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The Liber Studiorum Mezzotints of Sir Frank Short R.A., P.R.E. after J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Catalogue & Introduction by Martin Hardie C.B.E., R.E.
Publication Number Seventeen. The Print Collectors' Club 5A Pall Mall East, London, S.W.1. MCMXXXVIII [1938].
8vo (247 x 185mm), limited edition 310/500. Green cloth gilt, pp. 129 + (2) (ads and collophon), 24 collotype plates. Binding worn.
[Ref: 10328] £90.00
Turner's Liber Studiorum, A Description and a Catalogue.
by W.G. Rawlinson.
London: Macmillan and Co., 1878.
Quarto, contemporary half morocco with marbled boards; pp. xii + xlviii + 208, 'Catalogue' interleaved with blue notepaper containing copious notes by print dealer Francis Harvey. With a 2pp. ALS from Rawlinson to Harvey, with a personal invitation to an exhibition to a Exhibition. Unique. Front board detached.
An important catalogue raisonné of the engravings of Turner's 'Liber Studiorum', this example owned by art dealer Francis Harvey, with his notes of the prices attained by the prints at auction in the late 19th century. Harvey pasted a letter from the author on the front endpaper, dated January 16th 1886: 'I am sorry the rules of my club [the Burlington Fine Arts Club] do not allow of my giving you a catalogue as they are only issued to members, but I shall be happy to lend you my copy at any time. I enclose an order for the Exhibition in case you may like to see it. Yours truly, W.G. Rawlinson'. The invitation reads: 'Burlington Fine Arts Club. 17, Savile Row, W. February , 1886. The Members of the Burlington Fine Arts Club have the honour to invite [Mr Francis Harvey & Friends] to see a Collection now in the Writing Room of the Club, of Engravings and Drawing illustrative of the Drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A. in the Winter Exhibition of the Royal Academy. Admission between the Hours of 10 and 4. Introduced by [W.G. Rawlinson]'. Francis Havey (active by 1859-died 1899), was a dealer in prints operating from a shop at 4 St James Street, Mayfair. He published 'A Catalogue of Engraved Portraits of English & Foreign Celebrities: On Sale at Prices Affixed by Francis Harvey'. During his career he amassed two great collections of Rowlandson caricatures: one, containing 3,000 prints, came up for sale at Sotheby's in 1959 and was bought for the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art; the other, with 2,000 prints by Rowlandson and other caricaturists, formed the 'Auchincloss Bequest' to Yale University library.
[Ref: 29105] £1,750.00
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The History of Turner's Liber Studiorum with a New Catalogue Raisonné
by Alexander J. Finberg. Author of "A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest," "Turner's Sketches 7 Drawings," etc.
London: Ernest Benn Limited. 8 Bouverie Street, E.C.4. 1924.
Book: thick 4to (281 x 222mm). Cloth binding with title in gilt stamped onto spine. 373 pages inclusive of illustrations. Binding worn. Some spotting.
A very comprehensive narrative to the reasoning and history behind Turner's Liber Studiorum; followed then by a Catalogue Raisonné of Turner's works.
[Ref: 10444] £300.00
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