq. R.A. Engrav'd by John Raphael Smith Mezzotinto Engraver to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
London Published Jan:y 1:st 1785 by J.R. Smith N:º 83 Oxford Street.
Very fine mezzotint. 660 x 460mm (26 x 18"). Framed. Some damp staining in inscription area. Unexamined out of frame.
A full length portrait of George, Prince of Wales (1762-1830), in uniform, leaning against his horse. The original oil, painted in 1781 by Thomas Gainsborough, is now in the Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor.
CS 167.
[Ref: 63268]   £850.00  
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Lord George Gordon.
Lord George Gordon. [President of the Protestant Association.]
[Drawn from the Life by R. Bran.]
[London, Published as the Act directs, Augt. 4, 1780; by John Harris, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill - Price 1s.]
Line engraving. Sheet 305 x 220mm (12 x 8¾"). Trimmed into plate and backed onto album paper. Trimmed into plate, cutting off lower edge of print. Title pasted to album paper but missing all other information.
Portrait of Lord George Gordon (1751 – 1793), whole length, standing to front on a hill with his right foot on a volume, lettered with 'Popery', pointing with a staff held in his right hand at 'The Protestant Petition', lettered on a scroll, holding a hat and glove in his left hand. Gordon was a British politician best known for lending his name to the Gordon Riots of 1780. An eccentric and flighty personality, he was born into the Scottish nobility and sat in the House of Commons from 1774 to 1780.
[Ref: 63167]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Van Goyen his Wife and Child.
Van Goyen his Wife and Child. From an Original Painting of F: Hals in ye Possession of M,,r Tho,,s Woodington.
Fran,,s Hals pinx,,t. J. Wright fec,,t.
Publish'd as the Act directs, Feb,,y 15,,th 1771. [And Sold at the Print Shops. ]
Mezzotint. 410 x 290mm (16 x 11½"). Trimmed into plate at bottom, margin and plate built up lower left, tears, most repaired, surface damage in inscription area.
A scarce portrait of influential Dutch landscape painter Jan van Goyen (1596-1656), with his wife and child in a landscape.
CS 5, state ii.
[Ref: 62756]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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James Greenacre & Sarah Gale.
James Greenacre & Sarah Gale. Charged with the murder & mutilation of Hannah Brown_ sketched from life, at the bar of the Old Bailway 12th April, 1837. Warranted wirrten only 10 minutes before Sentence was passed!}
Sold by Knight, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill. ~ [n.d., c.1837.]
Lithograph, sheet 185 x 255mm (7¼ x 10).
Portraits of James Greenacre and his mistress, Sarah Gale, at their trial at the Old Bailey for the murder of Hannah Brown on 12 April 1837; both half-length, seated on chairs, looking to left; facsimiles of their autographs below.
[Ref: 62996]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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[Lt Col John Gurwood] J.Gurwood [facsimile signature].
[Lt Col John Gurwood] J.Gurwood [facsimile signature]. 27 Mai 1845.
[Alfred d'Orsay].
Lithograph on chine collé. 225 x 160mm (8¾ x 6¼"), very large margins. Backing sheet spotted and toned at edges.
Lt Col John Gurwood (1788-1845). After surviving a forlorn hope at Ciudad Rodrigo in the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo, he edited and published the 'Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington', a major contribution to military history.
[Ref: 63230]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Sir William Hamilton, K.B.F.R.S.
Sir William Hamilton, K.B.F.R.S.
Engraved by W.T. Fry, from an original Drawing made at Naples, by C. Grignon.
Published March 27. 1817, by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London.
Stipple engraving. 380 x 315mm (15 x 12½"), Trimmed to platemark at sides. Slight foxing. Slight crease in title.
Sir William Hamilton (1731-1803), diplomatist and art collector. The epitome of the era of the Grand Tourist (his grand tour lasted thrity-five years), Hamilton became envoy-extraordinary in Naples from where he collected widely and developed a great interest in volcanoes. Late in life he married Emma Hamilton, who later began an affair with Horatio Nelson.
[Ref: 63181]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Lady Selina Hastings.
Lady Selina Hastings.
J. Reynolds pinx.t. C. Spooner fecit.
Printed for Rob.t Sayer, Printseller, at the Golden Buck near Jerjeants Inn Fleet-street.
Mezzotint, fine impression with 18th century watermark. Sheet 350 x 250mm (13¾ x 9¾"). Trimmed into image on three sides, into plate at bottom.
Portrait of Selina Hastings (1737-63), daughter of Theophilus, 9th Earl of Huntington, and Selina (a Methodist leader, friend of George Whitfield and John Wesley). She pre-deceased her mother.
CS 22a.
[Ref: 62743]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis
Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis Aetatis suae. 76.
[n.d., c.1760.]
Etching, sheet 195 x 135mm (7¾ x 5¼"). Holes and fold in right margin where previously bound. Trimmed within plate on left.
Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679), social philosopher. Hobbes wrote extensively on history, geometry and politics. His major work, Leviathan (1651), was an important influence on the tradition of utilitarian political thinking. He was the friend of Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson and William Harvey, and tutor of Charles II, who later granted him a pension, but his reputation as an atheist gained him many opponents within the Church and government. Inscribed 'pag. 221' upper right. After William Faithorne (c.1620 - 1691), engraver and draughtsman.
Not in BM, NPG.
[Ref: 63012]   £190.00   (£228.00 incl.VAT)
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Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis.
Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis. Aet. suae. 91.
W. Faithorne sculps.
[n.d., c.1680.]
Scarce etching. Sheet 195 x 140mm (7¾ x 5½"). Trimmed just within plate, laid on card.
Half-length portrait in oval of social philosopher, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The first state of the plate had his age as 76; this state has been changed to 91, the year of his death.
Fagan p.41. Ex collection of Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
[Ref: 63106]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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Le Jeune Eplucheur.
Le Jeune Eplucheur. Cette ampoule me done a comprendre; Que celui qui trop haut est monté,...
peint par P. Mieris. Grave par G. Bodeneer.
[n.d., c.1700s.] Printed for Carington Bowles in St Pauls Church Yard, London.
Fine & rare mezzotint, 18th century watermark. Plate 120 x 165mm (4¾ x 6½"), very large margins.
A young boy shown three-quarters length blowing bubbles, turned to right and looking back to left; after Mieris. Inscription with the title and four lines of verse written in French on the left and German on the right. A rare example of a continental image published in London.
[Ref: 63085]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT)
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[Dr. Samuel Johnson.]
[Dr. Samuel Johnson.]
[Samuel James Bouverie Haydon.]
[n.d., c.1860.]
Dry-point etching. 175 x 115mm (7 x 4½").
Portrait head of Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-84) the English author, poet, critic, and lexicographer, in an oval frame, in three-quarter profile to left; after a drawing by Ozias Humphry based on a portrait by Reynolds. Beginning as a Grub Street journalist, he made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, novelist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. Johnson was a devout Anglican and political conservative, and has been described as "arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history".
[Ref: 63213]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Samuel Johnson, L.L.D.
Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. Engrav'd by Tho.s Cook, from An Original Painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the Possession of B. Langton Esq.r.
Published as the Act directs, March, 23rd 1787, by T. Longman, Paternoster Row.
Engraving, open letter proof. Sheet: 410 x 275mm (16¼ x 10¾''). Trimmed to plate.
Poortrait of Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-84), in an oval on a plinth, with allegorical figures of knowledge underneath, one holding a caduceus.
[Ref: 63236]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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J. Lawson Johnston.
J. Lawson Johnston.
[n.d., c.1890.]
Photogravure. 255 x 165mm (10 x 6½"), very large margins.
John Lawson Johnston (1839-1900), the Scottish entrepreneur who created Bovril.
[Ref: 63234]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Mr Jean David Koehler, Docteur et Proffesseur en Histoire à Goettingen.
Mr Jean David Koehler, Docteur et Proffesseur en Histoire à Goettingen.
G.P. Busch sc.
[n.d., c.1730.]
Engraving. 165 x 100mm (6½ x 4") very large margins.
A frontispiece portrait of Johann David Köhler (1684-1785), a German historian specialising in Roman coins, professor of logic and history at universities in Altdorf and later Göttingen, with maps and books. His 'Atlas Manualis Scholasticus et Itinerarius complectens Novae Geographiae', published by Christoph Wiegel in 1724, contained maps of the Roman world decorated with coins.
[Ref: 62919]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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Maurin [facsimile signature in plate]. Lith. de Delpech.
[n.d. c.1825.]
Lithograph. Printed area 260 x 240mm (10¼ x 9½"), with large margins. Foxing.
Jean François de Galaup, comte de La Perouse (1741-88), French explorer. In 1785 he took command of a French government expedition to search for the Northwest Passage from the Pacific and to explore along the coasts of America, China, and Siberia and in the South Seas. In 1788 he sailed from Botany Bay and was lost at sea.
[Ref: 63179]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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J. Chapman sculp.
London Published Feb 26 1813 by G. Jones.
Coloured stipple. 180 x 115mm (7 x 4½") very large margins. Small hole in unprinted area of plate.
Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) the Dutch scientist considered to be the first microbiologist. He is best known for hs work on the improvement of the microscope and was the first to observe and describe single-celled organisms.
W: 1719-4. See Ref: 27071 for black and white version.
[Ref: 63328]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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[Louisa Lenox] Lady George Lenox.
[Louisa Lenox] Lady George Lenox.
Ramsay pinx.t. Corbutt fecit.
London, printed for Rob.t Sayer. Printseller, near Serjeants Inn Fleet Street [n.d., c.1765].
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark; 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"). Small tear in inscription repaired.
Lady Louisa Lenox (1739-1830) was the wife of Lord George Henry Lennox, son of Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond. As this plate is a pirated copy of one by James McArdell, the engraver Richard Purcell has used his pseudonym of Corbutt to avoid prosecution.
CS: 51, state before the polished round table removed.
[Ref: 62764]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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The Most Noble Granville Leveson Gower,
The Most Noble Granville Leveson Gower, Earl Gower, Visc. Trentham, Baron of Stittenham, Lord Chamberlain of the King's Houshold, Lord Lieut. and Cust. Rot. of the County of Stafford, onw of his Majesty's most hon.ble Priv. Coun. & a Gov. of the Charter House.
J. Reynolds pinx.t. E. Fisher sculps.t 1765.
Mezzotint. 385 x 280mm (15¼ x 11). Trimmed into plate at bottom, thread margins elsewhere, glue stains in corners, creases through face and across image, mounted on album sheet at corners.
Three quarter length portrait of Granville Leveson-Gower (1721-1803), 1st Marquess of Stafford, in robes, A cabinet member for 25 years, he turned down the chance to be Prime Minister after thefall of Lord North in 1782.
CS 22.
[Ref: 62757]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Catharina Macaulay.
Catharina Macaulay.
I. B. Cipriani D. I. Basire S. MDCCLXVII.
Engraving. 215 x 165mm (8½ x 6½").
Portrait of Catherine Graham when Mrs Macaulay (1731–91), head only in profile to left with pearl choker and earrings, in a circle within a wreath, a medallion with a procession of four figures inscribed 'Brutus' below main image; after Cipriani, frontispiece to vol III of her 'History of England' (London, 1767). Although the publication date on the titlepage of the volume is 1767, this print was issued in 1768, being advertised in the Public Advertiser, 11 June 1768, as showing her 'in the character of the Libertas on the Medals of Brutus and Cassius'. Macaulay (1731 – 1791), was an English Whig republican historian. She was privately educated, and her readings in Greek and Roman history included her enthusiasm for libertarian and republican ideals. Following her marriage to the Scottish physician George Macaulay in 1760, she began her History of England from the Accession of James I to That of the Brunswick Line, published in eight volumes between 1763 and 1783, in which she championed the Parliamentary cause, condemned Oliver Cromwell as a tyrant, and found her own republican ideals reflected in the parliamentarian John Hampden.
[Ref: 63192]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Jer,,h Meyer Esq.r R..A.
Jer,,h Meyer Esq.r R..A. Miniature Painter in Enamel to His Majesty 1789.
Dance Pinx.t. Pether fecit.
Mezzotint. 260 x 185mm (10¼ x 7¼") very large margins. Some cockling of paper, paper crack in edge on image and inscription.
Hand and shoulders portrait of painter of miniatures Jeremiah Meyer RA (Jeremias Majer, 1735-89). His head is full-featured, but his body is composed of broad strokes, the result of Meyer dying before Nathaniel Dance finished the portrait.
CS 24; Russell 24 state ii of ii.
[Ref: 62732]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Modern Celebrities.
Modern Celebrities.
[Glasgow: J.B. de Voto, n.d., c.1875.]
Photograph laid on printed backing card. 300 x 240mm (11¾ x 9½"). With wood-engraved index sheet. Some slight oxidisation.
A photographically reproduced montage of 78 portraits of politicians, churchmen, scientists and artists. The only women are Queen Victoria and the French Empress Eugénie, including Owen, Faraday, Hershell and Lincoln. David Livingston is described as 'the late' (1873); Pius IX is still pope (until 1878).
[Ref: 63295]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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