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Napoleon Musing at S.t Helena.
Napoleon Musing at S.t Helena. from the original picture in the possession of T. Kearsey Esq. to whom this Print is respectfully dedicated by his grateful Friend, B.R. Haydon.
B.R. Haydon, Pinx. J.E. Coombs, Sculp.
London, Published Aug.t 30, 1830, by B.R. Haydon, 4, Burwood Place, Connauht Terrace.
Mezzotint. Sheet 310 x 255mm (12¼ x 10"). Trimmed within plate.
A portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte standing on a clifftop, looking out on a featureless sea. Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846) painted the original for Thomas Kearsey in 1829, but its success meant that he was asked for more copies, including for Robert Peel and the dukes of Devonshire & Sutherland, driving him to complain about the number in his diaries.
[Ref: 63996]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)

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