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His Majesty's Royal Banqueting House of Whitehal. London. 1713.
H.Terasson delin et sculp 1713.
[London: D.Mortier., 1713.]
Engraving. 420 x 570mm, large margins. A few small worm holes. Old ink numeral.
A view of the exterior of the Banquetting House, with the entrance to the Palace of Whitehall on the left. Cannons are set in the wall on the right. From 'Britannia Illustrata'.
[Ref: 63932] £360.00
Covent Garden Piazza.
P. Sandby delin. Edw.d. Rooker Sculp.
Publish'd as the Act directs Feb.ry. 20 1768, by Edw.d Rooker Queens Court Queen Street Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Etching. 420 x 560mm (16½ x 22"). Thread margin at bottom, small repaired tears, mounted on card.
Covent Garden seen from the south east side of the colonnade, with figures including a woman selling goods on the right, a pair of shoe-shiners, a beggar, a boy with a hoop and two boys playing marbles in the foreground to left. A sedan chair sits unoccupied. An early example, published by the engraver. Later editions were published by John Boydell.
[Ref: 63940] £450.00
Covent Garden Piazza.
P. Sandby delin. Edw.d. Rooker fecit.
Publish'd as the Act directs Feb.ry. 20 1768, by Edw.d Rooker Queens Court Queen Street Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Etching, very scarce scratched letter proof before title. 420 x 560mm (16½ x 22"). Narrow margins, repaired tears, mounted on card.
Covent Garden seen from the south east side of the colonnade, with figures including a woman selling goods on the right, a pair of shoe-shiners, a beggar, a boy with a hoop and two boys playing marbles in the foreground to left. A sedan chair sits unoccupied.
[Ref: 63941] £650.00
[Custom House] To the Right Honourable the Commissioners of His Majesties Customs, This Prospect of the the Custom house is humbly Presented by your Hono,rs nmost humble Servants. Dec.ber ye 1714.
John Harris delin. et sculp:
Sold by Tho: Taylor at ye Golden Lyon in Fleet Street.
Coloured engraving. 465 x 575mm (18½ x 22¾"), large margins. Creasing near centre fold as normal, laid on card.
London's Custom House, as built by Christopher Wren after the previous building had been destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666, completed 1671. Soon after this print was published the building was badly damaged by a gunpowder explosion; it was rebuilt on Wren's foundations by Thomas Ripley, 1717-25.
[Ref: 63939] £450.00
[Coronation of George IV] Westminster Hall Coronation Pass Ticket.
Etching, printed in blue and red, on embossed sheet with the blind stamp of the Lord Great Chamberlain's Office. Sheet 190 x 135mm (7½ x 5¼"). Three corners snipped, laid on album sheet with two aquatints of events of the coronation engraved by William Read.
A pass ticket for George IV's coronation. The two aquatints show the Grand Banquet in Westminster Hall and 'The entrance of the Chamption with the Ceremony of the Chalenge'.
[Ref: 64168] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Four views of the Chinese Pagoda built for the Grand Jubilee.] A view of the Chinese Bridge and Pagoda in S.t James's Park with its Tents at the Grand Fete in Honour of Peace Aug.6 1 1814.
Published Aug.t 8 1814 by J. Pitts, N.º 14 Great St Andrew Street Seven Dials.
Rare coloured wood engravings. Sheet 165 x 240mm (6½ x 9½"). Laid on album paper with another wood engraving and two steel engravings.
Four views the Bridge and Pagoda designed by John Nash for the Grand Jubille of 1814. One of the steel engravings also shows aeronaut Windham William Sadler's hot air balloon behind.
[Ref: 64162] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
The Chinese Pagoda and Bridge, erected over the Canal in S.t James's Park, for the Grand Jubilee of the 1st of August 1814.
Published Sept.r 9, 1814 by James Whittle & Richard Holmes Laurie N.º 53 Fleet Street London.
Rare etching. Sheet 265 x 415mm (10½ x 16¼"). Trimmed to image on three sides, into plate at bottom, loss of image on left replaced with mss., fold, paper toned.
A view looking down the canal to the Bridge and Pagoda designed by John Nash, tents lining both sides of the water and aeronaut Windham William Sadler's hot air balloon behind.
[Ref: 64146] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
View of the Bridge and Pagoda, from the Canal, S.t James's Park.
Published Aug.t 12, 1814, by Tho. Palser, Surry side West.r Bridge.
Rare aquatint. Sheet 235 x 340mm (9½ x 13½"). Trimmed into image and around title, stains, laid on card with 4pp. letterpress 'A short Account of the Amusements preparing in St. James's Park'.
A view of the festival published less than a fortnight after it began, with a prospectus for the show.
[Ref: 64144] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Three views of the Chinese Pagoda built for the Grand Jubilee.] The Pagoda and Chinese Bridge, As it appeared in St James's Park, on the First of August, 1814. As a National Fete, given in Commemoration of a General Peace, being the Centenary of the Ascension of the Brunswick Family to the Crown of England, and the Anniversary of the Glorious Battle of the Nile.
London: Printed and Published (by Permission) by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones Paternoster Row [n.d., c.1814].
Coloured etching. Sheet 175 x 265mm (7 x 10½"). Folds, slight ink offset, laid on album sheet with a coloured wood engraving and a steel engraving.
The wood engraving is 'The Bridge and Pagoda erected in commemoration of the Peace', 'Printed & Published by Langley & Belch, 173 Borough London', showing a hot-air balloon above the bridge.
[Ref: 64142] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Hotel De la Sabloniere, Leicester Square, London.
S. Rawle Del. P. Mazel Sculp.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Engraving 120 x 170mm (4¾ x 6¾"). Trimmed near to image and laid on card with two advertisments for the hotel.
Three prints relating to Sabloniére Hotel, 30 Leicester Square, formerly Hogarth's House.
[Ref: 64339] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
A View of the Cities of London and Westminster with the Suburbs and Circumjacent Country. Shewing the steeples of all the Churches and as many of the Public Buildings as are seen from the gallery of the steeple of Islington which Town appears in the fore ground.
Delineated, Etchd, and done in Aquatinto by John Swertner.
Published as the Act directs July 1st. 1789 by John Swertner No10 Nevils Court Fetter Lane London.
Coloured aquatint with etching. Sheet 320 x 695mm (12½ x 27½"). With key plate, coloured etching, 120 x 745 (4¾ x 29¼"). Trimmed to image on three sides, into plate at bottom, some damage to image, laid on card with keyplate.
A view of London and Westminster as seen from the lantern of St Mary Islington, here with the uncommon key plate. The detail in the foreground shows figures in their gardens, tending livestock and tiling a roof. Major landmarks such as St Pauls, Westminster Abbey and the Monument, as well as many church spires, can be made out in the distance. The Rev. John Swertner (1746-1813) was a Moravian Minister who, when not producing views such as this, was a prolific writer of hymns.
[Ref: 63927] £1,300.00
[Four prints relating to the opening of Rennie's London Bridge.]
One copper engraving, one steel engraving and two wood engravings. Largest 220 x 280mm (8¾ x 11"). Laid on card.
Three views of the opening festivities, including two with hot air balloons, and a description published during the building.
[Ref: 64340] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[George Dance's plan for London Bridge and Port of London] View of London, with the Improvements of its Port.
Painted & Engraved by William Daniell. _ The Picture in the possession of George Dance Esq.r.
Published as the Act directs for William Daniell, N.º 9. Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, August 1802.
Fine aquatint, printed in blue and brown and finished by hand. Sheet 470 x 810mm (18½ x 32"). Some restoration.
William Daniell's visualisation of George Dance jnr's grandiose scheme to redevelop the Port of London in the early 19th century. It includes: replacing London Bridge with a double bridge with drawbridges to allow ships upstream without impeding land traffic; uniform warehouses along a Thames straightened between the bridge and the Tower of London; and 'amphitheatrical' areas around the Monument and the proposed 'Naval Trophy' obelisk south of the river on the approaches to the bridge. The estimated cost of £1,250,000 proved to be too much for the House of Commons committee and, despite promotional material such as this print, the scheme never got off the drawing board. Plate 1 of Daniell's 'Views of London's Docks'. Abbey 208.
[Ref: 63929] £1,350.00
[London Plate III.]
[Drawn, Engraved & Published by William Daniell.]
[N.o 9 Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, London, June 1, 1804.] [but later]
Aquatint, printed in colours and hand finished. 380 x 665mm (15 x 26¼"). Extensive restoration, recoloured, laid on card.
A view looking down on London Bridge, with St Paul's Cathedral and the Monument to the Great Fire of London. From William Daniell's 'Six Views of the Metropolis of the British Empire'. The bridge is Old London Bridge, showing it after the 1762 renovation by George Dance the Elder, following the removal of all the buildings the previous year. He built a central Great Arch to help water flow, although the famed rapids are stil shown here, in this case following upsteam. Also shown are the alcoves built to shelter pedestrians and the balustrade. William Daniell RA (1769-1837) was one of the few artists of the period who was as skilled as an aquatinter as he was a painter. The margins have been given a grey wash in imitation of watercolour presentation of the period.
[Ref: 64291] £360.00
The Middle Temple Hall London. Viro Amicissimo, Patrono vere colendo, Johanni Nichols, Typographo Londiniensi, hand Tabulam aeneam; gratitudinis ergo, D.D.D. J.P Malcolm
Malcolm del et sc.
Publish'd Feb. 1. 1800 by J.P. Malcolm Somers Place, E.
Engraving. Sheet 425 x 490mm (16¾ x 19¼"). Trimmed within plate, two repaired tears, slight surface soiling.
A view of the Middle Temple Hall, the finest example of an Elizabethan Hall, depicting the roof and The High Table, made from a single oak. Engraved and published by James Peller Malcolm (1767-1815), an American artist who moved to England in around 1789.
[Ref: 63934] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
New Bedlam in More Fields. Hospitium Mente Captorum Londinense.
[n.d., c.1750].
Engraving. 420 x 580mm (16½ x 22¾"). Creasing in top right corner.
The Bethlem Hospital, designed by Robert Hooke, built between April 1675 and July 1676. The plate was engraved for 'Britannia Illustrata' and published by Henry Overton in 1715. This example has the publication line removed.
[Ref: 64150] £360.00
A View of the Royal Exchange London. Vüe de la Bourse Royale à Londres. 7.
T. Bowles delin et Sculp.
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. Published May, 1794. by Laurie & Whittle, 53, Fleet Street London.
Engraving with fine colour. 260 x 400mm (10¼ x 15¾").
View of the old Royal Exchange on Cornhill, with figures, carts and coaches in street outside. On the far right a group of men are righting an overturned carriage!
[Ref: 64330] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[A Bird's Eye View of Smithfield Market taken from the Bear & Ragged Staff.]
Pugin & Rowlandson delt. Bluck sculpt.
[London published 1st Jany. 1811, at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101, Strand.]
Coloured aquatint. Sheet 370 x 505mm (14½ x 19¾"). Trimmed close to image on all sides.
A large & scarce colourful scene of a busy Smithfield Market.
[Ref: 64153] £420.00
Smithfield ''Used Up''. One Hundred Shillings. Also, now ready, The Companion Print, Tattersall's "Quite Fresh".
S. Alken Del. Read & C.º, Litho.
London: Published Nov.r 1855, by Read & C.º, 10, Johnson's C.t, Fleet St.
Rare tinted lithograph, finished by hand. Sheet 580 x 770mm (22¾ x 30¼"). Some surface wear, laid on canvas.
A horse auction at Smithfield Market, with a broken-down horse for sale. The second of two rare plates, contrasting the sale of the young horse at upmarket Tattersall's and its disposal at Smithfield.
[Ref: 63928] £380.00
A View of Somerset House, with St. Marys Church in the Strand London. Vüe de la Maison royale de Somerset avec l’Eglise de S.te Marie dans le Strand a Londres.
T. Bowles Delin et Sculp.
London, Printed for Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, Bowles & Carver, 69, S.t Pauls Church Yard, & Robert Wilkinson, 58, Cornhill.
Engraving with fine hand colour. 260 x 400mm (10¼ x 15¾"), with large margins.
View of St Mary-in-the-Strand; looking down the street to the right of the church into the distance; carriages and pedestrians in foreground. Somerset House seen to the right.
[Ref: 64328] £320.00
Her Maj.ties Royal Palace & Park of S.t James's. To Her most Serene and Most Sacred Majesty Anne by ye Grace of God Queen of Great Britain France & Ireland &c.
[n.d., c.1707.]
Engraving on two sheets conjined. Total 565 x 900mm (22¼ x 35½"). Laid on card.
A view looking across St James's Park to St James's Palace, with a twelve-point key naming the house on the north side, including those of the Duke of Malborough and Lord Godolphin. On the left is Buckingham House; on the right Banquetting House, Whitehall and Charing Cross. From 'Britannia Illustrata'.
[Ref: 64295] £980.00
Cottage Erected in St. James Park for the Ornithological Society of London, (with the Sanction of the Lords of the Treasury and Commissioners of Woods and Forests.) Dedicated by Permission, to His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh and Queensbury, K.G. &c. &c. &c.
Drawn on Stone bu J.B. Watson. Printed by C. Hullmandel.
[London, 1841, Published by the Architect, 39, Manchester S.t., Manchester Square.]
Scarce lithograph with hand colour. Sheet 225 x 330mm (8¾ x 13"). Trimmed into image on three sides, losing publication line at bottom, repaired tears, laid on card.
The famous Duck Island Cottage in St James's Park, drawn by the architect John Burgess Watson.
[Ref: 64148] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[St Paul's Cathedral.]
J. Simon fec. D. Loggan fec. [after Daniel King]
Printed and Sold by John Bowles at Mercer Hall London [n.d, 1731].
Engraving. Sheet 405 x 470mm (16 x 18½"). Trimmed within plate, holes in image, folds, some rubbing of surface. Repairs. Damaged.
A collection of 11 views and plans of the Norman St Paul's Cathedral by Daniel King, with a prospect of London after Visscher, and three elevations of Wren's replacement in the middle, engraved by John Simon. When the plate was first published in 1658 it showed only the old St Paul's, with an engraved text in the middle where the new building is depicted here. This version was re-engraved for 'London Described'.
[Ref: 64130] £320.00
Elévation et Perspective de l'Eglise Cathédrale de S.t Paul de Londres vuë du côté.
Sir Christopher Wren Architectus. Charpentier sculp.
A Paris chez Chereau rue S.t Jacques au Coq. 1761.
Engraving. Sheet 350 x 525mm (13¾ x 20¾"). Trimmed into image at sides, to printed border at top, splits in folds, laid on card at edges.
The exterior of St Paul's Cathedral.
[Ref: 64163] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
North west View of the Cathedral Church of St Paul, London. This Beautiful Fabrick was begun in 1675. Finished in 1715 being 40 Years, amd Cost £1,500,000.
Printed for & Sold by Bowles & Carver. No 69. St Paul's Church Yard London. [n.d., c.1800.]
Fine coloured engraving. 280 x 430mm (11 x 17"), large margins. Crease.
A view of St Paul's cathedral, with the statue of Queen Anne in the churchyard. Originally published 1754 by John Bowles.
[Ref: 64171] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
A View of the Temple as it appeared in the Year 1671 when James Duke of York, afterwards James II was a member of the Inner Temple, and S,,r Heneage Finch, Knight & Bar,,t Attorn: Gen:l afterwards L,,d Keeper, L,,d Chancellor & Earl of Nottingham, was Treasurer of that Honorable Society: at whose expence the same is now re-engraved An.º. 1770.
[But later]
Etching with engraving. Two plates conjoined, total 490 x 885mm (19¼ x 34¾"). Trimmed within plate, splits in original folds and tears repaired.
A large bird's-eye view of the Temple, showing the buildings and gardens, with the arms of James II as Duke of York and Heneage Finch in the image area and 34 armorials (five blank) around the upper edges.
[Ref: 63930] £580.00
View of London (from the Adelphi).
[Etched and Aquatinted by Mr. Clark.]
Published by Samuel Leigh, 18 Strand, to accompany The Panorama of the Thames, from London to Richmond [n.d, c.1829].
Two coloured aquatints (of three). Sheets 240 x 550mm (9½ x 21¾") & 240 x 575mm (9½ x 22¾").. Vertical folds as issued, laid on card..
Two thirds of a view from the terrace of the Adelphi. The left sheet looks downstream to Waterloo Bridge and St Paul's Cathedral, with the Monument and the Tower of London in the distance. The middle sheet looks across the Thames to the factories and warehouses of the South Bank, including 'Fowler's Iron Works' and 'College Wharf Saw Mills'. The Lord Mayor's flotilla spans the two plates. The right sheet (not present here) looks upstrean to Westmiunster Abbey. John Heaviside Clark (1770-1863) was a Scot whose sketches made directly after the battle earned him the nickname 'Waterloo Clark'. See Item 8817 for an uncoloured example of the right sheet.
[Ref: 64290] £1,200.00
A true representation of Tower-Hill as it Appear'd from a rais'd point of View on the North Side, Aug.t y.e 1746, when the Earl of Kilmarnock and the Lord Balmerino were Beheaded.
G. Budd pinx. P. C. Canot Sculp.
Published According to Act of Parliament 1747, Sold No.2 Maiden Lane, Cheapside [but c.1760.].
Etching with engraving. Sheet 380 x 605mm (15 x 23¾"). Trimmed within plate, cracked at fold, laid on card.
The executions of two of the leaders of the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion: Arthur Elphinstone (1688-1746), 6th Lord Balmerino; and William Boyd (1705-46), 4th Earl of Kilmarnock.
[Ref: 64294] £490.00
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty This Print, representing His Majesty Reviewing the Volunteer Corps Assembled in Hyde Park. in honor of his Birth day, June 4, 1799, [Is by his gracious permission dedicated by his faithful & loyal subjects John & Josiah Boydell.]
Drawn & Etch'd by Rob.t Smirke Jun.r. Aqua-tinta by R. Earlom.
[Pub. June 1. 1801 by J. & J. Boydell, N.º 90, Cheapside; & at the Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall, London.]
Aquatint, printed in sepia, blue wash in sky. Two sheets conjoined, total 560 x 895mm (22 x 35¼"). Trimmed into plate, into image at top, folded twice, some paper tone, partially mounted on album paper.
An elevated view looking down on the Volunteer regiments of infantry and Cavalry parading in the north-east corner of Hyde Park. The view also includes Park Lane on the right, Oxford Street and Bayswater Road beyond the park and Edgware Road in the distance.
[Ref: 64292] £320.00
Western Exchange, Old Bond Street, For the Encouragement of British Manufacturers, Artists and Dealers, and for Receiving general Property for Sale on Commission. Established Jan.y 1817.
G. Smith Del.t.
[Published April 1817 by G. Smith, Western Exchange, Old Bond Street, London.]
Scarce etching, working proof before aquatint and publication line. Sheet 295 x 400mm (11½ x 15¾"). Trimmed into image, tears taped.
The interior of the Western Exchange (also known as the Bond Street Bazaar) which occupied a passage between between Nº 10 Old Bond Street to the back of No 14 in what later became the Burlington Arcade. It was destroyed by fire in 1836.
[Ref: 64315] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
[Westminster sheet from Buck's panorama of London]
This drawing, taken (from M,,r Scheve's Sugar House, opposite to York House) & Engraved by S. & N. Buck, is publish'd according to Act of Parliam.t Sep 1749. N,,º 1. Garden Court, Middle Temple, London.
Engraving. Sheet 310 x 655mm (12¼ x 25¾"). Trimmed witin plate, into image on right, to printed border on left, creases, laid on album paper.
The left sheet from a five-plate prospect of London, showing Westminster Bridge nearing completion, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. The complete prospect extens to the Tower of London.
[Ref: 63937] £380.00
A South View of Westminster Abby & S.t Margarets Church. Vue de l'Abbaie de Wesminster, & de l'Eglise de S.te Marguerite.
J. Bowles Delin et Sculp.
London Printed for Bowles & Carver 69 St Pauls Church Yard Rob.t Wilkinson N.º 58 in Cornhill and Laurie & Whittle 53 Fleet Street.
Engraving with fine hand colour, J. Whatman 1809 watermark. 265 x 400mm (10½ x 15¾"), with large margins.
A view of the exteriors of Westminster Abbey & St Margaret's Church.
[Ref: 64329] £320.00
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