[Aubrey House.] Notting-Hill House.
Drawn on Stone by E. Shepheard from a Sketch by J. Maisey. Printed by Graf and Soret.
[n.d., c.1850.]
Rare lithograph on india. 215 x 270mm (8½ x 10½").
A view of Aubrey House in Campden Hill, Holland Park. From 1830 to 1854 the building was a boarding-school for young ladies so perhaps the engraver, Emma Shepheard, was a pupil.
[Ref: 43288] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
King's Head. Brompton Rd. [ms.]
[by William Pickett.]
[Pub.d June 4th by T. Clay, 18 Ludgate Hill.]
Aquatint with hand colouring. Sheet approx 155 x 180mm (6 x 7"). Trimmed to image;
An inn on Brompton Road, the ancient track to the village of Brompton which extends from Knightsbridge to Fulham Road. From Pickett's 1812 book of 'Ninety-Six Speciments of Cottages-Bridges-Castles-Churches [...] Intended to facilitate the Improvement of the Student, and to aid the Practitioner, in Landscape Composition'. Aside from its function as an educational volume, the scenes in the book also provide many unusual views of London in the early 19th century. Abbey (Life in England) 168.
[Ref: 32301] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
[Chapel, Brompton Hospital.] To The Rev.d Sir Henry Foulis Bart. The Donor of the Chapel for the Hospital for Consumption, Brompton, and to the Committee of that Institution under whose management the building has been erected this View is respectfully inscribed by their most obedient Serv.t Edw.d Buckton Lamb, Arch.t.
F. Bedford, lith. Day & Son, Lith.rs to the Queen.
[n.d., c.1845.]
Tinted lithograph. Sheet: 225 x 300mm (9 x 11¾''). Dusty.
A view of the chapel at Brompton Hospital for consumption built and developed during the 1840s.
[Ref: 50531] £65.00
(£78.00 incl.VAT)
The Cadogan Pier Cheyne Walk Chelsea.
N. Handford Esq. Archt. C. Warren, delt.
Published April 17th 1841, by T. Faulkner, Chelsea.
Very scarce lithograph, two perspectives (viewed from the bank and the river) printed on a single sheet. Tipped into album page, sheet 330 x 485mm (13 x 19").
There was insufficient accommodation on the riverbank for passenger steamboats in the 1840s and piers were built into the Thames to accommodate them. Cremorne Gardens had its own landing place, with a regular service from London. In 1840 Old Swan pier and Chelsea Mall pier served the steamboats, but by 1841 Earl Cadogan had erected Cadogan pier in Cheyne Walk, designed by N. Handford, catering for a large number of summer passengers. The pier was rebuilt c. 1875 to accommodate Albert Bridge. Perhaps from the architect's prospectus. Longford Images of Chelsea: 131.
[Ref: 56073] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
Near Ranelagh, Chelsea. [&] New Buildings on Mill Bank, (near Ranelagh) intended for a Malt Distillery.
Drawn & etch'd by J.J. Smith, Engraver of the antiquities of London & its environs. [&] B. Cooper del. P. Audrinet Sculp.
[n.d. c.1797.] [&] [n.d. c.1800.]
Sheet with two images, etching and engraving. Sheet 482 x 330mm. 19 x 13". Very rare.
A view of a tree covered cottage near Ranelagh, Chelsea; [&] a view of buildings at Mill Bank, London where a malt distillery was due to be housed, various vessels on the Thames with barrels, horses and carriages on the waterfront. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 690; [&] -.
[Ref: 25940] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
[Chelsea from Cremorne Wharf.]
Walter W Burgess [signed in pencil lower right, with sun symbol.]
[n.d. c.1894.]
Etching, framed. Plate 178 x 285mm. 7 x 11¼".
Very fine view of the Thames. William Walter Burgess [1844 - 1908] annually exhibited his etchings at the Royal Academy from 1874 to 1903. Burgess was a full member of the Royal Engravers and such major museums as The British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, include his etchings in their permanent collections. From: Bits of Old Chelsea. A series of forty-one etchings by W. W. Burgess. Kegan Paul & Co.: London, 1894. Lonford: Images of Chelsea, 241.
[Ref: 18154] £420.00
[Old Clothes Shop, Milman's Street.]
[Walter W Burgess.]
[n.d. c.1894.]
Proof etching. 190 x 261mm (7½ x 10¼").
William Walter Burgess [1844 - 1908] annually exhibited his etchings at the Royal Academy from 1874 to 1903. Burgess was a full member of the Royal Engravers and such major museums as The British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, include his etchings in their permanent collections. From: Bits of Old Chelsea. A series of forty-one etchings by W. W. Burgess. Kegan Paul & Co.: London, 1894. Longford: Images of Chelsea, 614.
[Ref: 18155] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
The House att Chelsea in the County of Middlesex.
[after Johannes Kip.]
[Leiden: Pieter van der Aa, c.1720.]
Engraving. 130 x 165mm (5 x 6½"). Very large margins. Unusually no central creases. Collector's mark verso in ink; Ink mss. numeral in bottom right.
A reduced version of Kip's view of Chelsea, published in James Beverell's 'Les Delices de la Grande Bretagne et de L'Irlande'.
[Ref: 38402] £75.00
(£90.00 incl.VAT)
A View of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea & the Rotunda in Ranelagh Gardens....Vüe de l’Hópital Royale de Chelsea et de la Rotunda des Jardins de Ranelagh. [&] Chelsea College & Ranelagh-house. [&] View of Ranelagh.
[Third image:] S. Wale delin. B. Green sc Oxon.
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer, Map & Printseller at the Golden Buck near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street. [n.d. c.1760.] [&] [1792.] [&] [1761.]
Sheet with three images, two engravings and and aquatint in sepia. Sheet 483 x 330mm. 19 x 13".
Three views including the Chelsea Hospital as founded by Charles II in 1681, which served as a retirement and nursing home for British soldiers. The Ranelagh Gardens, Rotunda and House which adjoined Wren's Hospial, became a popular place to escape the city. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 9; [&] 21; [&] 320.a.
[Ref: 25921] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
The Royal Hospital. [&] Chelsea Hospital. River Front. [&] Chelsea Hospital.
G. Hughes sculp.t [&] Jones. Wood. [&] Turner del. Storer sculp.
[1829.] [&] [n.d. c.1855.] [&] [1795.]
Sheet with three images, lithograph and two engravings. Sheet 485 x 330mm. 19 x 13".
Three views of Christopher Wren's Chelsea Hospital, founded by Charles II for ill, and old British soldiers. The second two images seen from across the River Thames, with various vessels in the foreground, the middle image in particular with a rowing regatta and supporters on the flotilla in the near foreground, the steamer 'Cityzen' to the left. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 74; [&] 53; [&] 22.
[Ref: 25924] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
James Pilton's Manufactory, King's Road, Chelsea, Middlesex. The Interior of the Menagerie, Displaying Ornamental Works for Country Residences, and Specimens of the Invisible Fence. [&] Back View of the Retreat Lunatic Asylum. Kings Road Chelsea, near London.
[Second image:] Painted by I. Stewart. Engraved by Josiah Neele 352 Strand.
Mercier and Chervet, printers, 32, Little Bartholomew Close. [n.d. c.1809.] [&] [n.d. c.1860.]
Sheet with two images, wood engraving and engraving. Sheet 490 x 330mm. 19¼ x 13".
It was in 1809 when James Pilton's Manufactory in King's Road advertised its fences, verandahs and other ornamental metalwork; [&] a view a Blacklands House, the lunatic asylum on the King's Road, Chelsea. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 525.i; [&] Copy of 523.
[Ref: 25925] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
The House att Chelsey in the County of Middlesex. [&] A View of Chelsea. Vüe du Village de Chelsea.
[van der Aa, n.d. c.1707.] [&] London Printed for Robert Sayer, Map & Printseller, near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street. [n.d. c.1744.]
Sheet with two images, two engravings. Sheet 490 x 330mm. 19¼ x 13".
A plan overlooking Chelsea Gardens to Holland House, Camden House and Kensington House; [&] a view of Chelsea from the Surrey bank of the River Thames with one of the wings of Wren's Chelsea Hospital to the right. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 245; [&] 250.
[Ref: 25929] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
Stadium, Cremorne House, Chelsea.
R. Martin Lithog. 124, High Holborn.
[n.d. c.1832.]
Hand coloured lithograph on india laid paper, india 135 x 170mm. 5¼ x 6¾". Rare
A view in Cremorne Gardens, Chelsea, named after Thomas Dawson, Lord Cremorne, and the site of his former residence. In the early part of the 19th century, Lord Cremorne's mansion, known as Chelsea Farm, was often visited by George III, Queen Charlotte, and the Prince of Wales. The natural beauty of the situation led to the grounds being opened to the public as the ‘Stadium’. See Longford: 354.
[Ref: 18209] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Chelsea.] [&] Chelsea, Midd.x
[n.d. c.1800.] [&] Pub. Feby. 4. 1809, by S. Woodburn No.112 St Martin's Lane, London.
Sheet with two images, two etchings, one with watercolour. Sheet 482 x 330mm. 19 x 13".
A pair of views of the parish church of All Saints at Chelsea; now known as Chelsea Old Church.
[Ref: 25945] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Park Chapel Chelsea Built 1718.
Drawn on Stone by Frances Faulkner 1841.
Lithograph. Sheet 485 x 330mm. 19 x 13". Very scarce.
This was built in 1718 as a proprietary chapel in the grounds of what was then Chelsea Park and was under the ownership of Richard Manningham, the son of the Bishop of Chichester. In 1810 Park Chapel was enlarged to serve the growing urban population, resulting in a building seating 1,200 people. God was much at work here, and the congregation grew to a very healthy size. However a crisis point came in 1855 when the Chapel’s owner, the wealthy banker Sir John Paul Dean, was found guilty of fraud. Sir John was imprisoned and his assets sold off to pay his debtors, including Park Chapel. However, it was bought at auction by the congregation and put into a trust. Not in Longford.
[Ref: 25949] £130.00
(£156.00 incl.VAT)
A View of the River Thames from the end of Chelsea. [&] Another View of the River from Chelsea. [&] A View of the River Thames from the end of Chelsea.
Chas. White Sc.t [&] Chas. White Sc.t [&] J.B. Chatelain Fecit.
[Published 12th May 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, 53, Fleet Street London.] [&] [n.d. c.1794.] [&] [Publish'd May 2d: 1750. Accordg. to Act of Parliament].
Sheet with three images, three engravings. Sheet 494 x 330mm. 19½ x 13".
View of the Thames from the riverbank at Chelsea; a man attempts to kiss a woman who pulls away in foreground; a girl milks a cow to the right; a few boats on the river, and houses by the riverbank in distance; [&] View in Chelsea next to the River Thames, which is on the left; a river path and road on the right, a few figures strolling in foreground. [&] View of the river, flowing from the left foreground and around a bend, with houses lining the river to right and several vessels, including two sailing boats on shore in the right foreground. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 203; [&] 199; [&] 202.
[Ref: 25957] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
A View of the River Thames from Chelsea [two variants after Jean Baptiste Chatelain (1710? - 1771).] [With] [A drawing of the Thames at Chelsea.] (3)
[British, c. 1790s.]
Two etchings tipped into a single folio album leaf. Together with fragment strip from a panorama of Chelsea pasted between, pen & ink with bluish-grey wash. Sheet 485 x 330mm, 19 x 13". Drawing soiled and stained; the two prints lacking margins.
The printed compositions are almost identical, with changes to the figures in the foreground: above, a couple with their backs to the viewer looking out over the water; in the image below in their place a woman guides a child along the top of a wall. Also a pedlar approaches from right, his wares in a tray strapped to his front. This etching is signed 'Chas. White Sct' and is numbered 'No.3' upper right, for 'Six Views of the Thames', Laurie & Whittle. The drawing is in the manner of Joseph Farington (1747 - 1821). Guildhall Library Record: 6832. Longford Images of Chelsea: 201.
[Ref: 25697] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
[A View of Chelsea.]
Vivares fecit.
[British, n.d., c. 1740s.]
Large etching, proof on watermarked laid paper, printmaker's name in scratched letters (twice). sheet 330 x 485mm, 13 x 19". Centrefold crease, cut.
Attractive view of the Thames at Chelsea with figures including ferryman on the bank in left foreground, beside a fisherman; another carrying a net over his shoulder to right, boats on the water and upmarket residences on the opposite side of the river. First published by Bowles in 1744, this print is listed in the 1753 Bowles catalogue, p.44, under the title 'Perspective Views in and about London', and is number 13. After John Maurer (fl.1713 - c.1761). Longford Images of Chelsea: 250.
[Ref: 25700] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Chelsey Colledge.
I. Kip sculp. V1: B1: P214.
[n.d. c.1720.]
Hand-coloured etching. Plate 247 x 343mm. 9¾ x 13½". Fold through centre.
Bird's eye view of Chelsea College, or Chelsea Hospital, seen from the road; formal gardens surrounding hospital with fields in the background.
[Ref: 26955] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
A View of the River Thames from Chelsea.
Chas. White, Sct.
[London, n.d., c.1794.]
Rare etching. 120 x 170mm (4¾ x 6¾). Two small stitching marks in the left margin.
A charming view; in the foreground a woman guides a child along the top of a wall. A pedlar approaches from right, his wares in a tray strapped to his front. Numbered 'No.3' upper right, for 'Six Views of the Thames', Laurie & Whittle. After Jean Baptiste Chatelain (1710? - 1771). Guildhall Library Record: 6832. Longford Images of Chelsea: 201. For an uncut sheet of 'Six Views of the Thames' see ref. 4028.
[Ref: 53573] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
Old Chelsea. 16
Seymour Haden.
[n.d., c.1872].
Etching. Plate: 200 x 120mm (8 x 4¾"), with wide margins.
View of Old Chelsea from the Thames. From 'Etchings for the Art Union of London Etching Club' 1872. One of the pioneers of the 19th century etching revival, Sir Francis Seymour Haden (1818-1910) married the sister of James McNeill Whistler and became an important influence on the American-born etcher's style
[Ref: 35121] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
View Of Chelsea & Battersea, from East Wandsworth.
J. Farington R.A. delt. J. C. Stadler Sculpt.
Pub. June 1, 1795, by J. & J. Boydell, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall, & No. 90, Cheapside.
Fine hand coloured aquatint, with very large margins. Printed area: 215 x 320mm (8½ x 12½"). Slight staining in margin.
Plate 10 from Joseph Farington's (1747 - 1821) 'History of the River Thames', 1794, a two-volume publication including 76 aquatints. A very fine view of Chelsea and Battersea looking north across the River Thames. The old Battersea Bridge can just be seen with Battersea Church in front to the right. Abbey: 432.
[Ref: 33467] £290.00
(£348.00 incl.VAT)
['The Little Gate' - Chelsea.]
Theodore Roussel [etched in plate and signed in pencil.]
[n.d., c.1890.]
Etching, 205 x 165mm. 8 x 6½".
The fine wrought-iron gate to 4 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. By Theodore Casimir Roussel (1847 - 1926), English painter and etcher of French birth. He was born and educated in France and settled in England in 1878, when he quickly established a reputation. In 1885 he was introduced to James McNeill Whistler, his neighbour in Chelsea, London, and in consequence a lifelong friendship was formed. In 1888 Whistler introduced him to the techniques of etching and drypoint. As Roussel was a member of Whistler’s London circle his work was influenced by the latter in style and choice of subject-matter. Scarce. Guichard: pg.57. Longford 'Images of Chelsea': 552.
[Ref: 11675] £330.00
Another View of the River from Chelsea. No.2
Chas. White Sc.t
[n.d. c.1794.]
Copper engraving. Plate 120 x 172mm. 4¾ x 6¾". Crease through centre, not visible from front.
View of River Thames from Chelsea. To the right of the tree a young couple with a girl, other figures walking along the sidewalk and rowing in the river. From 'Six Views of the Thames, 1794'. Longford: 199.
[Ref: 20071] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
[Lindsey House, Chelsea.]
C.W. Sherborn signed in pencil.
Etching 130 x 355mm, 5 x 14inches.
Atmospheric view of Cheyne Walk. Charles William Sherborn, artist British [1831 - 1912]. Images of Chelsea :226
[Ref: 10920] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
View at Chelsea 1784.
W. Beilby Pinx.t. F Jukes fecit.
London Published Nov. 10.th [1784] by F. Jukes at N.o 16 Howland S.t
Fine coloured aquatint, sheet 230 x 260mm (9 x 10¼"). Trimmed within plate and glued to backing sheet at top. In mount.
Attractive view from the bank of the Thames at Chelsea, London, oval in aquatint masonry frame; with a distant view of All Saints Church, and Battersea Bridge. A carriage travelling down road in foreground, a barge is moored to the right. William Beilby (1740-1819) was a British glassworker known to have produced eminent enamelled glass during the later half of the 18th century. He was brought up in Durham and then later sent as an apprentice to Birmingham until his father's business failed forcing the family to move in 1757 to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to start again. The family then moved again in 1778 to London, then to Scotland. During this period, the family produced no more glass, but Beilby painted more of his exquisite water colours. The engraver, Francis Jukes (1745-1812) was a very early specialist in aquatint, which he learnt from Paul Sandby (1731-1809).
[Ref: 58162] £360.00
Chelsea From The Bridge.
Drawn from Nature by J.C. Burgess. 1829.
Printed by W. Day. 17. Gate Strt.
Coloured lithograph on india laid paper, image 270 x 360mm. Very scarce. Marginal stains from old tape on verso.
A view on the River Thames at Chelsea, with the tower of Chelsea Old Church behind the waterfront buildings. After John Cart Burgess (1798 - d. 1863), painter and writer. Son of William Burgess, he was the brother of Henry William Burgess and Thomas Burgess. Longford 152.
[Ref: 9227] £450.00
Old Chelsea. 1873.
Sherborn Ft. [in plate].
Etching. 145 x 68mm x 60mm.
Charles William Sherborn [1831 - 1912]. Etcher and engraver, prominant designer working with Seymour Haden and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. A view looking to the east from near World's End.
[Ref: 7168] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[Two views in Chelsea, showing the Thames Coffee House.]
H Greaves 1857 [&] H&W Greaves 1860. [signed and dated in plate.]
Pair of etchings, 265 x 310mm, 10½ x 12¼". [&] 250 x 355mm, 9¾ x 14". Paper age toned and lightly soiled. Chipped and tatty margins.
The Thames Coffee House, Chelsea, looking west towards the Cricketers pub and Chelsea Old Church, and the same building, on the corner of Laurence Street, looking east and dated three years later. Two aspects of the same street in Old Chelsea, before the redevelopment and embankment of the area as Cheyne walk. Carlyle Mansions now stands on this site. By Walter (1846 - 1930) and Henry Greaves, Chelsea residents and close associates of Whistler. Longford 'Images of Chelsea': undescribed.
[Ref: 11788] £790.00
view all images for this item
Turner's house Chelsea (sunrise)
CW Sherborn Invt et ft aqua forti. London Jany 1874 Delatre Imp.
Etching, scratched letters, 140 x 255mm. 5½ x 10". One slight stain to image, age toning.
J.M.W. Turner's House, Nos. 118 and 119, Cheyne Walk. Charles William Sherborn (1831 - 1912). Etcher and engraver, prominant designer working with Seymour Haden and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Longford Images of Chelsea: 243.
[Ref: 9616] £220.00
(£264.00 incl.VAT)
View of Chelsea & Battersea from East Wandsworth.
J. Farington R.A. delt. J. C. Stadler Sculpt.
Pub. June 1, 1795, by J. & J. Boydell, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall, & No. 90, Cheapside.
Sepia aquatint. 320 x 220mm.
From the 'History of the River Thames'. Abbey: 432.
[Ref: 2401] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
A Prospect of Chelsea Bridge Water-Works.
Sold by A.Benoist at Mr.Masons next door to the Golden Ball in the Hay Market, over against the Opera House - According to Act of Parliament. [n.d., c.1750].
Engraving with small margins. Plate 220 x 385mm.. 8¾" x 15¼".
The Chelsea Waterworks Company was formed in 1723 and supplied water to Westminster and adjacent parts. It introduced the first iron main in London in 1746. The company held water in reservoirs in Hyde Park and Green Park and pumped water through an elaborate sysstems of canals which covered a large area of today's Pimlico. As the years marched by the water was becoming more and more contaminated and the Company installed the first Sand filtration operation to purify the water. Eventurally in the late nineteenth century the company became part of the Metropolitan Water Board. Longford: 645. the location of the water works is shown in Rocque's map of Chelsea, ref. 18215
[Ref: 26908] £250.00
(£300.00 incl.VAT)
[Cheyne Walk, Chelsea in 1871]
W.W.B. [Walter William Burgess]
Etching, 255 x 325mm to platemark. Signed in pencil lower left.
View looking Eastwards along Cheyne Walk showing Cadogan Pier. The historic Magpie & Stump public house, which dated from the days of Henry VIII, is visible on the left. The pub was burnt down in 1887. William Walter Burgess (1844 - 1908), who annually exhibited his etchings at the Royal Academy from 1874 to 1903. Burgess was a full member of the Royal Engravers and such major museums as The British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, include his etchings in their permanent collections. Longford 133.
[Ref: 22457] £320.00
Chelsea College [inscribed in pencil near bottom.]
[n.d. c.1794.]
Pen and ink, paper watermarked: L. Munn 1794. 230 x 355mm (9¼ x 14"). Laid at edges on sheet.
A river entrance to the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, with a mooring spot, predating the construction of the Embankment.
[Ref: 29969] £350.00
[The Duke of York's Headquarters.]
[n.d. c.1810.]
Fine original watercolour. 229 x 363mm. 9 x 14¼".
Duke of York's Headquarters, in Chelsea. The building was completed in 1801 and designed by John Sanders, who similarly designed the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. In 1892 it was renamed the Duke of York's Royal Military School.
[Ref: 18194] £420.00
The Church of the Holy Trinity Upper Chelsea.
[n.d., c.1825.]
Lithograph on india laid paper, sheet 145 x 100mm. 5¾ x 4". Sheet trimmed. Glued to scrap sheet.
The old Holy Trinity Church on Sloane Street, Chelsea, built by James Savage in 1828 - 1830. Longford Images of Chelsea 477.
[Ref: 11804] £50.00
(£60.00 incl.VAT)
Chelsey Colledge.
I. Kip Sculp.
[n.d., c.1691.]
Engraving. Plate: 250 x 340mm (9¾ x 13¼''), with very large margins. Central crease as issued, foxing.
A view of the Chelsea College, a theological college founded by James I in 1609. The college was never completed and when Charles II founded a hospice for veterans in 1682 the college was chosen as the site for the Royal Hospital Chelsea.
[Ref: 50552] £110.00
(£132.00 incl.VAT)
[South East View of Chelsea Hospital.]
[Drawn & Publish'd by George Lynn, Chelsea, June 10, 1818, and Sold by Thos. Faulkner, Paradise Row, Chelsea.]
Etching, unfinished proof before aquatinting. Sheet 345 x 470mm (14 x 18½"). Tear in right edge, pencil notes underneath.
An early proof of Lynn's view of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, with figures promenading in the grounds, with only the etched outlines of the buildings and figures. See Longford Images of Chelsea: 82 for the completed print.
[Ref: 51301] £230.00
(£276.00 incl.VAT)
South East View Of Chelsea Hospital.
Drawn & Publish'd by George Lynn, Chelsea, June 10, 1818, and Sold by Thos. Faulkner, Paradise Row, Chelsea.
Hand coloured aquatint, very fine, image 290 x 450mm. 11½ x 17¾". Small chip and hole upper left; unexamined out of frame.
The Royal Hospital Chelsea, with figures in the grounds. Chelsea Hospital is a retirement and nursing home for British soldiers who are unfit for further duty due to injury or old age, referred to as 'in-pensioners' (or more colloquially, as Chelsea pensioners). The Hospital was founded by King Charles II, who issued a Royal Warrant authorising the building of the Hospital on 22 December 1681, in order to make provision for old or injured soldiers. Many of these soldiers, who were no longer fit for service, had been kept on regimental rolls so that they could continue to receive payment, because there was an inadequate provision of pensions for them. Sir Christopher Wren was commissioned to design and erect the building. His design was based on the Hôpital des Invalides in Paris. The grounds of the Royal Hospital have been the site of the annual Chelsea Flower Show since 1913. This seems to be a separately issued plate. Longford Images of Chelsea: 82.
[Ref: 13254] £480.00
[Chelsey College.]
[I. Kip Sculp.]
[Publish'd according to Act of Parliament, for Stowe's Survey 1754.]
Rare & fine engraving with 18th century watermark. 250 x 330mm (9¾ x 13"). Trimmed within plate.
A view of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea from the north, with the Thames in the distance. A version similar to Johannes Kip's but without title, lacking people and some landscape gardening. See reference 19589. Unrecorded by Longford.
[Ref: 60581] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
[Chelsea College Avenue.]
[n.d. c.1875.]
Pen and ink drawing. 227 x 350mm (9 x 13¾"). Laid at edges on sheet.
The gardens at Chelsea Royal Hospital, with the hospital facade in the background behind the gate.
[Ref: 29968] £350.00
Chelsea Hospital
Published Nov.r 15 1800 by T. Malton.
Fine coloured aquatint with etching, sheet 280 x 400mm (11 x 15¾").
View looking across the front of Chelsea Hospital, in London; a few figures in foreground; illustration to Malton's 'Picturesque Tour'.
[Ref: 59019] £280.00
(£336.00 incl.VAT)
Chelsea Hospital.
Published Nov.r 15. 1800 by T. Malton.
Aquatint with etching, image 215 x 305mm. 8½ x 12". One small tear close to title repaired.
The Royal Hospital Chelsea, with figures in the grounds. Chelsea Hospital is a retirement and nursing home for British soldiers who are unfit for further duty due to injury or old age, referred to as 'in-pensioners' (or more colloquially, as Chelsea pensioners). The Hospital was founded by King Charles II, who issued a Royal Warrant authorising the building of the Hospital on 22 December 1681, in order to make provision for old or injured soldiers. Many of these soldiers, who were no longer fit for service, had been kept on regimental rolls so that they could continue to receive payment, because there was an inadequate provision of pensions for them. Sir Christopher Wren was commissioned to design and erect the building. His design was based on the Hôpital des Invalides in Paris. The grounds of the Royal Hospital have been the site of the annual Chelsea Flower Show since 1913. From 'A Picturesque Tour Through the Cities of London and Westminster, illustrated With the most interesting Views, accurately delineated And executed in Aquatinta by Thomas Malton', 1792 - 1801. Malton (1748 - 1804) was an architectural watercolourist and teacher of Thomas Girtin and Joseph Mallord William Turner; also an aquatinter, notably after his own designs of London views. Abbey Scenery: 204, 98. Longford Images of Chelsea: 81.
[Ref: 24624] £260.00
(£312.00 incl.VAT)
Chelsey College.
I. Kip Sculp.
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament, for Stowe's Survey 1754. [but c.1800].
Copper engraving. 250 x 330mm, 9¾ z 13". Edges chipped.
A view of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea from the north, with the Thames in the distance. Longford: 67.
[Ref: 19589] £190.00
(£228.00 incl.VAT)
The Royal Hospital of Chelsea.
[n.d., c.1750.]
Engraving, Plate: 170 x 245mm (6¾ x 9¾''), paper with 18th century watermark. Trimmed to plate and within plate on lower edge.
A view of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, founded as a hospice for veterans in 1682 by Charles II.
[Ref: 50555] £95.00
(£114.00 incl.VAT)
This Plate of the Royal Military Asylum and Training-College, -Chelsea, is respectfully dedicated by permission to the Rev.d G.R. Gleig M.A. Chaplain General to the Forces by his obedient and humble servant - Frederick Whitaker, Military Student. August 1856
F. Whitaker, Delt et Fecit
Printed by R. Appel's Anastatic Process
Zincograph, sheet 240 x 330mm (9½ x 13"). Creases; very scarce.
The Duke of York's Headquarters near Sloane Square in Chelsea, London, completed in 1801 to the designs of John Sanders. Originally the Royal Military Asylum, it was a school for the children of soldiers' widows. Part of the site is now occupied by the Saatchi Gallery, with another part used for an independent school.
[Ref: 41073] £240.00
(£288.00 incl.VAT)
Military College, Chelsea.
Rowlandson & Pugin delt. et sculpt. Sunderland aquat.
London Pub. Jany. 1, 1810, at R. Ackermann’s Repository of Arts 101 Strand.
Hand coloured aquatint, 245 x 280mm (9½ x 11"), large margins.
Interior view showing students attending a lecture at the Military College, Chelsea. Plate to Volume III of Rudolph Ackermann's 'Microcosm of London', 3 vols., 1808-10. Numbered 'Plate 99.' upper right. Abbey, Scenery: 212, 99.
[Ref: 56120] £160.00
(£192.00 incl.VAT)
[The Moravian Chapel and Burial Ground.]
Walter W Burgess [signed in pencil lower right, with sun symbol.]
[n.d. c.1894.]
Etching. Plate 127 x 203mm. 5 x 8". Slight discolouration from old mount.
William Walter Burgess [1844 - 1908] annually exhibited his etchings at the Royal Academy from 1874 to 1903. Burgess was a full member of the Royal Engravers and such major museums as The British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, include his etchings in their permanent collections. The Fetter Lane Moravian Church, the King's Road, Chelsea, London. It was founded in 1742 by members of the Church who had come to London in search of passage of the British colonies in the Caribbean in order to take the Gospel to the slave communities. From: Bits of Old Chelsea. A series of forty-one etchings by W. W. Burgess. Kegan Paul & Co.: London, 1894. Lonford: Images of Chelsea, 490.
[Ref: 18152] £180.00
(£216.00 incl.VAT)
Members of the National Club, cultivating various skilful and manly exercises. at the Stadium at Chelsea, being a British Arena, for such pursuits. [&] Dr. Mead.
Day & Haghe Lith.rs to the King, 17, Gate St. [&] J. Pass Sc.
[n.d. c.1831.] [&] [n.d. c1816.]
Sheet with lithograph and stipple. 482 x 330mm. 19 x 13".
In 1831 Charles Random de Berenger, self-styled Baron de Beaufain & Baron de Berenger, turned Cremorne House and grounds into a National Club for athletics, known as the Stadium. Unprofitable, in the 1840s it was changed into a pleasure gardens, with mock tournaments, pony races, banqueting halls, theatre, an American-style bowling saloon, and staged circus acts, balloon ascents and firework displays. It was De Berenger who had instigated the 'Great Stock Exchange Fraud' of 1814, which resulted in Admiral Thomas Cochrane's disgrace, keeping him out of the Royal Navy from 1814-32. [&] Dr Richard Mead (1673-1754) physician to George I, George II, Sir Isaac Newton and Robert Walpole. He encouraged the introduction of inoculation against the smallpox and was a great philanthropist and one of the first governors of the Foundling Hospital. He was also an unrivalled collector, whose old master paintings and ancient sculpture were available for study at his house in Great Ormond Street. Longford [Images of Chelsea]: 357. [&] In the National Library of Medicine.
[Ref: 25876] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)
[Viscount Cremorne.] [&] Chelsea Park. (2)
[Anon.] [&] Printed by C. Hullmandel.
[British, c.1800 - 1825.]
Portrait, proof stipple and etching before all letters, with lithograph view, both tipped into a single folio album leaf. Sheet 485 x 330mm, 18¾ x 13". The prints lacking some margin.
Cremorne Gardens, Lots Road SW10 are named for Thomas Dawson, 1st Viscount Cremorne (1725 - 1813); this portrait is by Charles Knight after Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830). Lord Cremorne bought Chelsea Farm, the house depicted below his portrait, in 1778. In 1831 it was purchased by Charles Random De Berenger, Baron De Beaufain who turned it first into a sports club and then opened the Cremorne Pleasure Gardens. Entertainment included concerts, fireworks, balloon ascents and galas. After its closure, the gardens were sold for building and soon built over. NPG D2225. See Longford Images of Chelsea 355, 'Chelsea Farm'.
[Ref: 25686] £120.00
(£144.00 incl.VAT)