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Barber. London.
[n.d., c.1840.]
Etching. Sheet 45 x 65mm (1¾ x 2½"). Trimmed.
A trade label, probably for a draper.
[Ref: 61350] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[BOOKSELLER] J. Gleave Stationer Book Seller & Binder. Deansgate Manchester.
[Manchester, c.1820s.]
Stipple and engraving, printed in blue ink. Sheet 50 x 65mm (2 x 2½").
The winged putto emblem of Manchester bookseller Joseph Gleave, who had a long career, at various times located at Southern Street, Alport Street, Market Street, and finally Deansgate. See item 16916 for a variant printing.
[Ref: 61349] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
T. Yarnold, Chemist, Druggist, & Dentist. Medical Hall, High Street, Chepstow.
Jay sc. Bristol
[n.d., c.1850.]
Etched trade card. Sheet 60 x 90mm (2½ x 3½").
The card advertises Thoms Yarnold' 'Genuine Patent Medicines & Havannah Cigars', 'Fine Arated Lemonade', 'Horse and Cattle Medicines' and 'French Leeches Fresh Every Week'.
[Ref: 61353] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Insurance certificate] County Fire Office. Insituted at Midsummer, 1807. Policy No. [33365]
[Policy 2nd September 1815.]
Insurance certificate, wood-engraving and letterpress, filled in with ink mss. Watermark J. Whatman 1814, Sheet 475 x 330mm (18¾ x 13"), with tax blind stamp Folds.
An insurance policy for a farmhouse, barns, stables and hay stacks of a farm in Tuxford, Nottinghamshire.
[Ref: 61359] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Established, 1740. Joseph Hide, Family Draper. Market Place, Kingston-on-Thames. Decorators. Plate Glass Factors and Gilders. Cabinet Makers.
Waterlow & Sons, London Wall, London.
[n.d., c.1880.]
Engraved trade card, printed on both sides. Sheet 110 x 150mm (4¼ x 6"). Glue stains on reverse.
The same company ran an undertakers from the same premises.
[Ref: 61346] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
East London Water Works. Share. N.º 43. Transfer. N.º 24. A Memorial of the above Transfer was registered pursuant to Act of Parliament on the 30th Day of November 1807.
Scarce engraving on vellum with old ink mss. Sheet 270 x 335mm (10¾ x 13¼"). With pasted label with tax blind stamp and two wax seals. Some wear and staining, taped stain, collector's label pasted on reverse.
A certificate of share transfer, recording the sale of a £100 share in the East London Water Works from James Boote to John Buck of Batson's Coffee House, for £77 10/-. The East London Waterworks Company was founded in 1806 (the year before this transfer) and was absorbed by the Metropolitan Water Board in 1904. Their prime source was the River Lea.
[Ref: 61541] £480.00
Copy of an Inventory and Valuation Of all the Live and Dead Stock belonging to the late W.m Picken Esq.r deceased on the Farm at Whitemoor; as taken by the undersigned, on the tenth, eleventh, & seventeenth Days of April, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, eight hundred and nine.
4pp. ink mss., with appraiser's blind stamp and ink tax stamp, unique, very large watermark 1805. Folds with splits.
A valuation of livestock (draught horse, cows, sheep and pigs) and deadstock (wagons, farm tools and manure) for a farm in an area now part of Nottingham.
[Ref: 61360] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
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F. Irish, Carver, Gilder, &c. 35, Windmill Street. Tottenham Court.
[n.d., c.1850.]
Etched trade card. Sheet 40 x 60mm (1½ x 2¼"). Trimmed, crease top right.
[Ref: 61352] £90.00
(£108.00 incl.VAT)
A Chronicle of Events; Or, A complete Narrative of the Transactions of some celebrated Characters, residing in a Village near the City of Gotham.
[n.d., c.1800.]
Letterpress broadside. Sheet 490 x 410mm (19¼ x 16"). Edges ragged, folds, stains.
An account of a publican taking advantage of his handmaiden and the lengths he went to avoid responsibility for her pregnancy.
[Ref: 61477] £390.00
[Writing sheet] The Building in Hyde Park For the Great Exhibition 1851.
Eng. by Newman & Co., 48, Watling St. London.
[n.d., 1851.]
Steel engraving, 19th century watermark. Sheet 180 x 255mm (7 x 10"), folded once as normal.
A writing sheet with a vignette view of the Crystal Palace in its original location, by Rotten Row in Hyde Park.
[Ref: 61469] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
John G. Lowe, Costumier, Silk Mercer & Mangle Maker. Importer of French Millinery. 13, 14, 15 & 16 S.t Mary Street, Weymouth.
Waterlow & Sons, London Wall, London.
[n.d., c.1880.]
Engraved trade card. Sheet 75 x 115mm (3 x 4½"). Glue stains on reverse.
[Ref: 61345] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
White's Music and Musical Instrument Warehouses, Nº 3 George Street, Bath. Patent Upright, Grand and Square Piano Fortes of Superior Workmanship, with the latesat Improvements by the Marks to His Majesty, and the Prince of Wales. A Capital assortment of Piano Fortes to let on hire.
[n.d., c.1815.]
Etched trade card. Sheet 125 x 80mm (5 x 3¼"). Trimmed, overwritten in old ink mss with a second address at 'Nš 1 Milsom St'
John White, previously a musician himself, opened his instrument shop in George Street in 1805. By 1816 he had opened premises at the more prestigious 1 Milsom Street: the manuscript amendments here suggest the label was printed before then.
[Ref: 61351] £140.00
(£168.00 incl.VAT)
Joseph Hide. Undertaker. Market Place, Kingston-on-Thames [...] Wills & Hide, Cabinet Makers. Upholders and Bedding Manufacturers. Carpets of Every Description. Goods Warehoused.
Waterlow & Sons, London Wall, London.
[n.d., c.1880.]
Engraved trade card, printed on both sides. Sheet 110 x 150mm (4¼ x 6"). Glue stains on reverse.
Joseph Hide also ran a drapers from the same premises.
[Ref: 61348] £60.00
(£72.00 incl.VAT)
[Wine Merchant] Brett's. 109 Drury Lane 109. Promise to supply the Bearer with pure Patent Brandy Patent Hollands and every other genune Article in the Wine and Spitit Trade at fair and reasonable princes or forfit One Thousand Pounds. 1832 Dec.r 1 London 1 Dec.r 1832. Henry Brett 109 Drury Lane.
Etching. Sheet 135 x 215mm (5¼ x 8½"). Top edge lacking, toning, laid on album sheet.
An advert in imitation of a banknote. Henry Brett (born in 1787 in Holborn) became a wine merchant in 1829, establishing a business that continued as Henry Brett & Co. until 1883.
[Ref: 61426] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
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