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To the King's most Excellent Majesty This View of the Royal Dock at Deptford. Is by Permission and with all Humilty, Inscribed By His Majesty's most dutiful Subject and Servant, Rich. Paton.
Painted by R. Paton, the figures by J. Mortimer. Engraved by W. Woollett. Printed by J. Gamble.
Published by Royal Authority & as the Law directs London Feb.y 1775. To be had of R. Paton Wardour Street Soho.
Coloured engraving. 680 x 505mm (26¾ x 20"). Trimmed to platemark, laid on card, tape over edges, some surface abrasion.
A view of the Thames at Deptford, with Navy ships and ferries. To the right is a warship under construction.
[Ref: 63914] £650.00
[Fourth Battle of Ushant] To the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, This Print of the Celebrated Victory obtained by The British Fleet under the Command of Earl Howe, over The French Fleet on the Glorious First of June 1794, Is by Permission humbly Dedicated by their Lordships most obed.t Serv.t Dan.l Orme.
M. Brown Pinx.t Historical Painter to their H.R. the Duke & Duchess of York. D. Orme Sculp.t Historical Engraver to his Majesty & his R.H. the Prince of Wales.
[Sold & Published Oct.r 1. 1795, by Dan.l Orme, N.º 14, Old Bond Street, London.]
Stipple. Sheet 475 x 600mm (14¾ x 23½"). Trimmed to plate, some light loss of print surface.
Earl Howe on the quarter-deck of HMS Queen Charlotte during the action off Ushant. The dying soldier is Lieutenant Nevile of the Queen's Regiment, wounded when a cannon ball from the 'Jacobin' struck the sword he was holding, shattering it and dring part of the hilt into his side. The original painting is in the National Maratime Museum, BHC2740.
[Ref: 63913] £420.00
The Dimensions of the Royal Sovereign.
[TBastion F. Claude Du Bosc S.]
[n.d., c.1721.]
Scarce coloured engraving. Framed, sight size 400 x 370mm (15¾ x 14½"). Mounted over image, probably trimmed, inscriptions hidden or lost.
An extremely rare and decorative rear view of HMS Royal Sovereign, a 100-gun first rate ship of the line launch 1701, showing the richly carved stern, with longboats around the ship. Decorations include two mermaids in the bottom corners framing view and a figure of Neptune on a sea-horse. From the series ''Twenty-two prints of several of the capital ships of his Majesties Royal Navy with variety of other sea pieces''.
[Ref: 64039] £900.00
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