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A View in Port Jackson, New South Wales.
Eastgate Sculpt [after John White],
Published by Alex.r Hogg, Jan.y 25, 1794.
Engraving. Sheet 170 x 225mm (6¾ x 8¾"). Trimmed.
A view of Aboriginies fishing, with a canoe with a fire on board. This plate is an enlarged version of a vignette on the titlepage of John White's ''Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales'', attributed to the author. White (c. 1756-1832) was principal naval surgeon for the voyage of the First Fleet to Australia in 1787.
[Ref: 64017] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
The fortunate escape of Capt.n Cook from the furious Natives of Erramangea.
Granger delin. Warren sculp.
[n.d. c.1778.]
Engraving. Sheet 155 x 240mm (6 x 9½"). Trimmed within plate top and bottom. Slight stain top right.
The landing of Captain Cook's men on the island of Eromanga, Vanuatu, on the 4th August 1774, resisted by a crowd of hostile locals.
[Ref: 64006] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
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