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[3 September 1843 Revolution]
[3 September 1843 Revolution] Aohnai. Le Septembre 1843.
[n.d. c.1844.]
Scarce lithograph, sheet 280 x 345mm (11 x 13½"). Repaired crease.
A view of the 3rd September 1843 Revolution; an uprising by the Hellenic Army in Athens, supported by large sections of the people, against the autocratic rule of King Otto. An army stands outside the Old Royal Palace.
[Ref: 61674]   £280.00   (£336.00 incl.VAT)
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An exact Portrait of A Savage of Botany Bay.
An exact Portrait of A Savage of Botany Bay.
J. Ihle Del.t. J. Chapman Sculp.t.
Published as the Act directs, Feb.y 1 1795.
Coloured engraving. 185 x 120mm (7¼ x 4¾"). Creasing and surface soiling. Small margins.
Drawn by Johann Ihle for Ebenezer Sibly's five-volume ''Universal System of Natural History'', 1794-6.
[Ref: 61454]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Funny Characters N.o 34. An Unaccountable.
Funny Characters N.o 34. An Unaccountable. Do you sell Account Books, Sir?_ Yes!_ Then let me have one that 'ill account for my Vife blowing me up ven I speaks to any other Hooman!
Printed by L.M. Lefevre.
London. William Spooner, 377, Strand. [n.d. c.1840]
Rare lithograph with fine hand colour. Sheet 330 x 275mm (13 x 10¾"), large margins. Some slight brown stains bottom left.
A accented man visits an acounting stationers.
[Ref: 61494]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bombardment of Acre, 1840.]
[Bombardment of Acre, 1840.]
[n.d., c.1840.]
Lithograph. Sheet 215 x 345mm (8½ x 13½"). Trimmed to image, losing title, creasing.
A combined British, Austrian and Ottoman fleet bombard Acre, in the Egyptian–Ottoman War (1839-40) caused by the rebellion of Muhammad Ali Pasha, Walie of Egypt and Sudan.
[Ref: 61397]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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[Ada] after nature.
Rare etching on india paper, by Queen Victoria usually gifted to visitors, plate 200 x 150mm (8 x 6"), with large margins. Foxing.
Portrait of a young Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1835–1900), sitting on a rock, leaning her left hand on another and turned away from the viewer. After the pen and ink drawing by Queen Victoria (1819–1901) currently in the collection of the Royal Collection Trust. Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Langenburg was the daughter of Queen Victoria's elder half-sister Princess Feodora of Leiningen. Princess Adelheid, known as Ada, visited England with her mother and siblings in September 1840.
[Ref: 61625]   £480.00  
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[Aeneas takes leave of Dido.]
[Aeneas takes leave of Dido.]
Le Potre Invent et fecit.
Le Blond avec Privil [Paris, n.d., c.1660.]
Etching. 240 x 330mm (9¼ x 13"). Trimmed to plate, split in centre fold.
Aeneas takes leave of his lover, Queen Dido, at a quay in Carthage as his men load his ship.
[Ref: 61406]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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A View with sections of Princes American Air Pump which is Superior to Smeatons, and every other modern construction.
A View with sections of Princes American Air Pump which is Superior to Smeatons, and every other modern construction. See System of Pneumatics.
Blake delin.t. Lodge sculp.
Published as the Act directs, by C. Cooke No. 17 Paternoster row.
Engraving. 355 x 210mm (14 x 8¼").
Several diagrams of an air pump, as well as an illustration of an air gun. From William Henry Hall's 'The New Encyclopaedia: Or, Modern Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences' (text and key to plate available on Google Books').
[Ref: 61445]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)
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All The Talents.
All The Talents. Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum.
[P]olypus designavit. Rowlandson sculp.
Pub. April 18th. 1807 by I. I. Stockdale Pall Mall.
Etching, sheet 205 x 130mm (8 x 5"). Trimmed within plate on left and bottom.
Frontispiece to 'All the Talents', 18th edition, satirical verses by 'Polypus', i.e. E. S. Barrett (1786-1820) , attacking the late Ministry.
BM Satires 10720.
[Ref: 61712]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Dessine par Vauthier. Terminé par Bertrand.
A Paris et a Ausbourg chez Tessari et Depose a la Direction. [n.d. c.1820]
Stipple, sheet 390 x 275mm (15½ x 10¾"). Trimmed to plate left and right. Small margin at bottom.
An early form of the allegorical figure representing "America". A head-and-shoulders portrait of a young Native American woman. She wears a fabric robe with left breast exposed, a feathered headdress with beaded braids, and feathered armbands.
[Ref: 61497]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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Habits of the Americans.
Habits of the Americans. Plate 224. Vol. 2, page 541.
[London: Richard Baldwin, 1759.]
Engraving, 18th century watermark. 315 x 205mm (12¼ x 8") very large margins.
Two Native Americans, based on John White's Virginians.
[Ref: 61377]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Sir Jeffery Amherst,
[Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the Most honorable Order of the Bath, Governor of Virginia...]
J. Reynolds pinxt. J. Watson fecit. 1766.
[Sold by Ryland and Bryer, at the Kings Arms, in Cornhill.] [n.d., 1766.]
Mezzotint, scratched letter proof before title and publication line, inscription area uncleaned. 455 x 330mm (18 x 13"), with good margins. Framed. Unexamined out of frame.
Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst (1717-1797), Field Marshal, wearing star and sash over armour in a landscape; his helmet on plan of Montreal before him. Arms below image. Amherst was responsible for a series of sweeping victories against the French, 1758-60, during the Seven Years War, leading to the conquest of Canada. Commander-in-Chief and Governor of North America, 1761. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-92).
Chaloner Smith: 2. Goodwin: 38 i of v. Hamilton: pg.1.
[Ref: 61619]   £780.00  

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[Queen Anne] Her Royal Highness Princes Ann of Denmark.
[Queen Anne] Her Royal Highness Princes Ann of Denmark.
R. Williams fecit.
C.P.R. E. Cooper ex. [n.d., c.1685.]
Rare mezzotint. 230 x 185mm (9 x 7¼"). Thread margins.
Half-length portrait in oval of Princess Anne (1665-1715, later queen of England) shortly after her marriage to Frederick, Prince of Denmark, in 1683.
CS Williams I, state i of ii.
[Ref: 61388]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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Anna der seitregirende Konigin in Engeland,
Anna der seitregirende Konigin in Engeland, Schottland, Francfreich und Irrland.
I. L. Honing Scul; et excudit Norimb:
1713 [in ink]
Rare engraving, sheet 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"). Central crease. Trimmed and tipped into album sheet at edges.
Head and shoulders portrait of Queen Anne (1665-1714), within an oval frame surrounded by vines. She wears pearls in her hair a bejewelled cloak.
[Ref: 61636]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Defence of the Arrah House.
[Defence of the Arrah House. Against three Mutinous Regiments and a large body of Insurgents. Under Koer Singh - Dedicated to K. V. Boyle, Esquire, C. E. To whose skill and forethought the safety of the Garisson is principally to be attributed by, W. Tayler. B. C. S.]
Maclure & Co Chromo - lith London.
[n.d., c.1857].
Scarce chromolithograph. Framed, sight size 325 x 490mm (12¾ x 19¼"). Unexamined out of frame.
A depiction of the defence of the Arrah House against Koer Singh during the Indian Mutiny of 1857. Soldiers can be seen storming the regency gardens, some firing from behind plants and trees, whilst others lay dead, with their weapons, on the ground; two cannons are fired in the centre of the image as a building, to the left, burns. The artist, William Tayler (1808-1892), was Commissioner of the Province of Patna
[Ref: 61572]   £790.00  

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Frontispiece de l'Asie.
Frontispiece de l'Asie.
[n.d., c.1805.]
Coloured etching. 155 x 115mm (6¼ x 4½"), very large margins.
A woman in a turban with ostrich feathers seated by an incense burner.
[Ref: 61472]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Asian Heads]
[Asian Heads]
[n.d. c.1850]
Stipple 150 x 200mm (6 x 8"). Trimmed within plate. Left corner missing.
A sort of ethnographic print depicting Asian people; many featuring wonderful facial hair.
[Ref: 61461]   £70.00   (£84.00 incl.VAT)
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A General Chart of the Sea Coast of Europe, Africa & America.
A General Chart of the Sea Coast of Europe, Africa & America. According to E. Wrights or Mercator's Projection.
By H. Moll Geographer.
[n.d., 1720.]
Engraved map. 345 x 285mm (13½ x 11¼"). Original binding folds.
A sea chart centred on the Atlantic Ocean, but also showing all of South America, Africa and the Black Sea. Of interest in the mythical Peypys Island off South America. From Josiah Burchett's 'A Complete History of the Most Remarkable Transactions at Sea, from the Earliest Account... to the Conclusion of the Last War with France''. Edward Wright (1561-1615), a mathmatician and surveyor, not only corrected Mercator's Projection but also published a guide explaining how to use charts using that projection, something that Gerhard Mercator had never done. His work gave British navigators a particular advantage over the competition.
[Ref: 61702]   £250.00  
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[The Attentative Nurse]
[The Attentative Nurse]
A. Kauffman R.A. pinxit. Rob.t Lowrie fecit.
R. Sayer excudit.
Mezzotint, sheet 370 x 290mm (14¾ x 11½"). Trimmed within plate at right and bottom possibly losing title. Glued onto backing paper. Creasing.
Three-quarter length oval portrait of a young woman swathed in fabric holding a baby.
[Ref: 61597]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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A Chart of the Track of the Alexander on Her Homeward Passage from Port Jackson
A Chart of the Track of the Alexander on Her Homeward Passage from Port Jackson on the East.n Coast of New South Wales to Batavia; Performed in the Year 1788 under the Direction of Lieut.t John Shortland.
by Thomas George.
[Publish'd as the Act directs by J. Stockdale August 24th 1789.]
Engraved map. 275 x 380mm (10¾ x 15"). Trimmed into printed border at bottom, losing publication line; holes in image filled.
A chart of the return route of the 'Alexander', one of the ships of the First Fleet. It was published in Arthur Phillips 'A Voyage to Botany Bay…'
[Ref: 61705]   £220.00  
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Barber. London.
Barber. London.
[n.d., c.1840.]
Etching. Sheet 45 x 65mm (1¾ x 2½"). Trimmed.
A trade label, probably for a draper.
[Ref: 61350]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)
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Mrs. Barry.
Mrs. Barry.
Kettle Pinxt. S Paul [pseudonym of Samuel De Wilde?] fecit.
[n.d., c.1780.]
Rare mezzotint. Sheet 355 x 250mm (14 x 9¾"). Trimmed to image on three sides, into plate at bottom.
Ann (or Anne) Barry (née Street) (baptised 1733 - 1801), actress, sitting with her hands folded in her lap, wearing a white gown with ribbons looping the sleeves and a sash around her waist. Her hair is up with pearls, she has a pearl necklace, with cloak over left shoulder and her knees. After Tilly Kettle (1735-86).
Chaloner Smith 1 ('Paul'), only state but sitter's face with some retouching, See ref: 23453.
[Ref: 61548]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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Lady Beauchamp Procter.
Lady Beauchamp Procter.
Painted by Ben. West Historical Painter to his Majesty. Engraved by James Watson.
Published March, 1779, by John Boydell Engraver in Cheapside. London.
Mezzotint, sheet 380 x 285mm (15 x 11¼"). Thread margins. Repairs.
Three quarter length portrait of Lady Mary Beauchamp Proctor (d.1847), wife of Sir Thomas Beauchamp Proctor, 2nd Baronet, (1756-1827). She is seen placing wreath of flowers on statue of Hymen, which a putto is clinging to. She wears a loose, flowing gown and her hair dressed high. In the background are pillars and curtains.
CS 121.II
[Ref: 61690]   £240.00   (£288.00 incl.VAT)
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George Benson D.D.
George Benson D.D.
[engraved by James McArdell.]
[n.d., c.1764.]
Rare mezzotint. Sheet 215 x 165mm (8½ x 6½"). Trimmed to plate, laid on album paper.
Head and shoulders portrait of Presbyterian theologian George Benson (1699-1762), wearing clerical robes and wig. According to Goodwin, this was the frontispiece to Benson's 'Life of Christ'.
CS 17, only state.
[Ref: 61623]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Baron Bergami.
Baron Bergami.
Engraved by T. Illman from an original Drawing.
London, Pub.Nov.r 6. 1820 by T. Illman, 127 Oxford Street.
Stipple and etching. Sheet 135 x 100mm (5¼ x 4"). Trimmed within plate, laid on card.
Medallion half-length portrait of Bartolomo Pergami (or Bergami), in uniform, surrounded by trophies. Pergami headed the household of Caroline, wife of the Prince Regent, during her exile from England, and was widely believed to be Queen Caroline's lover.
[Ref: 61540]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)
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Madame Sarah Bernhardt.
Madame Sarah Bernhardt.
Judd & C.o Lith. Doctors' Commons, London E.C.
The Whitehall Review. 20th May 1880.
Tinted lithograph. Sheet 365 x 245mm (14½ x 9¾").
A seated portrait of actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923).
[Ref: 61393]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bedlam] Hospitium Mente-Captorum Londinense.
[Bedlam] Hospitium Mente-Captorum Londinense.
R. White Sculpsit.
[Printed, Coloured and Sold By John Garrett at his Shop next ye Exchange Stairs in Cornhill] [n.d., 1694.]
Engraving on three sheets conjoined, total 570 x 1200mm (22½ x 47"). Some restoration as usual with these large prints, remains of erased publication line visible.
The frontage of Robert Hooke's New Bethlem Hospital, engraved by Robert White for Hooke in 1677. According to Griffiths, the plates were later purchased by John Garrett, ''who entered the view on the Term Catalogue for 1694'', after which ''they passed to W. Herbert at the Golden Globe on London Bridge''.
Griffiths: The Print in Stuart Britain, Cat. 186.
[Ref: 61364]   £950.00  
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W. Redmore Bigg. R.A. [facsimile signature].
W. Redmore Bigg. R.A. [facsimile signature]. Proof.
W.m Fisk Pinxit. W.m Narnard Sculp.t.
Published by W.m Fisk, 19, Charles Street, Berniers Street, & W.m Barnard, 53, Pall Mall, June, 20th 1831.
Proof mezzotint. 270 x 215mm (10½ x 8½"). Narrow margins, mounted in album paper at edges.
Half-length portrait of genre painter William Redmore Bigg (1755-1828). During his lifetime he was hugely popular, with the best engravers were employed to reproduce his works in mezzotint.
CS 1, recorded as the only state. Russell 1, state ii of iii.
[Ref: 61631]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT)
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Arthur Blayney Esq.r.
Arthur Blayney Esq.r.
Painted by W.m Beechey A.R.A Portrait Painter to Her Majesty. Engrav'd by T. Hardy. [n.d. c.1800]
Rare mezzotint, 380 x 280mm (15 x 11"), with margins. Thread margin on right. Laid on linen. Crease through publication area. Small margins.
Half length portrait of philanthropist Arthur Blayney (1715-95). He wears a powdered wig tied at the nape, with a plain collar and the top of a brocaded waistcoat visible beneath a plain coat. He was known as the 'Father of Montgomeryshire'
CS 1 I of II.
[Ref: 61564]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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[Blenheim] Plan der Roemrugtige Veltslag can Hochstet door de Geallieerde Gewonne op den 13 Augusti 1704.
[Blenheim] Plan der Roemrugtige Veltslag can Hochstet door de Geallieerde Gewonne op den 13 Augusti 1704. Plan de la Glorieuse Bataille d’Hochstet Gagnée Par Les Alliez le 13 Aout 1704.
J. v. Vianen fecit.
[The Hague: Jean Rousset de Missy, 1729.]
Engraved map. 480 x 435mm (19 x 17") very large margins. A few tears in margins, some taped, some spotting.
A plan of the Battle of Blemheim (or Höchstädt, 13th August 1704), in which the Army of the Grand Alliance, led by the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy, decisively beat a Franco-Bavarian army that was on route to attack Vienna. From ''Histoire militaire du prince Eugène de Savoie, du prince et duc de Marlborough, et du prince de Nassau-Frise, où l'on trouve un détail des principales actions de la dernière guerre et des batailles et sièges commandez par ces trois généraux''.
[Ref: 61398]   £380.00  
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Reve D'Une Pensionnaire.
Reve D'Une Pensionnaire. The Dream Of A Boarding School Miss. Pl. 3.
Bouchot [within image]. a Paris Lith de Delaporte. a Londres chez M Charles Thilt.
chez Aubert E.eur du la caricature, Galerie véro dodat. [n.d. 1832]
A very scarce lithograph with fine hand colour, sheet 330 x 260mm (13 x 10¼").
A boarder at a girl's school has fallen asleep reading on a bench; dreaming of a daring, over the fence, rescue. A gentleman, most likely her suitor, and man in military dress help her down a ladder to an awaiting carriage. In her real life her schoolmates are seen pointing and running over to the fence.
[Ref: 61489]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Nicolas Boileau S.r Despreaux.
Nicolas Boileau S.r Despreaux.
A. Bouys pinx. et scul.
Se vend a Paris rue Coquillere au Tems [n.d., c.1700].
Mezzotint. 190 x 130mm (7½ x 5"). Mounted in album paper at edges. Small margins.
Head and shoulders portrait of French poet and critic Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux (1636-1711), author of 'L'Art poétique' in 1674.
[Ref: 61635]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Napoleon I. Emperor of France and King of Italy.
Napoleon I. Emperor of France and King of Italy.
J. Chapman sculp.t.
Published as the Act directs, Jan.y 1806 by J. Wilkes.
Stipple. 160 x 115mm (6¼ x 4½").
An oval portrait of Napoelon Bonaparte in coronation robes but wearing a a bicorn hat with ostrich feathers. Probably engraved for the 'Encyclopaedia Londinensis'.
[Ref: 61376]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[H. Bone Esq.r R.A.]
[H. Bone Esq.r R.A.]
[G.H. Harlow pinx.t. F.C. Lewis sculp.t. ]
[London, Published by G. Lawford, Saville Place Decr. 1st. 1824.]
Mezzotint, proof before all letters. 220 x 180mm (8½ x 7"), with large margins. Faint printer's crease in inscription area.
Henry Bone (1755-1834), enamel painter who began to exhibit miniatures at the Royal Academy in 1781.
[Ref: 61632]   £230.00   (£276.00 incl.VAT)
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[BOOKSELLER] J. Gleave Stationer Book Seller & Binder.
[BOOKSELLER] J. Gleave Stationer Book Seller & Binder. Deansgate Manchester.
[Manchester, c.1820s.]
Stipple and engraving, printed in blue ink. Sheet 50 x 65mm (2 x 2½").
The winged putto emblem of Manchester bookseller Joseph Gleave, who had a long career, at various times located at Southern Street, Alport Street, Market Street, and finally Deansgate.
See item 16916 for a variant printing.
[Ref: 61349]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bothians] Ikmalick And Apeagliu.
[Bothians] Ikmalick And Apeagliu.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph with hand colour. Sheet 185 x 235mm (7¼ x 9¼")
Two native Canadians and three Englishmen sit in a room, presumambly on a boat. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61719]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6") Trimmed, faint spotting.
A woman from the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, holding up tools. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61409]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)
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Konyaroklick, or Bald Head. Neweetioke.
Konyaroklick, or Bald Head. Neweetioke.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6") Slight offset from text.
Two men from the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61410]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Alictu and Kanguagiu.
Alictu and Kanguagiu.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6")
Two men from the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, standing before an igloo. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61412]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6")
A man of the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, standing in an icy landscape. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61413]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Manellia. Adelik.
Manellia. Adelik.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6") Trimmed, one foxing spot bottom centre in image.
Two women from the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, one carrying a child in a backpack. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61408]   £95.00   (£114.00 incl.VAT)
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Ooblooria. Paningayuke. mingo. Nullingiak.
Ooblooria. Paningayuke. mingo. Nullingiak.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph. Sheet 150 x 170 mm (6 x 6¾")
A family of the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, seated at a table aboard the 'Victory', John Ross's ship. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61415]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6")
A woman of the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, seated half-naked in an igloo. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61414]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bothians] Kawalua. Tiagashu. Adlurak.
[Bothians] Kawalua. Tiagashu. Adlurak.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph with hand colour. Sheet 235 x 185mm (9¼ x 7¼")
Three native Canadians. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61718]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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Illictu. Ootoogia.
Illictu. Ootoogia.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Coloured lithograph. Sheet 170 x 150mm (6¾ x 6")
Two men from the Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, standing on a beach with the Union flag flying behind. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61411]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bothians] Udlia. Awitigin. Palurak.
[Bothians] Udlia. Awitigin. Palurak.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph, with hand colour. Sheet 235 x 185mm (9¼ x 7¼")
Three native Canadians. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61713]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bothians] Kunana.
[Bothians] Kunana.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph with hand colour. Sheet 235 x 185mm (9¼ x 7¼")
A native Canadian holding a knife and the skin of something An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61715]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bothians] Shulanina. Tulluachiu, & Tirikshiu.
[Bothians] Shulanina. Tulluachiu, & Tirikshiu.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph, with hand colour. Sheet 235 x 185mm (9¼ x 7¼") Names slightly faded.
Three native Canadians, one with a peg leg An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61716]   £160.00   (£192.00 incl.VAT)
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[Bothians] Poyettak. Kakikagiu. Anknalua.
[Bothians] Poyettak. Kakikagiu. Anknalua.
On Stone by J. Brandard, from the original Drawing by Captain Ross. Printed by Graf & Soret.
[London: A. W. Webster, 156 Regent Street, 1835.]
Lithograph. Sheet 235 x 185mm (9¼ x 7¼")
Three native Canadians. An illustration from the separately-issued appendix to 'Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage' by John Ross (1835). Ross was forced by ice to stop at the Boothia peninsula (which he named after his patron Sir Felix Booth) for four years while searching for the North-West Passage.
See Abbey Travel 536 for the 'Narrative', with appendix mentioned but not listed.
[Ref: 61714]   £130.00   (£156.00 incl.VAT)
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Ignatius a Born Eqs.
Ignatius a Born Eqs.
Henr. Fuger pinx. Vin Kininger inc. Viennae. 1790.
Rare mezzotint, sheet 375 x 290mm (14¾ x 11½"). Trimmed within plate at bottom. Small margins on 3 sides.
Oval half-length portrait of Austrian mineralogist and metallurgist, Ignaz von Born (1742-91). He is seated at desk, wearing a cloak, holding papers in his left hand, his right hand to forehead. There is a relief or painting at left featuring a four breasted woman, possibly a representation of Diana (Artemis) of Ephesus.
[Ref: 61610]   £320.00  
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Reverendiss: Dom. Hugo Archiepiscopus Armachanus
Reverendiss: Dom. Hugo Archiepiscopus Armachanus Totius Hiberniæ Primas & Metropolitanus, Unus e primarÿs ejusdem Regni Justitiarys Anno Dom: 1728.
Mat: Ashton Pinx: Th: Beard Fecit.
[n.d., c.1728.]
Scarce mezzotint. Sheet 350 x 240mm (13¾ x 9½"). Trimmed to image on three sides, old ink mss. in inscription area.
Seated portrait of Hugh Boulter (1672-1742), probably painted when he was Bishop of Bristol (1719-24), before his appointment as Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh, the Primate of All Ireland, a post he held from 1724 until his death. In that role he supported anti-Catholic measures, succeeding in depriving them of the right of voting at elections for members of parliament or magistrates, their sole remaining constitutional right. Beard was a Dublin mezzotinter.
CS 1, state i of ii, of which he notes that there is one known example.
[Ref: 61624]   £260.00   (£312.00 incl.VAT)
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